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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I just pulled a majority of my HODL out this afternoon. USD's now sitting on GDAX waiting for this dip to bottom out. Predicting a healthy correction followed by alt coin gains.
  2. Agreed, there's much more infrastructure surrounding the USD. With that said, you can't trade in your dollar for any goods or services should the value of dollar tank. That was my point regarding one of the main arguments people have against cryptocurrencies. The only thing giving the USD an edge over the rest of the worlds currencies is the Saudis, which may or may not have reached peak oil production long ago and are in decline. I've been into programming and computer science for a long time, but understanding the fundamentals around how cryptography is integrated is what converted me into a believer. I've always hated math and thought it was boring as fuck until now. It gets real deep once you start understand how advanced currencies like Monero, Ethereum, and IOTA work. Modern computers were developed for cryptography originally, and have come full circle back to their origins. You'd never believe me if I told you how much computational power is spent just to mine bitcoin. Keep in mind that article I've linked is from 2013. Mathematics is the language in which god was written the universe. -Galileo Glad you liked the video, here's a good related video from the same guy:
  3. About to stock up on Cardano, ETH is my favorite right now but as a programmer, I see the shortfalls of solidity and don't see them being able to improve it without breaking the existing contracts. Not too bullish on NEO long term since China has banned ICOs, have a good bit of EOS though.
  4. Yea, that's what they said when bitcoin was at $10, then when it was at $100, and then when it was at $1000, and then when it was at $10,000. It's hovering just under $20,000 right now. It's hard for even experts to predict the future value of a brand new asset class. The closest thing we have to compare is the dot com bubble that burst in 2000/2001. That said, that bubble burst at a $10 trillion dollar market cap and has since fully recovered. I'm not saying people don't value websites, but I do think most people value currency over websites. I'm so used to hearing bubble by now it's almost meaningless. Sure, it's volatile and I'm sure there's going to be some sharp declines in the future, but my best guess is that those drops will be dwarfed by the gains eventually. Think about it like this, do you think the United States currency is a safer bet. Keep in mind these facts: 1. The US dollar is backed by absolutely nothing, just like bitcoin 2. The US is currently Trillions in debt, and the most recent tax cut will put us trillions more in debt. 3. As the rich cash out, most of the burden is being shifted to the middle class, which is becoming restless 4. The middle class isn't prepared for the next wave of automation that's currently being deployed 5. The only thing the people in charge learned from the last financial crisis was that they can get away with it I could go on and on, the Empire is crumbling, all the signs are right there in front of our faces. Without a complete reboot our society's current path is unsustainable. I'm heavily invested in cryptocurrencies, and I'm predicting by the time I'm ready to cash out, I won't need to. So yea, bubbles.....
  5. Funny thing is, I was introduced to bitcoin by Lord Casek way back in the day right here on the oontz. I can only assume he's a multimillionaire right now.
  6. For anyone interested in extreme nerding, this videos is a good introduction to understand what cryptocurrencies are.
  7. Suggest using the Exodus wallet, don't hold all of your investment on any exchange including coinbase. When signing up, make sure to WRITE DOWN your 16 word mnemonic passphrase. Don't print it, don't save it anywhere on your computer, and for sure as fuck don't save it online or in the cloud. Just write it down and practice memorizing it. Exodus has shapeshift built into it so you can change between cryptocurrencies very easily. Also, as a matter of opinion from a somewhat seasoned altcoin investor, I don't recommend buying into any altcoin that's had a huge runup recently which includes ripple.
  8. I do think it will be somewhat horrendous, but I don't think civilization (or the internet) will end. That's one of the reasons I like the idea of having cryptocurrency and the ability to GTFO of here if need be. We've got very close/trusted peeps in Argentina, and Barcelona should the need arise and enough emergency funds to be able to make it out and start over with what we've got stashed away. To be honest, I'm living an unsustainable/unhealthy lifestyle right now of overworking to stash away and prepare. I'm fully aware of the trillions our government we're unable to pay back, and the impending collapse the bailouts have postponed and honestly anyone would be crazy not to see it coming. Hoping to get in a few more good years of stashing away crypto but honestly, If I semi retired to a nice corner of the world right now with just enough to get by, as long as I've got my girl with me I'll be happy.
  9. This is a subject I've been very interested in lately. After finding financial success and building a little net worth, I've considered moving closer to my family in Upstate NY, hoarding precious metals and weapons just incase. I've thought to myself, if shit really goes down to where people start trading gold & silver again there will be absolutely nothing in place to stop someone from taking said precious metals from me. If society ever collapses to a barbaric state, your only hope is to have enough off grid infrastructure around to remain self sufficient, and enough weapons in place to remain that way. When our system inevitably collapses, I honestly don't think it will devolve into violent apocalyptic chaos. Like many other financial collapses in modern times, there will still be the more fortunate people, and the natural system always established to keep them fortunate. One's best hope is to have the proper assets in place to remain in the more fortunate crowd after the collapse. While I think things like gold, and silver will have value no matter what the situation, it's probably more important to own things like land, durable