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Everything posted by mydeadfriends

  1. enewetak is brutal.... i wish i could be at that rorschach show...i have almost all their records minus one or two....
  2. goddamn that MENES RUCKUS SMOG FUCKING TAKES IT.......
  3. nasir oric check your messages. if you find out who it was let me know i might go along for a ride....
  4. Re: Eagles are fucking gangster. damn dude. when i was sailing here in washington myself and two others saw an eagle snatch a seagull out of the water. hands down it was one of the coolest things i ever saw.
  5. motherfucking rain!!!!! and fuck pigs even if they have tattoos and the people that talk to them....
  6. i think the top two albums that i've ever fucked to have been rain dogs and outkatst atliens...
  7. i miss how when it pours rain for 10 minutes, the streets flood then the sun comes out and it smells like fucking shit, that and crows and seagulls killing each other.
  8. bad ass man...i usually like to roll in small groups to swim and enjoy the quiet and get faded as fuck telling stories and shit...it's also a good place to learn how to use a sling. you need a piece of leather and some lanyard....killed motherfucking goliath didn't it?
  9. i made a soup last week out of potatoes, button squash, carrots and beets from the garden. used the last of the lettuce for a salad with about 50 of those gold nugget cherry tomatoes and some snow peas that i defrosted....time to start cleaning out the garden for the winter crop and waiting for the harvest of 5 different kinds of squash, beets, carrots, kale, mustard greens, hops, cucumbers....oh boy is that gonna be a feast or what....
  10. sounds like it...also when you water squash, pumpkins, zucchini etc. try to directly water the roots if you get water on the leaves during the day in sunlight it may cause the leaves to burn or rot.
  11. fava beans jackolantern for baby girl and roasted pumpkin seeds galore... sweet corn cherry tomatos mint for the upcoming blackberry mojito/mint julep party gonna plant some more carrots pretty soon and replant the snow peas as the heat wave exterminated them....
  12. despair and ents did a thr fill on the freeway in mpls maybe 2001...anyone got that flick?
  13. ah mi karnal de nada. i'm all about the secret spots.....
  14. holy shit bryso!! for some reason i didn't get the memo. whew. sure saved my ass there homie....
  15. it's in olympic national forest about five miles off 101. about 2.5 hrs max. from seattle and about three from portland.
  16. there's a really good book called "oregon's swimming holes" it divides oregon up into like six pieces and lists a bunch of swimming holes with directions, physical description of the area, layout, water clarity, water temperture both june and august, level of swimming ability etc....good camping is usually to be had within three-four miles of most places like this...if i can find that fucking cd for the scanner i could scan some shit in for ya....
  18. i suppose i should say this since i doubt the character of almost everyone on 12 oz... 1. if you bring it in with you, bring it out, don't leave garbage behind. 2. if you shit please dig a hole or a couple of them about 18" wide and about 10 inches deep and cover yer shit up with dirt and then when you leave cover the whole damn thing with dirt. 3. clear the ground of all flammable material in a 3 ft radius around the fire. 4. always have a contained area to have a fire. don't let the fire get too big where embers/flames may ignite things around you. smokey the bear only exists because of idiots that i am trying to address. NEVER LEAVE A FIRE BURNING!!!! 5. please don't paint on the forest service signs. they all got numbers and it's sucks when you gotta stop and figure out which road is which when they split.
  19. awww man..i killed that fool last time i was out. i was like "you stupid fuck! you know what i put up with in the city?" and he got confused so my homie smashed him in the back of the head with a big ass rock and then i shanked him and we cut him up, cooked him over the fire and fed him to the dogs....shit was off the hook....
  20. if yer in oregon check out pegleg falls it's just 1/4 mile before bagby hot springs in mt hood national forest. on the left. 30 foot wide ass waterfall transparent to bottom. now it's probably 55-60 degrees (water temp.) you can camp there or there's some dope spots around the area. umpqua national forest has some dope spots too. there's a spot around tiller that has a huge swimming hole 1ooft long and 10-20 ft cliff/rocks to jump off of. it's off the road and it's a locals only kinda spot but only like 100 people live in the 10 mile radius..california there's hole in the wall north of laytonville..to build 101 they had to divert a river so they blasted a hole through the bottom of a mountain and there's a little spot to be had....i got a shitload more but i'll let you find them the same fucking way i did....
  21. if you go south on 101 a bit and keep your eyes open there's some ill spots to be had,,,,
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