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Posts posted by c-walk

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Sunday,


    You started off kind of lame. I'm going to get pancakes with the cute girl from last night. MMMMMM pancakes.


    -getting back on my feet oner

  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear life,


    You're starting to suck again. Moms lost her job and that puts a big set back on a LOT of things. Ontop of other general bullshit that you are throwing my way. You're making it really fucking hard to be optimistic about anything right about now. On a side note though, the Ex and I had a decent talk today about everything sucking in my life and it was slightly comforting. Oh and I passed Junior Portfolio Review and I will be graduating college next year after 5 and a half years. Granted that I can afford to go to school next year. Ugh.



  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Santa, I mean Santana,


    Were you getting tattooed while on the oontz? Thats a whole new level of multi-tasking. Ribs do hurt tons, but I think the closer to my armpit on the inside of my arm was worse.




    Dear 12,


    Honestly, you guys ever try to type with proper grammar and punctuation. I've been trying to do it for the past few weeks with everything I do and I've been going pretty strong. Makes me feel pretty important for some unknown reason.


    -See Wok

  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    dear sey sey,


    That made me laugh out loud, like actually laugh out loud. Thanks.




    Dear Santanaaaaaaaaaa,


    Remember it's not right unless it hurts. You reminded me I have to finish my ribs when I get the money. It's been about 2 years since I last got any work done. Shoot.



  5. IMG_0576.jpg




    some crits?


    Ugh, that left leg of the A is making me want to kill myself hiding behind your C. Bring that bottom of the A out below the C or something, the way that they come together makes the most mind numbing tension point ever. Either bring it out the bottom by pulling the C up a bit or don't overlap the full leg of the A.



    Yo Ruck, you've made some big moves from the first time I stopped in this thread. Keep it up.

  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Boat,


    I don't know what I attached, I was drunk. 120 minute IPA is illegal because in Ohio it has to be under 12% to be called beer. Never heard of the other one you mentioned. Try to find some Brooklyn stuff its good.


    -beer lover oner


    Dear StudioThink,


    I have an interview with you on friday at 1:00. I hope this works out.


    -optimistic walker

  7. Its a celebration tonight... drinking one of these then some Crown Royal.




    I was going to edit the size or get a new picture but the amount of awesome this beer is, is appropriate for the size of the picture.

  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear boat,


    I'm like 90% Irish, but i'm tellin you if you got some shitty whiskey try it with some ginger beer if you're feelin squirely. 60 minute is my regular jam next to Brooklyn IPA but I'm from Ohio also and 120 is illegal here so when i copped a six pack from out of state I was pumped. I only have in on special occasions.


    -catchingabuzz oner


    p.s. happy berfday man


  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear boats,


    Thats a bummer man, it goes great with whiskey. Then again so does plain ice cubes. Which is the route I'm taking for the fact that acquiring ginger beer cost more money. When my roommate gets home we'll be celebrating with some DogFishHead 120 minute IPA.


    - drunkonamonday oner

  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear today,



    I got my Junior Portfolio Review results today via a letter from my administrator. I will be FINALLY graduating college next year with a BA in Graphic Design. If all works out and I get my GPA back to where it needs to be I can re-take the review next year to apply for a BFA. As for right now I'm going to go get some Ginger Beer and groceries and sip on some Hi-Balls (nh) outside and enjoy the rest of the day.


    - cantgetmedown oner

  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear college,


    I hate you. Not to mention those riots last night were pretty fucking stupid as well. Congrats to all the 125 of you fucktards that got arrested. While you had fires and got hit with riot bullets I sat at the bar with a beer.


    -smart guy oner

  12. Maybe cause i live in Cleveland but all their mass produced beers don't really do it for me anymore. If you roll through Cleveland make sure to stop at the brewery. They have at least two beers on tap that aren't sold outside of the brewery, and they got some damn good eats too.

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