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Everything posted by lil_spenty

  1. just eat them. its going to be fun. literally anything you do is going to be hilarious and enlightening.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear bostonsnewestink, when i move up there shortly, can we play this game you speak of? yours truly, ineedtotakeashitoner
  3. hahahahahahahahahaa it took me a while to get.
  4. lil_spenty


    say brah, that trucks not big enough.
  5. lil_spenty


    i like how he looks jewish, and theres jew subtitles.
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear girlfriend, fuck you and your alcoholic family. fuck your mom. for not being coherent, ever. and your dad. for not even being your dad. and for making 8 dollars an hour at the golf shop. im moving to boston. eat shit and die, fuckyou.
  7. lil_spenty


    ya'll seen that movie mash? how could you go that fast downhill on a fixed gear, thats insane.
  8. this is like some kind of 'bad lieutenant' thingy. this looks like crap compared to herzogs other classics. and there are no new orleans homicide detectives.
  9. how much coke/hookers? HIVIP lounge.
  10. if i could only bring one album to be stranded on an island with... this would be it.
  11. and a good lathering of mayo to lube that baby up.
  12. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  13. uhhh... dude? i wouldnt do it if i were you.
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