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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Re: Bang to Britney with this bag of potatoes. Har har. No habla bandito, K-Fed
  2. Re: Bang to Britney with this bag of potatoes. Har har. No habla bandito, K-Fed
  3. Re: Bang to Britney with this bag of potatoes. Har har. No habla bandito, K-Fed
  4. Last second attempt *edit* I guess I still have an hour so I'll try to do something better
  5. Mercer


    I don't think they make anything like that but from my own experience (being 220 lbs. when I started cycling) I had alot of challenges with flat tires. Here are a few things I learned. Check carefully to make sure your wheels don't have any defects that could be poking your tube. Get quality tubes (I still prefer the thicker thorn resistant type myself) Some places have these things called goat heads that kill bike tires (usually dry areas) To avoid getting them stay off all grass and dirt and stay on paved surfaces. Also the obvious, make sure your tires are good and check the insides for thorns/defects All tubes loose air slowly but if your tubes leak enough during a ride to be noticeable they might have a very small hole in the tube or bd stems which can be hard to find. Also tire liners can help alot when it comes to thorns and goatheads. If you really think your size is causing the problem (doubt it but I'm no expert) you may want to get a light mountain bike to start out with and put some slick tires on it for city cruising.
  6. Re: Bike to britain with this bag of potatoes. Har har. No habla bandito
  7. Re: Bike to britain with this bag of potatoes. Har har. No habla bandito
  8. Dear Tourist, When walking down a sidewalk, try not to stand side by side 5 wide. Let the people out of the elevator or subway before you try to enter. Don't block the end of an escalator or stairway with your fat suburban ass. Get the fuck out of the way, all those bumps, shoves, and elbows to the body aren't because we are clumsy or rude. We just don't have time for another self absorbed piece of mass produced suburban shit wasting our time. After you acclimate to the program here, enjoy yourself, its a celebration. Sincerely, two78nine
  9. Re: Bike to britain with this bag of potatoes. Har har. No habla bandito
  10. Re: Bike to britain with this big ol potato. Hardt. No bandito
  11. Re: Bike to britain with this big ol potato. Hardt. No bandito
  12. Re: Bike to britain with this big ol potato. Hardt. No bandito
  13. Re: Bike to britain with this big ol potato. Hardt. No bandito
  14. Re: Bike to britain with this big ol potato. Hardt. No bandito
  15. Re: Bike to britain with this big ol potato. Hardt. No bandito
  16. Re: Bike to britain with this big ol potato. Hardt. No bandito
  17. Even tho you was a crack fiend mama
  18. Re: Bite my ankle with this big old potato. Hard. No habla espanol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XS-9aj461o
  19. 3 bushes in a pick is worth two birds in a bush or something
  20. Dear Uncle, That wasnt really a snorkel in the hot tub was it? I couldn't breath for shit.
  21. Re: Bite my ankle with this big old potato. Hard. No habla espanol lost out to QB, too slow
  22. Re: Bite my ankle with this big old potato. Hard. No habla espanol
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