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Everything posted by username0913

  1. are you serious? that shit is great
  2. whats so wrong with using tape? everyone seems to have this perfection stick up their asses...if you don't have control, or even if you do, taping is perfectly acceptable. lots of great writers, and i do mean LOTS use things like tape, can compasses and plumb lines when doing murals. are you telling me that atom, can two, bates, great and countless others are not good writers because they use tape? c'mon...thats horseshit. however people do their shit is their business...lets stop passing judgment simply because everyone doesnt do things the way things "should" be done shall we?
  3. do what you gotta to be precise and make the shit look good...mad people paint murals like that...that video's fuckin fresh as hell
  4. eyesore is one of those cats that when the aliens come, theyll look at him and ask how long hes been a sleeper agent his work will prevent extraterrestrial enslavement of humanity
  5. boredom, walking, camera, flix some yl work... i missed one but im lazy so ill get it another time
  6. see? what the hell do i know? i dont even have anywhere close to the work he does
  7. just to clarify for people, im not hating on emty...far from it in fact...i just have issues with his M in this piece. thats it. no hate just dont like the M...then again thats not an easy letter to tweak...it really isnt. no hate just an opinion is all
  8. thats funny right there^^ yo that flick does no justice to the sickness of that prodo...gotta zoom in some...show off the pieces...even if mind needs to piece with a dictionary :lol: feelin that edit with the crazyness plus the ill hand...not so much the emty....that din-gein joint is pretty ill too...get at me kids..BOTH of you
  9. how long has he been writing?
  10. so a while back i posted a painting with fragments all over it. joker tossed me a line and i ran with it. heres the result. plus a little something older.... ive lost sleep because this thing keeps showing up in my dreams. This thing has haunted me for years...still working on it though. opinions?
  11. soliloquy...damn someone got hooked up on some phonics...:lol: that piece really hit hard...it takes a hell of a man to put that out there, baring his souls as it were. in this game where everyone tries to be the hardest its good to see that some remain human
  12. spotted a ja truck the other day, wasnt fast enough to get a flick though...still it was pretty weet...the man kills it
  13. nice flix all around..that revenge shit is pretty dope...that yl shit too. gaze is so tight i cant even read it...wow That WU show was off the fucking hook...thankfully it wasnt as packed as last year...dj was dropping some nice tracks...wish turntablism at a hip hop show wasnt dead...
  14. that sucks. oh well time to stock up on ultra flat iguess...wtf...if only montana wasnt so damn expensive
  15. damn this dude is good...killin shit everywhere
  16. cool deal...rockin an 8 letter word isnt easy..mad props
  17. HAPPY NEW YEAR 12 OZ!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. ARE YOU SERIOUS?????????????????? WHAT THE FUCK yo yo yo yo my brain...oh good god...i feel like i just got laid...that shits fucking FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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