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Everything posted by username0913

  1. does this apply to REO? curious, not starting shit
  2. @ism: yo dope flix....it keeps surprising me everytime i see a 4skor piece, because there isnt anything left of him in hartford...the few things i saw are gone now
  3. hahahahahahaha this makes my night! ive asked before..can we get a definition of what exactly biting is? then can we find ONE writer in the world that isnt a "biter" in some way shape or form. i dare you find ONE
  4. i think its funny when people call other folks names....kindergarten regression... anyway....flicks...hopefully these will do in lieu of midol.... the connection sucks balls...but you get the idea...one man..two days...1 ill prodo. wish this would pop up more often *cough* talking to you YAGE*cough* yes i know theres a train writer with this name. he didnt, so mistakes were made, names were changed. wish this were still running...wish he were still writing...WHERE ARE YOU ADROCK? and no i dont mean you... yeeeeeaah boyeeeee! dat watermelon.....miss this colour bunches....*sigh* uh huh. loved the fill on this one...check the limit off to the side say it with me now....WERD!!! rels...with part of a REpent..i realize i dont have any personal REPENT flicks...hmm..interesting once again....WERD!!! while we're on the subject of DIN.... that track jacket-sunglasses wearin super secret agent.... this was him, not even a year in.... lest we forget...he still exists. this is probably still there, provided it hasnt been capped sorry for the recycling.....someone else, post new flicks...everyone else,please stop bickering. being right on a message board isnt important...can we please quit it? shouldnt we be more worried about someone else indiscriminately capping everyone?
  5. whats wrong with being a Juggalo...?
  6. Check it gotta pause it to catch em but check DIE clan
  7. dude seriously, i dont care what your beef is with TSI, but please take it elsewhere. please. there is no need to air your dirty laundry and suffocate those of us that are trying to use this thread for something positive. thanks
  8. choir, not quier, unless you were trying for a play on queer.
  9. you can tell a lot about someone by their handwriting...
  10. wow 4skor....now if only octor would appear somewhere....
  11. cool cool cool. you make a great point. im not calling him a biter, lets make that clear. he rocks that character really well, better than i would, so no shit talk there. it would be like calling anyone who used a bode character, or threw in wolverine a biter, which is stupid. thats not the point here. that was posted to say this, or rather to ask this; where is the line drawn between taking influence, and biting? what defines biting? is it all just a matter of opinion? its a simple term people throw around,often without merit, so i wanted to see if i could get a decent answer.
  12. seems like FBR isnt the only crew TSI has issues with hahahahaha oh yeah boys its about to be a hot hot hot summer...make sure you got your sunscreen meet the armourines! always wondered where id seen that kwote character before...i guess that accusation a while back wasnt too far off eh?
  13. is this an emty tag? Caught this at the NIN/Janes Addiction show at the Comcast noth death, DEAF...you take two hits you wont be able to hear SHIT! was this CRAZE done by seroc tnt?
  14. its also about having a concept of letter structure, and flow, something neither of you have got down yet, so how about you n00bs quit the PMSing until your balls drop hmm?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjjo6QVfxXk this ones worse
  16. because this is the example we have set for the world. this is what happens when you speak out against a crooked government. read up on the iranian "elections" this is what happens when america sticks its nose in everyones business so a few can get richer...death is big business man.
  17. why do people pay for stickers?
  18. some people dont know history...it happens..why is this such a big deal? i didnt know who half these heads were when i first started..i learned as i went. its one thing to enter ignorant, and quite another to remain that way... instead of criticizing someone for not having your encyclopedic knowledge of ct graff history, why not post a quick rundown? or history as you know it..turn this "who the fuck is...?" into a history lesson, something one can read and understand? just sayin...if our history is meant to be partially a spoken one, maybe we should start speaking in a language other than egocentricism? the flicks are definitely there, but what is a flick without the thousand words it replaces?
  19. ^^ what you know about prodney rice?
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