goods, and items that will actually useful in a famine economy. This is why I've been investing heavily in cryptocurrencies over the last 2 years. Honestly, You can't fly to another country, or even move around within the country realistically holding a significant amount gold. Even now, there's things like asset forfeiture and other risks in place that make bringing your wealth with you extremely risky. If you want to take your crypto with you, in most cases all you'll need is to remember a 12 word phrase. These things are designed to function in a trustless system, meaning there's no need to ever trust anyone a banks, or government to retain your capitol and it's value. The best part about them is how much these investments have grown recently, and the fact that we're on the cusp of them going somewhat mainstream. If there's no collapse, I've put myself in a better financial position. If there is a huge collapse, I'll be prepared to continue in comfort. I wish I would have listened to Casek back in the day, who's probably a bitcoin millionaire right now. If anyone is interested in learning how/why these currencies actually work, I've put together a playlist of videos that describe the technology behind these systems in detail at Here's a sample:
  10. Wow, really glad his thread has survived long enough to make the transfer to the new forum
  11. Most users ever online was 64,448, Today at 02:29 AM Mercer*, aim4infamy, Sevage, Smoke A Fat One, satan hates beauty*, SEX ON FRIDAYS*, BreastRockets, skemtrs, Pehks, StormReturns, STLgraffitiPhotographer, medow, isthathim?, SabadoGigante, James Cagney, dutyfree, Marlboro Man., vintagespraypaint*, Monster Zero., I Am Batman*, Newkidontheblock, hiphophead115, dirtbird, Bleiber, Enmity*, ..romero.., Slick-nova, CACashRefund, thatonedood, MayorGoonberg, famous amos, papsmearer, spasone, soardove, crush.destroy.kill, George Lopez, kolohe, OnCityStreets, Pfffffffffft*, wholeman, jjoohh, funkiliformes, lanski...*, snowman*, YOUREGARBAGE, Spier, skeetfunk, grafflyfe, GoldenGaytime, count chocula, arrrsp?*, theLies, cuze, LINKSROCKS, Aumstarsbcf, Sneshay Adlosh, streak173, Alex DeLarge, mjsecw1, PeopleHateOnEverything, HEREWECOME, optikid*, MrChupacabra, CrackWhoreLover, centeronerhd, SKEBEKS, m0v3, 0784, anticipate, solfinger, yellow force-field rock.., CRIZ 156*, killahh, InsaneSpfldBomber, skore123, high destruction, centrysams, yo its 420, Arkady Gregorivich*, PAUL_HOOD*, vulgar, Hellacious Hayley, MaltLiquorJunior, POER., nicklesndimes, Realism*, asstomouth, nobodies, stop the lies, bobsakamano, ArtFinder12, -Tib3-*, ultraflatblack, JFW, qsysue, billthrax, bombomb, Scor, stevem.yzerman, Drue_Down, Oliver Clothesoff, the_gooch*, fastZeetec302, Omega Man, RALPH LAUREN, suicide_one, Focused On Graff, nsmbfan, Willie Nelson, MyWay, N0W0N, eddieguns, ohhhkae, UD157, soartheskys, ZANZABAR, KIMOTA, Talkofthatown919, AUDI 5k*, Ringworm Jim*, username0913, CLICK-CLACK*, roadhouse, RUSO, I. Goldberg, berdsdahwerd*, steadyurbandekay, $1fifty*, cuntflaps, dcnspatriot, *TOPTACO*, kfchillin, CamelJockey, imabanana, bionic commando.., razorpaint, camesix7, Sizzuurp, sandmanoner, camo787*, imdacity, bbq vibes, exterminationsquad*, SHORTY DVS KREW, ONE_ONE_NINER, automatic_guns_at_nuns, RUDE_BWOY, deckwgfteam, recognize_the _real, mostlyunknown, ChiquitaBanana, MickeyFive, abusei, TronCat, pau, SeamerOne, armand hammer, Tenoch, no!, pillowtawk, perm nigga, Christopher Wool, Lew Blum, oldfaithful, -**-, Bojangles, Faint Footsteps, tikone*, geargff, SpamNme, BALTIMOREBODIE, KGATL, NEBER1Z, Ste-yah, OldtimeTLS, yomommasaho, istolem, ChicagoIllinois, NoGimmiks, somethinglikethat, 40ozproffit, Sneak613, Rolf Harris, ShakeZula, DNAK_RTSK, OhMyGosh!, whereameye, Laptop, BIGMETALCIRCUS*, eraserewind*, thebigcheese, ReGeneration, SwitchBack5, Omniscient*, Cunt_Eastwood, PicturePerfect, Coffeebeans904, smartguy, E_B_A, sigh 1*, pupusas, MetalArm, fonkeoner, DayenahD, KWG, Michael Grant, burningflesh, BeezNeez, YKILS!*, toys_r_us, s3ns3, ODANG, HolisticEcoGirl*, shameless self promotion, thehaze, Veritably Clean, always returning, bloomfield ur awesome, golden era disciple, shoeshooterr*, nickelbag, holdup, the real shaun desman, nohope, jmfour, crazy eddie*, poeteytoe, POON378, Elroy, teddy223, Ronald Reagan, fukyouinthebutt, ilovefreecrap, DevinT, LouTool, smogoner, FieningForCompetition, recluse, bourgeoisie, nacho_libre*, hardstyledoooood, frzones, pnice58, oe800*, whystop?, RAGSdale83, 2uniqu3, No Claim Bonus, thedoc, torch21, Stench Trench, lettersandnumbers, opusone, BelRoC !OF, Howie Feltersnatch, makineasykills, Aerosoul, STEY, rutheless toothless, publicenemyno.3, wafflecakee, sech, CINCO DIEZ!, cloud, Titty Boxer, fiuh, SpliB2, EAZYDUZIT*, Rekup78, JOE PESCI., swagmatic, Back In '88, OhsoBroke, HUMAN SKULL BONG, HELLFIRE666, SCOER, maybeiknow, Snifyson, Mr.Manhattan, estebanfrank513, CountGrishnakh, Raiden, axel..., supreme79, jazeroks, Kreap, Inappropriate_Responder*, a-line, Harold8b, rubbish heap two, baiter12, Purple tape Rae co-host., Europe, umire, onlysmithskrisps, ipod90, airassault, kobe bryant*, KaySet, lowbrow*, Adrock*, lbs.inmypak, Trinity, HOPE NOT, asis, BNard, karmaone, DiniFageruige, 610est, Dleys, MAR, Internerd*, Baron Von Counterculture, scumbag bastard, skumbagbummer, f..., anti-style*, destruction, Kamikazee, TALK IS CHEAP, RIPS, backgammon, viperface*, e2ekillr*, Car Talk, Will Ferreal*, LUGR*, niggasactlikebitches, mrinkles, GR*B.1, john_gacy, abettertomorrow*, DrGelato, Doodle, bloodynose08, Tikriminal, wrecklessTAGZ*, whoa_jigga*, De Seven Free, tobi, backfromthedead99*, dan322, stair-way to heavens, Up All Night, pinkbianchi, Nodesone, smogone, coldschool, fliked1, lumier, Deine Mudder, EarlMcEarl, Ruby.on.Rails, Nufster, efay crew, muzak...just muzak, klobersaurus*, 72ER, ballsdeep_11, tiny pinder, Sir Doodles*, MOOD FM, HAPPY JACK, tobergtp, soldier, trackrocks, fat tone69, sunone, AMMO*, phillies, iloveboxcars, stay fly, Tavaruawon, Decyferon, helmetsallday, george jetson, McNasty Filth, redkimdk, 22ndCenturyMan, ink face, cokekain6, Alf Stewart, THEVANDALISINGKID, MuffinDiver, Duck My Sick, SC209, idrinktostink, 515ZomB, sleaze, Abracadabra*, cham, ThaOnlyG, IHATEU*, rekbustown, KURMIT THE FROGG, onefree, RFTC, kingmet, CYPRESSPILLZ, Obnoxious*, redefinition*, melbourne_steez, witchbrew, jennylagarce, makeithappennn*, killrbeez*, Invisible_man, CityCircle, Ignition, front