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Everything posted by lil_spenty

  1. what ya got in the planters? when i get settled in my new pad i need to grow my own food. its therapeutic.
  2. did you build the whole thing?
  3. cheese is definitely rad i must agree.
  4. shit like this gets so deep. i dig stuff like this. it makes my brain squirm.
  5. i see you smoke alot of weed.
  6. i feel sorry for the one dude in that episode where he smuggles weed from mexico over the border. he got a girl pregnant in prison and never saw her again.
  7. would you like some cheese with that wine?
  8. lil_spenty


    banjo kazooie.
  9. buy this: for your consideration. i love these dudes. buy their dvds.
  10. tonight-hanging out on 12oz saturday-new orleans sunday-whatever
  11. i thought suicide only put out one album
  12. hmmm... maybe. im in the process of moving though.
  13. dude you got coke surfaces all over the house. no but really, its a nice pad you got.
  14. i would definitely consider this metal for its time:
  15. some asians just called me today. i hate craigslist, its so unreliable. you cant even get real no strings attached sex on there anymore.
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