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Fist 666

12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Fist 666

  1. is anyone else as excited as me to get to bed before 2300 hours?
  2. Fist 666


    they are the standard for everything except 20s. schraeder valves are used on dept store bikes and on 20s, some 24s.
  3. surprised isn't the word, perhaps stunned? shocked? appalled? disappointed?
  4. i'm a fucking wizard, didn't you know? also. agreed, knowledge of alcohol is key. esp. when dealing with microbreweries and wine. everything is different, style/method/etc of brewing/barreling/etc.... there is so much to know about wine...
  5. Fist 666


    i've never ridden georgia. i've had a lot of fun in north florida--tallahassee specifically--though.
  6. Fist 666


    oh i know that. i ride s/s xc with 36/17. just saying that fixed mountain biking is in no way shape or form for me...
  7. Fist 666


    i've heard of it being done, but fuck that... i won't even try it. i use my freewheel all the time on trails, for balance, log crossings, etc. fixed on a straight road/track is one thing, on a quick switch single track scattered with boulders... not going to happen.
  8. Fist 666


    thats labelled downhill, but its not. freeride/northshore. i've ridden some, its shitloads of fun, real fast with fun gaps and park stuff. i prefer regular xc on singletrack...
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread i hate myself. i committed myself to be sober for 40 days. its day 34. it sucks. we went out tonight. all my friends are engaged here, but they go out just to drink. every decent looking girl in the bar came and talked to THEM. the only attention i got was from this fat girl that liked my glasses, then when i didn't want to go home with her she accused me of homosexuality. right, because i don't participate in fucking whale sex i must be gay. fuck. alcohol makes me less up tight so i can atleast talk to girls and steal them from my engaged friends. fuck. one more week. ass better be raining on me next weekend. fuck this shit. going to bed. i hope everyone else gets herpes
  10. i do have a wireless mouse. it runs through a USB thingy (techie i am not...). i haven't set up any bluetooth programs though. i installed it right away, so i don't know that the screen saver has ever worked accordingly. do i gotta kill the mouse?
  11. basics: i've got a toshiba notebook running on windows vista. problem: my screensaver won't "turn on." i've adjusted all standards, applied, ok'd, restarted etc and the screensaver will not come on unless the log in screen is up. if my desktop is showing it won't come on so if i'm just running winamp or itunes (minimized) it won't come on...
  12. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD nice. i just bought that movie. "mind the suit, i plan on wearing it for a long time."
  13. Fist 666


    /\/\haha. "tour de swedish erotica" ask questions because a second opinion never hurts. sure, if he buys a helmet it will probably be from a bike shop and depending where he's at he might end up at some "bicycle village" or "performance" getting helped by shitbags, so atleast he can walk in with a base knowledge or a recommendation (or advice against a certain company, accordingly). i haven't owned a helmet in a few years, but due to "job regulations" i have to ride with one now. i've had bells and giros and been happy. i'm buying a new one this weekend.
  14. its hella earlier than usual, but 2330 is still kind of late for a 0600 wake up, wouldn't you agree? (goodnight ch-zizzle)
  15. four thousand and FIRSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!1 jk lolz is that still bannable? edit. shit. i got 4002nd anyways. has anyone seen "dead men don't wear plaid?"
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