line, i eat babies, BANANERS, Mr. Zamboni, OOF TROOP, NASTYPINK, LugKnut*, NIGHTRAIN, FrA, bascream, supreme14, repyoset*, Paulz246, rawfishman, the-fuzzy-one, BED, theh20, eshayske, switchbakk, DEPLOY, theprotester, scissortwo, SheepOrDie, POOHKID*, ReaL One$, youngdood, saythat2myface, aye_true_blue, Airport4, dontlookback, Pet, SLAPANMAN, burntdown, fatlaces, Dlawzirg_Kralc, BITCH!IGETACTIVE!!, szr, Bruce Bannner, Thugsauce, graff17, Rotnessmonsta, worse1, Cuddie Mack, 5995, iwillkilsa*, forsit*, say something, forohci, B4THESTORM, KillaSea, THE UKNOWN, godsgift, meokay, catandmouse, BLiFiN, Fred Nurk, its_me, kick, smoky, blankxpression., Oh Snafu!, godofwar*, geezpot, amfresh, blesu, BOATS N HOES*, dewey coxxx, getalilhigh, rolling nowhere, bigolive, +plus+, dr doom, Nipple, chyeeea., drdoom, lurknola, Smokey Chuck, Paint_Fiend, drewWrite*, dr.scapeone, else15, Thug Art, noverNYC, R. Kelly, iforget, MOTTHAVEN, Soup forgot his password, Grown Man Business*, Dimelo Loco, SchorchedEarth, yardwanderer, Mayan_Mullet*, Canberra_pics, AsikTDK, bearmace, Boogs, rock mes shorts, Billy Bobby, ilovedrunk, dcay, BasedGodFuckedYoBitch, stainerone, 2drunk4U*, moterhead, Weapon XXX*, somekat, MADEMAN49*, BroadyBoys, xLifeRuinerx, jesuschristo, Road Dog, Infamous Crew, heydontlookdownthere, 3v3ryon3, 1600ASA, foreignwrites, shark attack!, 867k, Mr. Sourdough, where, hefer, nasty hippie, igetupinyourcityalot, farfromfilthy, Tarke, dairyproduct, famous skribes09, ASHID, French montana, Jeffrey2, pertplus1, SKARZ, Auragod*, morton, puhfester, tj., kleptopatra, burritos, d.!!*, dookiegalore, Planxty Bill, pooskoal, Something, PAGE ONE, mokoes, GnomestaBeats, KING MILE, JUMPSUPERJUMP!, IRON CHEF*, bizack, ERN CF, Poop Shoot, Dirtydead, jeffrey.dahmer., buddha pest, IN4CER, Boodah, graffeto, fuckpheelings*, TrainedToGo, El Vergudo, StanleyHudson, portlandia, IllSkillet, mediashoras, Soup, charles bronson666, Jewel, pg.99, Antrax!, dopes*, unknownone, thetech', Emmax0Hench, the*cma*gang, Eunice, power702, thenightstalker88, aste, KINGCOBRA777, ARKER, kipp, tabooizm, Bellbeefer, Kool-Aid, 12packprophet*, angelohead1026, sinchyboy, Harvey Wallbanger*, Slappy, prawn laksa, sickmethods, ThePDXkid, jalapeño, FASHODOE, cinam, Cymatics*, xen, slurpinslurpies, Media One, blackguy, hackseed, party animal, chemical ali, Captain spalding, RubberbandBanks, LiketheSeaMen, watson*, GoldenTouch*, doormat, have a nice day, smellslikefruitloops, jcrazy, MorfOne, LeadingEdge, BIGLEX125, ERSEULA*, JonahTakalua, enYd0n, Moldy Bread, iAreBombin, Bindar Dundat, iguey43, DonCheadle, nycisdead106, blahh, Dan Gleesak, Aleksandr, PJAY ONE, 4.NawfMain.k, delicous, mr bullimick, king_geedorah, EastSwaggings, be1up831, who am i, zingbats*, belmonts, wisetuxedo, King Geedorah, CONYAMB, bustanut*, studmuffin*, rice eyes*, hawaiianflag*, Loverboy, Joe Bag of Doughnuts, bzn296*, dayman, blindfoldbluff, bed framed*, SystemFailure, HIPHOPDONTSTOPATOP, AdultContent, infamousscribbler*, nickcook, Jukka, MrEKeR, MENOZ, manintheshadows, siseruno, stickyicky, GLEN BENTON, phiverninerz, menalkelles29, russelcoight*, StyleIsm, fist 666, Carl Sagan, jamal smith, eido, Lt.Bernum*, mightymim, STEELHUNGRY, john234ny, fortress maximus, SubstanceAbuse, thenewworldorder, YearzOne, LooseJoosejones, tramp.stamp, Mojito, LiliStCynical*, BE ABOUT IT, Ferris Bueller, CREATEMORESTYLES, illstreetblues, Freightfisheroner, torpedo, doubleplastic, a408, jiver, skinhead moonstomp, HBoss420, Brickos, laboratory*, Boris The Butcher, cityking415, iTz PaYBacK, fivestar, Bklyn Baramundi, Silba, .product .of .the .block, THEWILDONE, turdburg, Vincent St. John, AlligatorSpit, 604-GRAFF_FLEX, arbysroastbeefisdelish*, ChickHearn, broadway bill, abdominal snowman, fox 35 news, SecretLifeoftheFreeMasen, rites1, TheOther*, soillegal, 2hot412ozpart3*, gravity, POJO123, TAGASAURAUSWRECKS, 043, Big Eric, geordie, ey3..brow, bluntsmoka284, asthma al, r1char, bobby, DOZE 1, .De Carnitas.*, SER2, ........., stayposi831, light headed, Amuser*, buck shot, SUN TZU, Therealmr.Assfart, 1UPOSTMR*, dailydrugs, DopestPHAZE, >w-zozw, 666thehustler666, ToyCrusherPlus*, vinnyjones, kage-, Clemey, Comegetwacky2012, Det. Jack Swagnetti, PulzOner, blancs, ibomb2.0, TugboatTimmy, methamphetamyne, AboveTheClouds., ILOTSMYBRAIN, break_legs_ribs_100_bills, dookiemonster, soul vice, got it 4 cheap, TheGreatGatsby, modernaction, treblinka*, 7seven, any, UniqueNeverDuplicated, Hippy Green, OntheBlock, crazy_cat, alexbaldwin316, WERZURPINKBITZ, gnarbucket*, Igloo Invasion, DurkStevens*, TEARASONE, DM!, Balthazaar, ThePathFinder, suereaks, iWeigh650, nighthawk, Blondi, Cru2aid, Akrisone, Cunt, BikesDMV1, CALIgula*, fano1, imbiginjapan, 2for5s, dooshwad, slots, injury, concubine, here and there, nuhchef, triplesm, whatitiz, MainEventz, GitneyCent., boom snap clap, MFcoltski, Deloner, GZOO*, Old Vino*, target@, Komik, malekoman, Boris Blownsky*, lord patrick, pabstblueribbons, NaloksONE, duckxdown, werunbklynn, the flats, Alwaysblunted408, cast144, intheshadows, Stakk*, DontPlayMeHoe, DSD666*, ernest hemingway, jerrybrudos..*, Creampuff*, brapbrap, SuperBluntedKid., ZEALIZM, same one, Country Club, Pedro dePaca, sleptembers, skywalker, aizenminoza, SkepOne419, CHOP SUEY!, Eyar, theeunfckwtable, Wholone, YEAHHHHHHHH, westsidelorain, kayloc408, GraffiTiIlluSioNS, Vitamin Magazine*, justchill, cmkillastillah, Schnitzel, heyzues, the who whats, DocOne, FREIGHTYONE, Ted Striker, amnesia, datniggachauncy, ZANGEEF, durtygreens, alohastatemob, bgn79, Hammmy's, killerbeez, SPINNINGFIGA8Z, 123abc, taliban lee, SolidKobra*, MURDERTRAIN, iSTIK, Hefeweisen22, SEAHAWK, Felonious Monk, itsmebitches, IAmMyOwnTrip, silly_kelly, ElectricitySucks, Shittles..TasteTheAsshole, Oreshatesyou, kashmonee, SofaKingDead*, crunkymonkey, cheesecurd*, El Mamerro, CIRILO_WANER, the_tits, La Brigada*, egarym, samsung1080p, metronome, HKwoodIsland!, Assface713, TREASON.THREAT., redeyedanimal, topnotchtop, Arkzt, trillaskilla, herzegovy, steveparesucksgasm, the germanator, oehasen, BLAZIN989, da killa kali, blackjackoner, MARK MY WORDS, George_Costanza_, lean.er.one, lambmeet, TIGER HOODS, Petey Wheatstraw, ShortFuse, ghost_buster, graffiti proof*, BlueMoon*, XxthakingofqueenzXx, cinister615, reebockster, boby678, M.S.G37., Tuscon, imported_slyle*, cantiflas, SlurmsMckenzie, marcjacobs, jazztechno, hardforthestreet, BEERxxx, EYEHATEG0D666, BlueberryBuds*, Daps