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Everything posted by username0913

  1. that syne throw is still there to this day. THAT is fucking king
  2. i stil have a pair of those 50" kikwears...and wear them to this day...those things are fucking awesome. keep the flix coming..this is fucking awesome....i wasnt even in the country when most of these were done...good god...old fucking school...
  3. that "first oak" looks a hell of a lot better than my first shit...that ges...wow . great to see shit from the past...fun to watch cts graff evolve over the ages beast and rlax...wow with an 'E' been a second since he broke that out..looking fresh getting better
  4. *takes notes furiously* history lesson in full effect
  5. that ichabod is fuckin FIRE!! think style is important, but those optimists are still pretty fucking fresh. such control of letters to be able to replicate the same thing, and keep them almost identical is a skill most people never bother to learn...check out cope2...his bombs are all the same, but i doubt anyone will tell him he sucks because of it....
  6. yeah definitely some kick ass pachyderms
  7. all about bombs...love the pieces in chill spots with mad time, but love the quick shit out on the street where the risk is increased 100 fold...thw fact that cats can be swift, and still crazy clean gets me everytime
  8. *waiting impatiently for more flix* ^^ that seems to be case a lot huh? definitely...especially having someone with a good head on their shoulders, instead of some jackass down on his own dick, or someone who just doesn't give a shit. The graff in CT would be a bit better for it don't you think?
  9. thats true. i dont have gutter street spots to showcase, but some people are definately trying to correct this. a lot of writers seem to be going directly to pieces without making this necessary stop, the result being shitty tags, and even shittier bombs...rather tag for 3-4 years and develop nasty skills than be able to piece right off the bat and have no handstyle whatsoever. guess we'll see what the future hold for this somewhat dying element.
  10. these are a ghost type...duskull i think..fuckers are hard to catch. fuck that its all about scyther and scizor
  11. thats some funny shit right there :lol:
  12. that jive is cool...nice lines gauze poppin off the wall with that irm just relaxin looking bored..that beast is pretty cool looking as well who would have thought someone would throw a magicarp in a prodo...shit now imma hafta throw a gyarados just to keep up :lol: (if anyone knows what a gyarados is without looking it up your just as huge a geek as i am)
  13. that alleyway fuckin rocks. props to mind for great perspective work. keep that shit flyin homie...watch yourself at that spot...that goes to everyone...toys with no work and very little skill like to rush people there
  14. good point good point...but i dont think one should think less of someone because of sencil use. its just another facet added to the craft...thats my opinion...i dont really have enough time in to have one but thats what i think
  15. those sketches are fucking hot. seriously. ^^^ bump. anyone who knows these guys know they're a bunch of cool guys. true, they don't have the time in the game of a Ouija or an Abyss, but they still throw down some good shit. since when was stenciling not allowed? creativity comes in all forms doesn't it?. still your opinion is your own and you're entitled to it, but the ends justify the means, and all i've seen from them has been nothing but good creative stuff. scroll back a few pages, take a look but yeah...bump that comment.
  16. lovin that HH/TSI shit, and that yl shit. fuckin FIRE out this bitch
  17. i dont care who you are thats funny right there
  18. good lord. That ouija is well...i think everyone has the same opinion. skills all day. love that sabu (homicidal, suicidal, genocidal maniac) and that jimboe is pretty tight. anyone checking out open studio this weekend?
  19. nice...could have done without the fenway banners though
  20. hartford hardcore rockin shit as always...that limit is cool as hell...mr "i cant freestyle shit"
  21. ahhhh my bad. thanks for the correction.:spin:
  22. mind with the abstract...bump that jiz....been following this guy fpr a good long while....crisp clean and outta control..hell of a train guys..keep that shit rockin
  23. fuck the red sox. fat chicks need lovin too....but they gotta pay..bump those limits
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