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Everything posted by username0913

  1. so a while back i posted a painting with fragments all over it. joker tossed me a line and i ran with it. heres the result. plus a little something older.... ive lost sleep because this thing keeps showing up in my dreams. This thing has haunted me for years...still working on it though. opinions?
  2. soliloquy...damn someone got hooked up on some phonics...:lol: that piece really hit hard...it takes a hell of a man to put that out there, baring his souls as it were. in this game where everyone tries to be the hardest its good to see that some remain human
  3. spotted a ja truck the other day, wasnt fast enough to get a flick though...still it was pretty weet...the man kills it
  4. nice flix all around..that revenge shit is pretty dope...that yl shit too. gaze is so tight i cant even read it...wow That WU show was off the fucking hook...thankfully it wasnt as packed as last year...dj was dropping some nice tracks...wish turntablism at a hip hop show wasnt dead...
  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR 12 OZ!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. ARE YOU SERIOUS?????????????????? WHAT THE FUCK yo yo yo yo my brain...oh good god...i feel like i just got laid...that shits fucking FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. nice tits on the ladies...keep it hot for ya boy yea? dont lie raw..i know you hit that shit at least once...i would fuck mesto . who told him he could be that good?
  8. wow. all hot shit..keep it comin
  9. that liv that limt that cream that jive FIRE! that imaje is pretty cool...kids nly been painting since last summer and already he's nice as hell.. wiish the montana wasnt so much, but at least theres no minimun or shipping to worry about...wish the krylon they sold wasnt so taed though...its like almost $7 a can *ouch*
  10. *gathers the pieces of his mind*
  11. ooooo not cool but bump those flix
  12. din and his microscopic pieces...good lord man...use the space :lol:
  13. hahahahahahahahaha. what a wake up present. good morning 12oz bringing the fuckin ruckus
  14. wow. im fucking speechless ... bump this whole shit.
  15. bump those emits...for real shits fresh
  16. all those nis pieces are fresh...i dig that bump that eyon skem piece....shits fire...who would have thunk to do that?
  17. nice colours on that live/din hh prodo...mad dope...bump all these flix....hit me with more
  18. yoooooooooooooooo that irm is craaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!!! nice flix...more research is needed...but damn...most of this is stuff ive never seen by writers ive either been told about of *shudder* never heard of till now *shudder* more knowledge please!!! whatever happened to vile, brat and eros?
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