Mcvay, bigmack, D.P.World, searski, mymindisgoo, mr cope2, Dagmar Onasis III esq., snowball55, chicken_nuggets, tae, DrPiddlesworth, msagro, smokedout, via, SharperImage, ogcorndog, oscane, capurnicus, sarahiswack, grimreap*, notsurenough, gentrifried*, Bill Nye, therealuncut, artnotcrime, oneofyouislying, Misspelled, anu_saukko, CILONE/SK*, MedicineCabinet*, Grimes, cthulu, BoxCutterCla$$iC, katz gregory*, onpoint, evilistic, Qawee, hopelesskid, irockedityoujockedit, JoeCool901, fuckingidiots, barbara walters*, westernvagrant, germanfriday, JaserOne, herbsyntec*, TWINsister, GODZONLYDEMON, canada brown, jerseysilv, aeou, kyle81, imposter, HoodMorning, 31deep, FollowTheFunk, zeks, inspectorgadget*, mahzer, hoottheowl1, thevice, Michael Jordan, crAONS, cru jones3318, LOOKUPTOME, antix818, graffloveoner, InDY_500, LEDman741F, amlarge10, Tri-Z, kid dynomite, !864youngster!, cause408, typical, LiquidSwordsMaster, ded zed, OvaL->aTw215, jismus*, gorillabiscuits, zonertwo, Quinn, cuttybigmac*, BIG HECZ, ED REED, Catterack, jam master, Darkmyte, killafresh168, dailycrunch, 509illin, Red Auerbach, ArtOfficialFlavor, boken1, bigdoughnut69, pedophilism, acer910, christo-f, hellnaw, TripleSuplex, MassaShootKidz, goatjuggernaut, CheekyHines, ELVIS-LSD, MitchThe$nitch, tbird, unlanniff_SPb178, space5, J@Me$B0nG S2C, Get Kash, tppalmerrivasu, RMZ, exorcist666, Ilns, unicraven*, jaybooze, BUFAE.ALL.DAY, kern, Hungryest Hippo*, wordyo, r_mutt, Ehdex, weliveinsin, $$$$$$$$$$, 20rock, Nastymobbers, SMOOCHECM, Quaker Oates, elninoblanco, ALL WALLS PAINTED, Buck Williams, OPIEtheADDICT, Metaloapocalypse, dymewon, TOASTER831, northernlights, SCBENCH, Negative Approach, Ghostdawg, st. lawrence atlantic, fish markets, loseryouthcrew, jarvski, CRACKBABY187, Punc_one_ev, yokoes, 6 foot 7, Sharkz32, 8izEnuff, HOMES, iforgotit2, poppa grande, FREE HOOVER, dr.nick, BRONXONTOP, drunknucleus, CERTNDEATH..., rice22, JuicyJay1, jimgoesiowa, Catherine M., Weasel, AMEWON, StarWars, SV 54*, underpass, fuck molly, 25shits*, Phosphorus, ROCKANDROLL, tales from the hood, fizzowe, Dejeagron, Costlymistake, Darkeist, neverpost, ghostnugz, shampoop1, 206BTM247, zambini, TIZYPER, Cracked Ass*, flyonthewall, GGAARRYY, KingBoutTrappin, Freshysnapper, Mr Gerbik, mosdef, BARBER-R, metalasfock, Bill E. Blanks, Face To Face, levdon, lion, seeking*, gotBumps, drownedbyair, Trace1, chang0e, damokills, PurpleNerple, YASK, happyclown, hein*, Bizley, one_sock, BIGTUNA1, criminallyinsane, FREE_LOST, tainted frenchfries, Grape Drink, rst8719, THEOHCEE, fapkins*, miniGONG11, weiner, yellowdrug, methodman, digetone77, NorseIsAGiantFaggot, sketchbag, CannahMontana, STEVE LeROCK, moosed, youtah, mr snowman, runninONemty, kmas, ACIDHOODAT, Cheve, SPKO, Dirt Nut, PaulWeezy, BrooklynBound*, k179, woodburner, halfway crooks*, katerkater, SVERE, Submarine, fbrisanarmy, mir, SIERRA, sdw75, sirdilbert1237, vogeyroc, PostMadBills, dg_we_gohard, dent2, Amongthedead, shai*, drear, beaker*, messiah..., StoneBonerOner, D1NYC*, Mountain Dew*, celtic rebel, Spoonielove, jakergkru, xbasko, ARTFIENDS, *PuzlOne, trolololol, InnerCityRebel, KINGSCTONE, CONCRETE RIVER*, HI-LITER, noNames, 90SBROOKLYN, nightegypt, yumalicious, shiznittlebang, fishsticks*, elRey, Magic Staff, scooby doobie, atak.one, animalcocaine, MyAlterEgo, wishbone, fr8slayer, stereo, killakillafloe, Frate Raper*, SQUIRREL, KikomanJohnson, Rawdog502, yukone1, Kluse-One, fanaman, proclick, poes, bill paxton, penmanship, raindog12, Leoski, DeTwizzle*, luxu66, comingsoon, fathertime, Like a PIMP!, sir smoke-a-lot, Rooskii, Bakardy!, gramatikalerror*, Dub Fi Gwan, Stacks Edwards, PhiladelphiaCollins, TGUNNER*, Monkeybuisnes, SEMP*, d a m a g e, CourtesyFlush, ptseo184, XxBloodandIronxX, Swatx44, cobber, hahaha760, sayWORD?, dc smackdown, deepest puddle, changr, scumsteve, InfraRed, block captain, Plaid Fill-ins, Demolishun, hougen1, IntoTheGrave, Ressoi, Brewster Baker, SuperDBZKid, chubs148, Ardvark, aNT_kING, FatClaps, swif1*, toluene_causes_tumors, Loyal2theGame, GNasty, Schizophrenic., sal steinenbergawitz, Naze One, demerock*, the gutta, XARLAKK, Spellbound*, shitty bill, bigmer1, Pizza the hut*, pedafile, (A)lways (D)irty, symetrex, joeroke, stillborn, Rufus Thomas, jmskeet20, i love weeD, nite OWL, NorteRed, quas1212, ENSO_TPA, ???Authority???, complex, why write, THE REAPS, 3065, carter6, graffshow, nvs, peanut_butter_and, Source Direct, priven, afsi*, That Drunk Savant, headmelt, gansterSmurf, lolita one, Poesia [ ] T*, LiterallyPointless..., shugo, imported_splint2, galerivilgi, WAZOO*, Pretty Skrillnectar, Ralph rock, LSKillas, homer2, fons,aok1, moneydollar*, rore, mykerocks, ButtPlug2, ider, straightlikwit, sahboo, bananahammock, skvmfvck, Rep1Time, aerosolic, Dangis Khan, imbuckinsofuckem........., nerkherder1, VA999, Das Nils, Bed., phaq-ah-u, theslowest, Mawnteray_Jack, Lone_Writer, Bumboclaat, Hullucination, RecsNsk, gasfacevictm, BADXNEWS, sometimeswhy, MOOGLE?, SPORTO, =THE SWIPE=, FUCKTHEREST, terrorlicious, Drunkone, vagingras, purp reynolds, Johnny two times, quote, WASTeDeReR, Newer Bigger Better*, smashed tangerine, Ting, fatnugs, XJONATHONX, painter504, MrFantastic, ArtistikFunk, Vapid, DOWSE, DAR!, pepsiagainstcoke, hj-bj-combo, warbs, Sort_1*, Ateo, trill, freakeenyc, vanfullofretards, Vanilla Kanye*, INDISGUST, Orange Crush, idoneit*, the gogohead, Toiletseat, Flayva Flayv, Tuff Tone, sAbnAtion, stillkillin72, .Relative., Purple Drank Chrome Paint, $waggn, Scarry Larry, stopit5, Diligent Douchbag, PurpleDrank, 5finguremiscount*, eyes, botospin, AirMaximus, DeTrut, abletasman, dlux., "MONZ"*, JamaicaMotel, B!G D, Hues, hellothere, whodoyouthink, Gasore, gaygay34, Cewil, bemflix, AHOLE, Servalito, KADE_ONE, Onyl, c3po_madeulook*, lil wayne yo, Tony Jaa, AntuanetteMa, dangada, DEED |N|O|K, HORST!, ajkbruin, Thanks for nothing, ®benz®, mcbaldylocks*, wickedsenr, funkybrador, darknightscitylights, bustanutt, kinskman, DownSyndrome, miss_pink*, freightfiend, MUELzraw, Big Bawce da Tycoon, Kit Fisto, bongsmokinjunkie, shellshock, BloodyWishes, YERNS, Edonofski, Manute Bol, cracker 8=D, Caps.Off.For.Ya., xThuGMentalitYx, karmatikal, fvk, RaSaLiBrE248, rShemekaWintersg, Gesk, DetroitWard, DICKME1NCE, aerohoo, COOTER LOOTER*, grove rat*, JamalWatson, laertnoM, griteeth, 3rd Coast Crusher, AECS613, NMK, supa dupa fly, MarkAll, dekayfa, perks for sale, Gat:Bush*, youso, personal-hygiene, Tigre del norte, slowyourroll, crime