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Toe Cutter

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Everything posted by Toe Cutter

  1. dude this is only the second thread i've ever made. the other one made it to like page 17 so i don't really see why youre calling me out man...
  2. bootbotty, no offence man, but he's kinda got a point. thats like a really erational fear...
  3. i bet sparks are really bad for you..... they probably dehidrate the heck out of you...
  4. WTF... why so many??! blood fart does that make u want to juat lay down and let them smother you?
  5. i have no freakin clue..... because if you look closely the pillars completely block off the ledge..:confused:
  6. no......he got busted lol he will have to do comunity service.....lol
  7. rofl.....he wants to get his props for hitting a heaven spot......:lol: :lol:
  8. if you guys can't make a man talk thread take off maybe thats somthing that you should think about... not saying yall are inadequit men, but like seriously, you guys all talk like ur harcore men but i get the feeling it's all a fronting.
  9. so its pretty much like....lets say you owe somone some money, if you sell ur house than you can pay them with that money??:confused:
  10. i dont really have too many man...... i almost drownded a few times when i was younger and didnt know how to swim.. it was pool day where the last day of school every year we would take a field trip to the pool, i wanted to show off by cannon balling off the diving board and ended up getting rescued by a life guard. it wasnt really near death though... that was extrmely emberessing
  11. why do you subscribe to porno sites?
  12. do you have to drink a lot a alcohol to be a party master? thats kinda what you guys make it sound like.... j/w
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear bootybooty157, me too? -toe cutter
  14. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z62ObciDp3I
  15. so what are the diff prices between eaach consol. i think my limit is like 300 and i heard the 360 is like 400?
  16. usually its considrered inapropriate or wack to be a self proclaimed ''king'', somone else needs to call you one before u can take the reputaion. same goes for getting a belt buckle with your name or crew name, somone must give it to u in order for you to have it. therefor meaning you really earned it.
  17. this is the perfect thread. im going to ask for one of these for christmas and am not quite sure which one to ask for...
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