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Posts posted by c-walk

  1. Chain rings are upfront and cogs are in the back. Second, keeping a consistent cadence allows you to ride more efficiently throughout multiple gears. Third, your drive train wont explode if you don't do it simultaneously.

  2. Bring food, a bite of a granola bar or a banana will help out in the long run so you wont tire as easily. If you think you're drinking too much water you're probably not drinking enough. Or so it seems with me, I always drink too little water on rides.



    And if you're like me and not a born gifted climber, learning to resort to mental tricks helps a lot to get your mind off the pain. Count your breathes and focus on your breathing.



    Rubbish gave me the same advice and it did wonders for me. Counting pedal strokes is also a great way to get your mind in another place. A friend I ride with never looks at the top of the hill as a way to not sike himself out. He'll just keep going looking directly infront of him and then surprises himself when he hits the top without knowing. Then again this has proven to kick his ass on many of false plateau's.

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  3. My method is to keep a constant pace/tempo while climbing. I stay seated for as long as I can in the gear I'm in and when it gets tough I'll stand for a few pedal strokes then shift up a gear and go back to being seated and repeat. When I get to the top I'll usually spin till it burns to remove any built up lactic acid then go about my normal pace.


    As far as seating goes I tend to stay in a fairly normal position if not slightly back. Just a comfort thing for me I guess.

  4. It's not the shoes that you get you out, it's the type of cleat and pedal you have. Like it was talked about and is still being talked about on this page there are many different types. Just dial down the tension on them so they are easy to clip in and clip out. Once you're comfortable then you can tune them in to your liking.


    When I transitioned into riding clip-less I bought SPD-SL's because of the larger platform was more comfortable for me. If you're unsure about riding clip-less then slapping on a pair of eggbeaters might not be the best bet for you. Then again you might like them so who knows.

  5. You can both cut it out, this is probably the only thread I come to on a daily basis that has little to none pointless bickering.


    To give a suggestion to some shoes though, Sidi makes some reaaaaaaal nice MTN bike shoes. But I wouldn't necessarily go with MTN bike shoes just because they are easier to use. They might have an actual walking surface but at the same time seem to be a bit more clunky to me. Like a lot of this kind of shit it's all based on what you like. Try some on at a local store to get your size and what brand you like.

  6. Rubbish...Tension on mine is pretty tight probably 80%, personal preference.

    I use the yellow cleats with 6dg float. I found that waking isnt an issue. Some wear is visible, but havent had to replace them. So not bothering with covers. Wear on the shoe heel is worse.


    I'll agree with this. Walking isn't an issue at all for me. Wear on the cleats is minimal, but I suppose I don't do too much walking in them. I keep my tension, to give a percentage I'd say 50% but I ride a ton in high traffic areas and having to stop a lot I like to have them easy to clip out.

  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear ms.(paint)seyer,


    Did I notice a hint at a birthday coming up? Who knows, maybe you'll get a birthday thread... most likely not from me but since I mentioned it I'm sure someone will. Have an awesome day.



  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Saturday Night,


    What the fuck happened? I remember shots at the bar, then old manning it on the porch with the lady when my ex showed up. Half bottle of whiskey later, I woke up alone naked in the ladies bed while she was on the floor. She doesn't know what happened either. I need to stop drinking so much.



  9. I ride shimano SPDs, not sure the model. But they are on the low end I know. They have very very minimal float but I love the large platform compared to trying Speedplays lolipops. If thats even the technical name for those things. Either way it seems to be all about preference and what you're comfortable with.

  10. Picked up a pair of Continental Sports today for 20 bucks. Beats the hell out of these Kenda's I've been using. Bout time I stepped up to the folding tire game.

  11. i didn't buy it from my shop, i bought it used from a guy who works at my shop. i'll let him know though.


    I'd talk to him, if he works at your shop he should know what he's doing to an extent. Therefor he can either help you out with fixing it or replace it, if he was at fault for it.

  12. so i finally got the spoke head out of my rim...after A FUCKING HOUR!!


    I had to use nag champa because my needle nose pliers were to big....


    now I'm thinking FUCK I can't put this thing on.


    so is that super fucked??


    here is a picture of the spoke without the head attacher thing..






    So you found the nipple inside your rim but aren't able to reattach it to your spoke?

  13. So you didn't put the lock ring on yourself? If so then take it the fuck back up to the shop and have them deal with it. If it's crooked on the hub though, thats a problem. Most likely means your hub is stripped and will need replaced. But if you bought it from the shop a week ago and never touched it I don't see why you wont be able to get it replaced.

  14. I pieced together my Ultegra group on ebay for under $350. Just throwing that out there if you're looking to do something along those lines. Granted it took me the entire winter season to do it.

  15. A ton of people convert their bikes to single speeds and never do it right. One of the things I see constantly is an outrageously crooked chain line.

  16. You can do better for sure, just take a little time and constantly check back. I've never heard of Superia but after looking it up I didn't find much to back up the company. I think (don't quote me) that the seller is basing the price off of the fact that it's a single speed lugged frame and some tight pant wearing hipster with flashy nikes will pay that much for it. I'd say keep looking, unless someone else can drop a little more knowledge on the frame than I can to justify the price.


    All I know is that thing has got to be old as balls considering it has cottered cranks.

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