stoppers, JonWoodruff, putoooooo*, Djon, fiveohno, Reuben Kinkaid, Fart nugget, chestur138, MosDeth, GreekGodz, whoisthis?, RVA, Wes Mantooth, donteatpete, MORE99, Android Fiend, Soup_Paint, kwels, EMPR, fresh95*, .Q., pure hate, brodymoney, Sour Diesel78, Case12, heywould., funkyboi, fat ralphy, YoEksONe, mindtrix34, ThisWarIsNoise, smezieron, jugzer, bitefight, higherTHENgeronimo, GREHK, Piillowpants, real deal, RAHREY, Spiderman., LERK-TWO, lemanade123, HOTstepper, e55824, destillery, ingrindwecrust, Graffkings, WHODATBE, Izakokomari890, Rusty Catastrophe, middlename"wayne", secsoner, mawks, Sleepless In New York, additionalnews, Case407, justindelacr312, terminalfilth, Mathiasking666, Pwayne, juliaeggs, Jaz_IAM, AlwaysOverDoinn*, Robbin Hood, JAMES_BONDY, jag749, alphadog*, V-I-Z-I-E, kris631, rekbert888, ohyeahnoyeah, BadBusiness, ....SCV..., goes the crooked, squareone, benchit, othorized74, JUDASKI, Richard Dunn*, lortsker, trippinsleaz, bloodspray, jae999, KRAUT, C!T!Zen*, Word is bond, realize, pedoe, BURNTHEPRIEST, Decaone, gods'son5g, ClueTwo, buhr*, sec1vvs, g3rMoN3r, Asho134, pheroh, fuckkanyewest, obesity4kid, iron.lung, all_you_see_is, 2timer, la tierra*, touch_one, STAN51*, trav_coe, Shower Man, sazeoner93, gorilla juice*, THE SLEEZY ONE, white courtesy telephone, fictionator, ActionMakesFame, DanielLarussoYaPrick, Sam E, SecFive, Jantione, casadelraytwotwenty, Jmob, furynury1, stealthyxcougar, FuriosOne, 2003, DJP, so what man, TokenKaliGreens, TOOTALL562, nevergettingbopped, Jense 1, Keepitrail, WILLY NAYS, internet predator, bigbertha, Mr.Jenkins, SARTORIOUS*, BlueprintsOfWar*, chuuchaholicsXanonymous, toca_cola, sensimilia, mutu, imwastefull, NaturalHabitat, paintingsoberisnofun, love meter, JOPOPO, therapist, BullshitTantrum, kiesrsozai, seen0720, zyme, zennegen, Jack B. Nimble, all niked out, filthyflee, lille eric, turtle head, Eastavenu, justmenikka*, fuckinsnellville, SPRAYDATROOFNAHMEEN?, topkat, COLDCRUZH, thekripler, From Hell 342, BKBuckDouble, tylenol pm*, laughslast, DANNYSUEDE, trainrek, nev il-pinto, Hibity, fearmystyle, blaze wun, kikiwow, Amebix, BIG J, pieterpuk, meowclops, ItiffargEeknuf, esemoh, viktor pick, alloverthetown, eviltrailer77, dfaons, *B.N.T.*, CIGGY 2 the photographer, supremeone, tha whut, tot_poker, Fellrockah, CHURASCO, empirestateofmind, ILCrew*, ELDWARFO, Vertiente, LostOner, Spawn-Of-Sham, FULLBLOWNAIDS(_)(_)::::D~, vandalsquadd*, APE_ONER, _blank_, Mr.BucketHead, MALZ, saenoner, i didnt wanna, LetsDance, crack saves*, Robert Sheppard, sofarok, Stoli, getweird, grizzler, *meret_PBSK*, Lick'n'run, SILENT//LISTENR, BUM FUN, Midnight Marauder, eastcoastoverdose, breakemDAHN, SPEAKBTK, JUANITOALIMANIA, shutdatshit*, politicsformconflicts, kazoku, KnifeHits RS, Nonchalant_Nuisance, Scoooby, VEINESTONE, thecarwreck, charlesone, BEZERC PROS IMOK, don en em, replicant2009, PickledBeetsOnTheStreets, coolkid, Hater, Bankruptcy Blue, The Quitter, TropicalCheese, Dr. Dose, cokeboytrue, Bumboclot., getsup, ayeplus, cutyourself, triKlops*, onsight, REKNAB, Beaureguard, papagoots, MOTION SICKNESS, drunk....., LowLifeDrunks*, En Sabah Nur, papalowdown, jesse23, iSniffCrack, spareOne, LIV3ONE-CityOfWind, elect_1, Thee Dutch Master, Buel, strangleyourson, Monestar, TuRebombAmAdre*, djwccfep2, filaboss, Zoes, excite_the_feds, phreshestablishment, whats good!?, izzyD, esar71, Montecarlo, mrshiteyes, rrockman, BostonSkate, bReAd_HeAd, Gorditahead, GeeWhy-ish*, oppositeofcrunk, Equis!, SmokingFatStones, 7c6x5c8d8l, Olliem123, Cinderbiter*, ifmotheronlyknew, Yo son, YO!*, ugene, PandoraHeitnerFFB6, chronbombs, FestoKGB, FILTER.BFG, REASN514, Judge Schmails, Positive_Advantage, Fondles, HolyCityBenching*, UnseemlyElk, !@#$%, king hate, curryhouse, RoastReef, okaeonerism, The Boogie Man!, bigbadmanimsobad, Satans Little Helper, Cannibal Holocaust, corpshair, getursaladtossd, puff puff pass, monta, GAMZ*, Milk Grenades*, Justdoinwhatican, Smik, hamburgerjunior, CoolD, Phenom, silent_bob, east_este*, dotcom.com, necs, principalbuttsavage, ROLOWSFA, sen2tats, AlreadyDeadConnArtist, I have a huge dick, kledr, pallmallz, abcs*, Murray Bookchin, BobbyBrownsGoldRope*, PROFILE, cid731, dru_nkkid, ruste, YoungCousin, matt32, em effer*, kennybeats, ethiksone, Yellow504, sneak, cere.fa, Ash Catchem, DoseNJ, ghostfach, cheesypeanuts, WallsDC, Lewis and Clark, DrinkEtch*, takinover1, joggs, MoePoon67, brutal_brawling_badshit*, definitivedoodle, landmines, wideopen, spinach_, coachise*, R4NS0M, beefnbroc, ValueHorse, bigmeech, DA_BEARS, bobbydigital, BerryWhite*, SwampFightOner*, stoagie, Classified, LORD AUCH, smashwell, ticky trapz*, KICKED TO DEATH, 5 fingas of death, freewit3eez, tobedetermined*, be.e, jacky gleason, im not witty, LABRAT*, FlyAsAllGetOut, DojaNinja, faux real, 93TilInfinity, HISTO*, Ginger Bread Man, ReackOne, paintsex, unseenhand, KORN1473, noddy, hammerheart*, thar112, truthSSS, 24Carrot, harrybrown*, a mutant rancor, danieldaylewis, kanta42, DAFOE, thark01, 2501*, blueyes, CoolStoryBro, NserUame1, privateer*, Ellis D., jib25, UpInSmoke, Enola, erik_one, theme from the bottom*, stompandcrush, busyb, minus, yomommasahomo, fortherecord*, High_ON_Fumes, cool, weirdone, vharkano, Ernie McCracken, Johny Drama, WorldBench, mr.Z, Sloer, Spaceman Spiff, cashrfc*, enygm, 153rd, areminem, ironpark, Nevone, the-jewish-one, heio, NOsaint16, commentking, yumone, whitenigga, lmno783, thealmighty..., ijkl186, Valdo, rzarecta, BIG BABY GEE, selm., nagol, fghi518, MIZU1, Eyenneskay., Varivaldi, buckles391, joker410, NoDakFreights*, saladfulofcesar, I_fell_off_the_bike, xXRatio_UltimaXx, Northern 187*, merkism, dragonzk46, artinf, samauri*, blu3s1De1, SWITCHAHOUSE*, Can't Function, Darth Vandalizer, YOGI_WVK, gwizler, huntingLOLs, phunked, sensormatic, fash0, olblueyes*, forever, pokieman, asian boy, younotme, PreOne*, Polyethylene, perplex101*, semiwild, PhRenoLogY, yeaman, gas47, UraniuM, Furtivo, Benstax, destr0ya, frank grimes jr., roler one tm7, Lukeys, hachi machi*, MONGOLOID, Frankotronic5000, dobriy, onTHATotherSHIT, wicked_310, asylum1, iamdaddy619, Chief-Smoke-Alot, androidx, STREETxTRASH, CRUSHER*, Queen408, NAHTE, cuauhtemoc, walkinalone23, WORLD FAMOUS, akaes.., Killa Queens!, ohiohio, DROOSCEK, ENWHYSEE222, mcmierda, juanfrusciante, STYLEISKING, living proof, 2nd_outline, da1lyoperations, 407Force, LOUDFAT, krz, demo5, Cus D'Amato, eelsone, Bochorongo, Cool_Hand, Balance, boxcarrapist, source123, poodiddy, Propaganda_1214, armistice, any2, q3crdo4grz7, southerner, TheoHuxtable..