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Everything posted by Utalk2muchon12oz

  1. uhhhhh NAVER n SWRVN back at it... This needed a.... Get free...Stay free....
  2. One of the only things I see those kids accomplishing is spending (probably their parents') money on Montana's only to waste it on those sick graffitis.
  3. No pretty please bad mister trivalley gangster. You got me shakin'. No seriously I am scared for my life.;) Does somebody need a hug?
  4. BITCHES WE BE HOOKIN UP WITH BIG TIMERS NOW MFL/OMS/ISM ARE KINGS FOO WE RUN THIS SHIT WE PAINT WITH GRAFF LIFE WUT YOU TINK BOUT THAT ....YEEEEEEEEEEE...HYPHY 2008 AND BEYOND You made no point besides admitting you're an idiot and you don't get it in general. And don't try to clump me in that catagory. Then you're trying to bust me out for calling you out?!? I don't even need to comment on you; your words say plenty about you. Stay going dumb and hyphy; I'll continue my intellegent trip. I'm done. Say what ever you want I don't really give half a turd shit; just don't believe the hype kiddies...
  5. Oh and I forgot one more thing... That extremely hot spot only real hard core gangster ass niggas be knowin about. Shut that shit up you can fucking piece there and drink 40z, not to mentions leave them their to blow up the spot and come back a daylight flick it? You seriously see nothing wrong with this?
  6. Damn there are so many dumb statments made on this thread. Bustin out my homies' name changes, don't you think people might have changed their name for a fucking reason?!? Then there's gang talk in a 925 thread, :rolleyes: I'll leave that at that. And last but not least, I met many of the cats in Lords and thought they were pretty dope til I MET them. Don't get me wrong dope spagetti style, just not my thing, and dumb ass' riding dumb ass' coat tales, even more not my thing. And before you comment on my screen name, it's scarcastic...
  7. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. Get well homie.
  8. Rgue>Cake Cake87>Cake(Hella Rat-like) My balls all sweaty after a good work out>Cake That truck was dope when Rgue and Baer hit it then Fake came and got spot greedy, only to call Rgue greedy for taking back his own spot!?! And as many have already stated, with a lot more style. Not trying to talkshit like my gums were made of bile, but I just gotta state the facts before him and his little minions come on here e thugin. Nukka I'll pop a cap in yo hard drive blood; cuz I bees hord son! And thank you Phunk for continuously contributing...
  9. So i used to go to this dude who was a patient of mine right down the street from the club i used to work at. I intentionally brought a few bong loads of a very high sativa strain to smoke before he started cutting. This dude would take an hour to cut, but he never left a hair outta place. The last time i went in he wasn't there and I was in a hurry so I let the other dude chop me....bad mistake. It's a black barber shop and I'm not black. Not like they "wouldn't serve my kind round these parts", just they're used to short fades and toothpick side burns. I didn't realize until I got home that he turned my sideburns into little lines. Fuck that yo, side burns don't make the man, but they can make them look foolish. And rocking lines on my face aint kosher. I see you Towel...lurkin like a lurker...
  10. That aint Towel sonny. But bump that chic anyways. Wipe her down.. man she's such a slut. I'm not saying, I'm just saying...
  11. I look at HR cats like presidential speeches.... ...meaning while they talk with a little smirks on their faces; acting like they know what's up. Everyone actually hates them, with reason to, and know for a FACT (in fact many) they're full of shit. Quit smirking bitches we aren't laughing with you.
  12. This is how the bay area blackbook thread should always be looking, plenty of gems in threre, too many to mention, but thanks for them all. Actually though that Warf 2 page spread is magnificent hope he's feeling better from his tumble.
  13. ^^^^Co-signed.^^^^ Oh and I know the bay because i know so blah fucking blah, like ten straight pages of heavily bias self promo and little kiddy talk this shit is a perfect representation of 925, keep it up. And my personal advice for the older cats; chill with this net stuff, focus your energy on painting if you want to prove yourself so much. Go out and take trips, hit steel, oakland yards, frisco street shit, and often. Don't just hit one shot and post it five fucking time on here way homo. Your ego is becoming way too much of a factor. Let's all learn from that one unamed mark bitch who was the main reason east bay shits is dead after hella years. Even if you get up, just keep your moth shut it's looks a whole lot better on your part. If you read this good job, you're literate! For those who complain scroll through it or go fuck your mother.
  14. 1st....East Bay Shits can't ride but this school girl gossip runs? And don't say shit about me gossiping I'm just setting the record straight to kiddies who don't realize shit has been popin off since before they had the idea. 2nd....This is the best thread EVER! I really appreciate self promo especially from subpar suburbinites, with overblown egos. 3rd....And the kid speaking on Ruen/Ruel beef. You sound like a fool. Years ago there was a battle: the OG Ruen HA crew vs. Ruel GMC at the time I believe. I know Ruen and he's good people, he has since moved and has a family in another state, but he really let me know what was what before I really knew. I also really liked Ruel's style, a very solid funk straight letter from what I recall. I looked up to both, but Ruen sounded like a girl bitching and not doing anything. And Ruel seemed to be a graff bully constantly putting L's over ruens N's and vice versa. Lost respect for both after that, mainly because it seemed as though they bombed harder going against one another, not just doing it for the fun or progression. Last but not least....Sorry for the essay, but you didn't have to read shit.
  15. back in the day day I found a patch a mushrooms and busted out the mushroom book to see if they were magical. They displayed more than three characteristics of the magic shrooms that grow around my way...long story short I gave them to a lab rat-esk person. who in turn gave them to a friend. That person tripped for the whole night before some very important test the day after. They were real but still wet so not as potent. I went back and they were ganked up already. later that night I had ten messages from the girls boyfriend saying I made his girl miss her test. Why would someone who is about to take a test to see if they can even get into the firm/company/agency even fuck around the night before. I understand parting and all but some just have some whacked out priorities. P.S. I found out later he was the one who ganked up all the rest, what a bitch on so many levels.
  16. There is a doucheyness waifting through the thread, not from the posters, but the postee's. Negative Bump the tight sag.
  17. Bump that one nigga LORDS. He is up and writes so many different names a true originator. I feel like some won't take this with sarcasm, so this IS a joke. Just like the rest of this site... Bump my nuts hoe... Kiddies learn from Belk, the interweb ain't the place to get up.
  18. Aider has come quite a way...I wish I could say the same about myself. Bump Silence, Tenfold, Cymes (Most slept on ever), Jurne, Old ugly bus hopper flows, CEAK$, crappy fills over even crappier outlines, KTD, an old ass ORFN tag from 94 on the inside of my main stores warehouse piping?!? Oh and my iphone and racer 5... Hope your feeling better WARFACE the tumble taker. We met right before your accident and you seemed like good people, I wish you well. Besides I miss seeing your random demented looking characters popping up outta nowhere. Peace SF.
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