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Everything posted by c-walk

  1. c-walk


    oh shit, my typing skills are not the greatest, and whatever look how close the fucking j and n are? but word i didnt think about the line tool i was thinking illustrator and using the pen tool to make curves...
  2. c-walk


    bonjangles, what in gods name did you use to create those letters... it looks computer based and way too structured for any program i have (ie: photoshop ect ect)
  3. c-walk


    why bring it up again dude? anyways, valuehorse has a good point... look at logos kiloz, make sure all your letters are the same size and structured the same and make them as simple as possible. it'll give you a good idea of how letters are formed and then you can go ahead and add all your little connections and arrows or whatever. learn the basics then move on.
  4. c-walk


    why not... do simples, look at a helvetica type face and draw those letter. honestly go into the "toys post here" thread, you'll get some decent internet advice that i dont feel like typing out.
  5. CiCi's yea the pizza is kinda gross but whatever shits cheap
  6. c-walk


    think about your post homie... helper is PBJ and PBJ is out of columbus OHIO, therefore his shit was posted no matter where it was. He's still a OHIO cat just clarifying/justifying the post
  7. yea you're right but i usually give all my cans a good shake before i head out...
  8. summer squash is my favorite yellow next to montana party yellow...
  9. you god damn guys... after reading this thread last night i was so amped to get pizza today and they dont got too many good shops where i'm at that are close. i called up this joint that usually has a X-large cheese for 8 even... but today they gave me two larges with whatever i wanted for 10 bucks needless to say i am full
  10. c-walk


    i agree with him fully... better for some member to be put in place than for the ohio thread to be closed. some of us enjoy coming on here to look at flicks and not talk. all he was trying to do is make sure this thread sticks around. bump for bojangles...
  11. c-walk


    that ether and goma are the jam
  12. c-walk


    thats the THIRD time you've posted the same shit in the past three pages... stop just bump the old flicks if you really want to see it on a new page
  13. Great Lakes and pizza... what you guys prefer as far ass the top contenders in pizza? ex: pizza hut, dominos ect ect...
  14. i had ham and pineapple on a pizza before, that shit was pretty dope
  15. i go pretty plain... pepperoni and green peppers. so good. anyone else on here think that thin crust pizza is the stupidest shit ever
  16. i put dot3 in all my pen ink, never fucks with it. you only need a cap full for 2 cups of ink... nothing more
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Winter in Northeastern Ohio, FUCK YOU!!! -Walk
  18. c-walk


    i like the way you think bojangles...
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