*, Nominee4bestrolledLs, Mr. Incognito, Twisted Toaster, fyou1212, defg508, 5023, nocker, A P E K S, lilffxcahy, esoeone, burrboun1, spreading the disease, nativechild, El Keyser Soze, bnxjyrtdfzid, tenadem, snookedum, HPDKILLER, JawnDoeske, nsworker, Varsity Letterman*, 238th street, ZEWAH, SuicidexKing, semorbutts, fuckyourfaceoner, icecreamboy, YourStepDaddy, zheng56566, METELE SAZON, cross eyed mary, PEMEX, IDONTEVENWRITELIKETHAT, easyrider, ghostyard, ItsWeltTime, 313blades, Kura, Female Trouble., Be2kool, troffyogin, o_snap, akalla, Malin, CREAM90, tempo787, moshion5697, Xux, iridemunieveryday, DEVO123*, BOMBTHREAT, tenyearsdrunk, Gas_leak, LORD RANE, onlyneedexperience1, killnspree, localyokel, fagritti, J-Walking, thisisastupidusername, UNCLE REMUS, Mayne, Richard Pryor, bams, G0ldenState, jaaasonx, state-o-matter, nightwalker831, edoggg, careboy, PITOFZOMBIES, quesodilla, dudebra1, yeahnation, canadiansteal, sister act 2, idontknowme, FuckYourFeelings, skngr, criminal mischief, creepers13, glitch615, AbandonSlave, the dark horse, gymclassboner, mad_drips_dun, gray matter, IZIE SK L2K, seila*, eatramen, Philly Mills, bnasty, hippiescum37, Satronimus, WASONE, boorrito, Sydney Rat Race, CRZE, ONE NEW MESSAGE, EnfermoManifesto, coolsen, wickedwacko!, DETROITred, audiomilitia04*, Migraine, KARL ONE, av8rz, sinters, Shadowx3, Evan Williams, baaack9, AbajoDeLaTierra*, murfusdurfus, nooj4*, moco666, SpiderMC, Cherry Cokaine, MR. BIG DICK, LIFES MODERATOR*, fearpeace, randomname, Nylon Palmer, rickybobby23, cuntface, East Side Clyde, PrizOneR, PO410, Deltron*, Rupert Murdock, zoloft*, kali reb, teskoner, NO MAS!, Nerdy, western, bongheaven, smack the hoe, dowmagik, revwrite, bumjuggler, PGHjake, soulstealer, kashmoneybigtimers, swampthing, NightmareOnElmStreet, THEBOOKOFVOID, DidoKWG, Grasp, Dark eyes kid, ThEbOoGiEmAn, tresk, whorealllycares?, FRESHBOY, grd*, quesadillas, eL PaTrOnY, Ur favorite Outlaw, crackteeth, vandals R us, toys are future kings, robitussin*, stalebert, mikey most, vafonculo, SICKBOY247, TAKESHI_KANESHIRO, HOLLYHALSTON*, chitownbneatnik, i got dreams, juiceposse, lightspice, GodKillz, Alberto Knox, chaunceypeppertooth, horriblebreast, lorenzo lovegun, V13hbk, el~presidente, HIERO, SuperStoned420247, Papi jason, SLOE THUGA, Demarcus Ware, LamaRoyals, keithjive*, mxtx62, Soaclegilla, AllTheWrongWords, CaughtYouLookin99, yarr, groyn shmoyn, THEREALKANZ89, balnkone*, LaGrand, bigugly, benjaminc1127, elsureno*, soneMILWwi, Uncle Cheddi, VE1, smokeindoors, wesley_snipes116, bumguts, sausage party, ComeGetSome, RASE..!!, Y.FRESHJIVE, 1234eyes, krylonkiller, purrrplestain, cashruleserthinroundme*, KWIKone, TAXMAN79, ScodaddyMcgangsta, ale_money, arthistoryhistamine, DDTBREAKFAST, afterwards, scumbard, sakes64, Rail Road Roller, Gnarly Sheen, Booty Swet, Turtz, dingdong666, Que Mas, SLOPONER, popcorn11, chillyboyzz43, Swindle, i<3reefers, INM8 652KREW, siqqqtags, kingkurla*, shit on your city, arms1, young and lifted, dignan, blandpeas, junkyard, Asshat, cens.es1, Unloveable*, purehatecrew, iateyoursoul, cashier97, Mindfux, Organizedhand, numbskull, purpledrankinmycup, TITTYSMACKER, funkmasterfuckyou!, 954life, romero, massgraff, PhukinPasswords, fandangochad, CRIME PAYS, Cold Crush, 2uesday33*, PCEES.KREW1, love12ozprophet, blest007*, murong54bm, truthiness, FACTER, t(0.o)>, 7 cities aerosol art, W3RM83, foodstamps, thisplaceisaprison, RAMPAGEGRAFFITI, Shaggy2Canz, Lobsterclws, no!way, freeofcharge, MattiWay, snarburster, Tasteykush, THE BIG SHIT, tronster, wonkerock*, LastBoyScout, Artfull Dodger, whoyou1, rol231, HillbillyDope, livejig*, stagnant water, Let It Rattle, Richard Ravich, natedawg, TalkOfTheTown, treesapfase, smokingbeer, 888888, maxtoney, hyphysdead, another loser*, EliAlibi, dirtyalbeit, ROBBERY, CentralSquareT, MASSHOLE1, Super Duper Graffiti, celphtitled, sifilis, Staedtler, supaninjaking, cdef110, silentwrytes, a605writer, plm, Good Ol' Boy, highstake1, edgarallenkockroach, 2004WasAgesAgo, bodenweich, SPITTINMEATCHUNKS781, greensbadhabits, Wesley Willis, oooboy, Reason2bomb, TheDirtyOne, swamp handsome, lowballer, reapz*, TheyMadeMeDoIt, ZoMbiEChIcKeN, GULUMPAFOOT STINKYGREEN, mincemeatpie, magician, zueks!, readthenews, therailrat, GRIMEY ASS RAELS, SKP, BLOODY L, ACER303, Whole Grain, LaPhonda, opentop, 4eyes, Sr.Falta, Allsaid_n_dun15, youruncle*, mastermind, beastin, some dude, boom baps22, HatoriHanzo, CTMase, markie99, the boy vomit, milanac1, .1onrut, rest-aom, porra, ilostmymind, almonds, marfucker, bonzo stank!, saloom, Artspeaks, KoMfBTB, 7137_, nopq172, FrankieElmo, SukiSukiNow*, mnop925, trickmaster, zoro, whitelightning*, aids virus, opqr869, creamrt, adict..., HurtsDonuts*, fossmo, leadpencil14, mewzer, SNOe.One, tophatcigar, Towely, XRumerTest, ExcuseMySarcasm, ruos282, xplicted1, restless18, kab101, rstu757, silvercans, vungoh, stpcrew, superpoupon, opes eno, cornpone, Cani2, enjoi398, cuzinskeeter, hotcross, ghost of graffiti past*, Newport Pl, NW, SleepyBoi14, ANTE UP, Highlife, JUST THE FACTS, calicartel2254, eggberto, mane1_2hate, fakename?*, RES4, dublinsix, GiventoWail, borden66, riftr, LO5TkAWz619, thestickup, ELDOLOR088, MarcoFromHouston*, uvwx382, Gnartsy, OneCityMC, tuvw223, think303, joshu, crl1, ride trains, fowlmouth4130, I'm not a situationist?*, ductsdai, delerium, 9WoN8eR, nogodsnomasters, essj, times new roman, flipmccoy, zombieland, 56gunr, ShrimpFriedRice, fonty python, Illuminati, driftwood, mn1_fuckos, twinkletoes, Duwop, rstu351, BigBadTrece, grizzled fish, josht, OnlyOneProblem*, anything goes, shiznit, menaceIIsobriety, wheatbelt*, kanye_west, poonugget*, rustske, tobad, Busdriverdude*, Dirty Pleasures, alien890890, Cro Mag, hardnoxx, ASERO, crushinshit, violentrestitution, younggunz, stickyfingaz, MatandoHora, neks0ne, ComfortablyNumb, smellycheese, toilet-humor*, inspectahdeck, CLEANER, OneDayEyeDie, vivouno, Three-HundredThirty-Three, porke, snielsgreen, efgh802, fuck12oz..., ninja x status, That Dirty Dog, NASTYFOOL, spadeo, StreetFiddaFiddaFam, ..athleticsupporter.., Noemotion*, HTIMXAW, poop dollr, damnit*, Telo, Shin325, freklama, basikboy*, IOU*, Unknown89, running4it, sTTs_sTTs, murderland_bgk*, Misteraven*, street villain*, MCduffy, Kaiser Soze, BillyBlanks, PB&J, erode_sb, Exalted5, ripped slacks, massnerder, ztonerbdc, bcde871, LSDemo, chi