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Everything posted by RUSO

  1. this thread is full of toxic waste. no pizza here to look at, keep moving folks.
  2. My shit looks more appetizing then your food. Next time you decide you wanna to post here, DON'T.
  3. SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS WORLD SERIES CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS WORLD SERIES CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I haven't posted here in a long time but I thought I'd share this. Both my dogs got sprayed by a skunk today and fuuuucking stuuuunk! I mixed 1 quart hydrogen peroxide 1/4 cup baking soda and a squirt of dish soap, scrubed it in good then gave them a bath with there regular shampoo and it got rid of the smell completely.
  6. Chris Dettmer http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1te3vbhWu1qjevt4o1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAI6WLSGT7Y3ET7ADQ&Expires=1333407735&Signature=vA6tTZfI6qjp9yJdaiMnYG4dHls%3D
  7. Any recommendations in SF (preferably at Black Heart) for a three word banner..? thanks
  8. rip your little buddy, sorry to hear that.
  9. 3 hours with Scott Sylvia yesterday, to be continued...
  10. time lapse whale tattoo...back piece by Matt Brotka
  11. ^I'm happy getting flash off the wall if done by someone I like. Myke Chambers
  12. The talent at Spider Murphy's is incredible, Paul Dobleman
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