blasting soul bender, bigbootyhoes, g_ray, HtotheK, URBAN WARRIOR*, shirkone, Twisted Kreations, ePiKuRiOuS, frostedflakes, I am myself, peanutpants, mr smith 215, gumhucker, jwpatel, russlecroes, stuv043, Skateboard, Nic Thamaire, dbrindalik, Skor, absidone, vwxy143, FACTORY_MADE, CHICOPERICO, disxbelief, ultram666, R.E.KANIBALZ, REDSKINS, XLR8ER, troofandroomaz, Tyler Durden, micheal rapaport, LazerFace, WaddaWadda, Mzr, ca$h, dakines, iRAWNICK, david robinson, need2paint, air max, what-what, dualfittedkilla, gjkgs657g6736, graffislame, Flip Flops*, ModelCitizen, runningfree, The Butcher407, hophip, .Evidence., poppy183*, coldwater, efgh130, used to, WOLFMANJACK, wrecks, Evilbreed*, yinz n'at, xmyrtlex*, B.FIFTY.2, _:MemphisOrDie:_, FUNK MOB::, Foolingfools, BigPee'n, ainerocks, -PieOne-, MEONE1, the.crooked, doctone, Marztek23, RAWoNe, yetsio, 83oner, -_67_-, Egg Man, Chromotherapy, ahootnahollar, toffypops, Bangerang, realaxeman, FuckUrLife, barack obamala, HipsterPunks, andy king, fukngrek, pandemonium, lord help me, Power Bill, ecaps, sober1, overdonedunit, BADBREATH, uni*, Mr. mokey, wry, TragK_MAS, Receiver, serifs&clips, PROBably, yourproblem, Top gun, its the crunch*, BosEonE, Moenze Jackson, pootytang, screaming hand logo*, $HOOD RICH$, thundergod1, ricky bobby, ???09???, qrst792, thatdamnsover, fghi732, lprc*, FiveWaysNowadays, Richard.Ramirez, BETELGEUSE, ilikeart, XIER, Prodigiouse, theranemaker, opqr058, uuEYEl, mac c, mouth breather, HAK_ab, you can microwave bacon, LSC-Cameraman, EVROCZ, defg383, Load Limit, benny wilson, TeamFuckYou, TONY MAYO, Kwasyone, ESesES1, Mr September, Steel Cans*, Tyrannosaurus Sex*, LULU HOODZ, crave, dirtyapple, deviks, awesome, illstate, 35th, salsoul12, Frank the tank, Bubba Baxter, DRscribblez, wickedawsome, Chaos138, smug-life, a lot of cars, rage3, achoe.am, DeformCreates, ikiru83, DR_RELAXATION, Taco Bout Crazy, WAGAWD614, Dipster, SLAMBER, Ale, waitforit, AlienInvasion, D0H05, ForgottenStar, BORAT HIGH FIVE!!!, Malachi 2:3, beerad632, forgotten about, LindaMcMahon, Rawassbeatclap, forreal, telly2113, go around, GO_ALL_IN, podrido, schismism, Sewer_Crawler, sorrow, reganoner, Dyme, GEIN_SIX, Super/Bored, Butter_Milkshake, tvcasualty*, locowone, Mason YoshiKami, koala23, aero1soul, !sce, youhatemeoner, s.sweet, CookMeFood, buttabisket, HoraceGrantGoggles, booniesbomber, awk boy, wilfredrivas102, deepvoodoo, doublechinitis, Neer, dicklesstracy, bombardierone*, druggiefresh*, skeez ball, dripsfromtips, eatso, Kevin Harris*, thethe, just chill*, Grey Ghost, PUMA.*, Kalashnikov, MexicanRice, paint1234, 2can, DRIPS.1[VTS], DikembeMutombahoe, KiLoz*, masloco, EastSydePgh, zyphonx, carcus, yoyo_master, SOEM13, hail_satan, Skeletorrr, swordfish meatloaf, FUCKTHAT1, FirstThing285, paint4dayz, yeah so, woolymammoth, adenosine monophosphate, rzl dzl, mozer, destroythevarmit, dogfacer, I Love Resin, pop.roko., ravine, grim540, bustinyaeye, funfriend, bmoney, ABST_ENTR, STEELFALCON, Stu_Padasso*, mcchicken, peluche, Vandalize It, HAL*, youngrepublican, _twenty, videovilgi, serum*, ACC456, major frank burns, CAPTAIN SAVE A HOE, IrishJigMafia, ilovenarc, rapeveryoneshatin!, flow83, Abe Froeman*, blackhills, dumbdumbdumb, ALLWHITEPEOPLELOOKTHESAME, Iowa Joe, whippitsandsatan, bcnsteel01, easyblak1 bezone, 32won, elguerrero, frontporchstories, Sir.vaesuh, bobbytabernacle, clizclean*, yessiriwill, TheHoodedFigure*, handsome*, metalazfukk, NevaForget, air4seone, blackboatshoes*, ljuo337t, yellowblueberry, HUSK*, enoknat, frankthetank, TrillAssNigga, Got_Style?_go_Home!, SWiF407, serkoner., grandmas-boy, JOB1.25, Grafitti Petey, CockaFlocka, SUR5L of Saint Louis*, tripple sicx, Roshybiz, xtra_greazy*, Postman, dr.clue, myne, GlassEnve, ocd_head, stonephillips, wheelermtv, PonderYourIdentity1, Defias, Trane1SFCking, Lets615, elementsofmind, the radiologist, Sloshyribbs, on the road again, redwingjuice*, snotgun, SeenMEawround, Bored2Deahth, EightHundred#, bdizzle, non-believer, you mad*, reneroner, justaname, arcticcold, TALE ONE*, koolaidloko, Earthworm Jim, KrownOne, yRoEhT, MrBronson, DAYNR, Asshole Jerkoff, pizza01, Hickory Wind*, comic*hero*, zantax, slothosis, thematador101, honkylipss, Asian Eater, proofofage, ilovebamsrboobs, lava skillz, skav1, Grilledcheese, Vndlsm, Noel Jones, rski36, sarcasm, handbone, RIP.PimpC, IEatGibletsFoo, Rasharoni*, PAYSANOE*, ASPLIVESWTO, IvenYerkinoff, monsterdecay, iceteaske, drunkenmaster, ozzy osbourne, jingyan0940, Run Wild, Dontemptme, DukeOne, PhancyKlown, blood fart, ctnut, marciamarciamarcia, Raymcgrief1234, B-Don, LAWNMOWER LOBOTOMY, makesocietypay, Nova, thatdude, Stay Down!, jbrshmonster, GIMERETC, backgroundprops, Pistol, BLAOW, francis buxton*, thinkr, sly_buggah, Cantslowdown, walet, beast from da east, juspix, riffmasta, zudokato, dofdiamond, Shefone, headaches, andyoner, MKE flickster, sD_Arsen, istillkrush, westline slut, ave_satanas, baconlovr, cady666, leandr1o9s, americahostage, support local lurker*, itsallafarce, oohboo26, BANANA HAMMOCK, eggtooth, Fonzz, haveknots, ALL_BAD*, eatyourpaint, dustythepirate, O-Matic*, rem0rse1, desmond sanford, Dresso, Mr. WongBurger, graveslave, nola_DURTY_diamond, Bitchin Camero, xtrasauce, EATMYSHORTS, Sgt.Slaughter, steel_PAINT, John Smith Doe, xoXox*, Toyletwo2, thinkingofanameishard, CokedOutKittens, jayville33, Santana Black&Mild*, mr.robotoe687, spok-dck, dp0, wellofsouls, porfAVOR, dostoso, TonyLittleOner, CITYRAIL, DyrteeD, alternatingcurrent, thehiatus, sdterrible1, Dizza DJ, Donald Johnson, cola0793*, dstroy, whatsgood10, aztekone, kragtastik, NuKe!, armored, Lack.Of.Sleep, kittens and pancakes, Appletea, Steve Martin, GuiltySt., obi1_77, Juice_Springstein, Slybacon, boobyknockers, harpo, wormy, alnano, cameron, greased, GraffitiMonger, Therealjkob, SMdoubleXL*, ugg308cfp, remotecontrol, thebosdj, Agor, persuoctfrance, EasyTiger101, 357, kings way, Remember My name..., Vuitton, delberttaylo718, johnincrotch, deepend, ESKUPE, canthackit, Dreamcatcher, Kwad, BAMBOO-BOO, dlae, jokersz214, Jaronbaer, lxccc, $tayfresh, Getdownthump, JohnnySizzle, jueduiyoh, shannini, contentsunderpressure, google 1er, starcircleunderline, Ddouble, ILoveGrafIHateWriters, LiteBrite, dksar, Armada, tracy t, settle down, nesrlok, beun, auditone, Sethecientos, atyourmomshouse, silentassasin, Soulmonk, thatonekid, nobody special, BIGDADDYACT*, deebizzle, naske, dickjavelin, cistr, TheSouthernStronghold, thespacemanspiff, Grieves_One, Touche', Supreme101, the lone bomber, VIVA HATE*, *wel*cum*, Lexxxi, eljerkogrande*, ye olde raspe, babieswithaids, kfnk, tokelahoma, celinedionforeal, nosewax, okem, poweeze, Perrin, dral on walls, HomeOf10000Lakes, Justin Sane, lone312, Sule87, Sachielibag, BudAbbot, xyzacker, nosferatu, 3kJ, nycphats, DETRA, phunkin up, Korky Thatcher*, cryo, iannoysociety, Nove.Dot, 30alpha*, SIMPO BLOP HBSK!!, master flash*, gialloyellow, JEXASJUSTICE, shimasounds, Ima_Mother_Fucker_, MakeItTakeIt, OneTrackMindead, bham, Funkafied, mcbittlesworth, rome_811, F3arMyKind, KaeosTheoryOne, 80WESTY, Leland Palmer, TootsieRoller, Z5310, !sPaLc, N K Nine, ILLADELT, Habs, biff jenkins, marcoantoniosolis, MC P., phuckrichardmdaley, TheDistantCousin, ksrE, kocain kowboy, colderthenlifex, DESTROY & DESTROY, cake face, griffin, WhiteLinedHero, number11, soopaman luvaa, ArTiStS.LeAvIn.UnSeEn, Daddy Screw, Beef Kake, Vassenato, SolidColdest, thedonuthole*, Mister Pitiful, suckondeeznutz, Terrance Waynewrite*, hikayetv, Willyfoofooriffraff*, ClownPrince, neighborhoodwatch, David_Addington, olmek457, Gates Avenue., tuffsob69, iron serpent, ShitsWeak, craaack, sector7g, jnibgk, sabor., ticks, supadupa, *shadowplay*, Askew SUK, viseversa101, MuddyShoes, Abstrakshun, zreone, ZMODEL, enigmatic, rapsnacksfiend, DisLunaticKills, stain420, Virginia*, slung, Sleazeside Heights, Banana hammocks, johnny*, BLONER SBR, freepalestine, nicekidnice, DARTANIAN, lepthebeard*, Dilla, staylurking802, war terror, fuckwatyouherd, !!never stops!!, okgthaphonetik, flip words, Erection, thedudeman, El UNO, DUARF, dsmokesflat, xINASx, liquid reef, Chiefer Sutherland, bodice.ripper, Scoup You, Y Que?, hands73, pachanga, Tosh Iba, COSMOGRAMMA, Shite, clydedrexler., StyleFive*, Paintin Manning, limes-n-salt, Stormthegates, einstine, ShitKnuckles301, BADAMEONER, gronk_braaaaaaaaaaaa, twoouts, rocha, soupCan, mistah914, cromekiller, the visionary, magas, Ni$e, Prairiehomecompanion, eazy duz it, jmm1075, Dtc Miami, bomb threat*, [culturevulture], orkwardsmell, Mark_Dark64*, StupidDope, modestofinest, cuzzoe, moredeadpigs, Billy Sexcrime*, rocioci, cerveza, more,on, Soul Food Taqueria*, MF ZOOM, fuckedupworld*, holy roller., guuuuuuuu, theScapegoat, Jellyphant, evidence911, DretheGod, Massachusetts, CHiiNO*, crackalackin, almost1ner, rupra94kat, hell bound, shredhead, poodle, roustabout512, ForrestGump, Theodore Allen, CannibalShark, blessthismess, king101, Same.SCH, your sweetest nightmare, Vivid410, nerTREE$, ThatCobraSnake, helllikephelt, maus1, steelchef*, LetterTransFormer, PAS!O, gbhgbh, doc strange, rubeek, Naltrexone, crackwhores, Kim Jong Illin, Oaks, illatron, Killah Hillz 10304, lancemanly, themagicword, beardo*, yeahwrite, glennhurley49, bodytag*, rushawn wuan, 100%juice*, Gunner32, wildflower, piro, engqzgnqbj, 7palms, in$tagator, uncleHowie, coldtea, TronoxDeXHuesos, ALAMAZ, bootybrown, beer shits, johnlogo, 93'TIL, astekdsc*, HADES., MR ONER, *Gnarly Chakra*, mitizzatore, bodyj, DontWorryAboutIt, RobGrande*, erra, daedsone, 11monkeez, muscleb, gulp, Allcaps26, AFTERDARKMAYHEM, alwaysHI, bigpoppa.k, Mr. Krinkle, lused1, oral b, ampLe, step inside the party, OhhJ, JohnA7EE, cape dick, once upon a crime, Con*, facemeltAAARGH, niggasbefrail, Rune1, rover454, IllegalSmile, bigsperms, "inkie", k9000, myopic1, OmarLittle, luisfromcorona, arab, stillstreet, ExpectWhatsComing, stillalive, GAGERLOC, Born_To_Lose, the s, holla123456, MotvdByHate, buzzsaw, ..J.J.Jockwell.., professorfinko, humanmanifesto, mr. Niceguy, High Society, IOKA, Dvote, gutti479, ok47, Dry Wretch, !DULE, lilkidshit, KING 17, Scie1R, rick flair, fishart, Killa Whale, !DoNkE*PuNchA!, dead beat*, hasnaoui, cesobar, T-bomb, fine china, Ese Guey*, ScrollLock, LemurMarble, IrishCarBombs*, v.xxv, whoshotyah, putsch, Benchspotoner, AtlantaBench, plugface, waisted, I Do Graff 4 Problems, Kben79, NewEnglandBench, da511kid, DirtFlick, RIGHT BRIGADE, ViviOrunitia, iwriteforkicks, warnabrotha714, Theharshtruth, shitbull, REPEATOFFENDER, Wasichu, Illegal DC Graffiti, carcrash, Khartoum, kool kat, fuckouttahere123, S3B*, laikamouse4290, onega oner, aNOgoodPOTHEAD314, Karl Stefanovic, docileandignorant, renwod, MEPHER, roll on deoderant, ratking4life, jack_osbourne_bitch, blk, krushnkill, chocolatehotline, Hamcity, Ready_To_Die, cunt sauce*, velero, trepoe, arteko, MAGICEASE, ayekae47, hair62nr, jetstream, Crocodile Tears, ChingeTuMadre*, trackstars0420*, Kid-Bishop, zhljphic80, HUGO TENEBRAE*, upatnight, STRES TF, nycgrafftuts, offswitch, a_corney_looking_white_boy*, crazylife, CitizenKane*, cbdkfxr74, bangbus, DignanLad, poo2, Dhoe, thizzymcguire, xjstrx, StreetFame39, etrnlones, Racist, WeepingWillow, SaladDays, low tot, hollow9, steelill, half n half, eljohnwayne*, salesmanoftheyear, naster, tt tucker and dj irv, TheAllStyleTalentEdition, CoLdCaNs, Safe Fun, Karl_Hungus, tonyiommi, Kenneth Pinyan, Double_Happiness*, mr.nobody, daniprovolone, Hamidibialo, russmcclain1022, alligator, NW Pom, victor007, The_Invader, casinokid, mLatashaMooni, dET7, copicmonster, pesk..TA..rth..DBC, SCREWFACED, Est_en_Ouest, eazybake, dabzksu, rockwell90, destroying702, mub1, nugget, Yikes TA, rasonevs, slappy grind, Frankie5oh, _0Tolerence, poorboy, shermanhartm112, ReoZpeedwag0n, unknown_$ubject, .loaf., King Of Hell, Breatheeasyyo, cromagged, ms.seyer*, ne-one, piss, (AstroZombie), DISOBAYISH, Not_The_Brightest, Swisher Sweet, adhdism, its faze 1, ivan.millat, makomako, famesux*, NW_BranginIt, Taoist, SnekeVandal*, The Breadstick, Spacegirl, Jmaltint, AWHIZ, dr pepper man, GuinnessBoy999, ideaaa, MUPPETFLUCKE, Mr Darcy, Bachorski1216, [) [- _) (-)*, HWL, kapitan95, KLAER109*, rags*, SENOBOMB, chaokid11, fMilccdv345Dayx, Bizy, aim av, BlobOner, =FANGS=*, bradhinster2k, earl broclo ESQ, aer.one*, beanandgone, Juggaloz4lyfe, ThT drunk Guy, repet, Anchorite, stevefrench, ryan b, verse1, dlo, TheShow, Skwamp, nocomply, writer914, dacrush, eet beat*, moneystinks, marsneedswomen, sketchers, skumlife, RotnLV, Ackston Dunce, Lost Soul*, Tesseract, helloes, AKTERONER, PaintedSteel, Bert, ohype3, scream, rekthacity, xClydeHorneq, krime watch 100's, PONESTAR, RasKontti, nice kicks sh'on, BaliShag, snak215, postman pat 83, V.OD, ucme502, chadmannn, coes, Swift Rapist, ASOTE, Big Floppy Titties, aretwodeetwo, empty_can, .:DEKNBk, blackblack, olde dirty, the otha side, warlord44, 5-9, The_bus, esix™, SLIK RIQ, BreezyBZ, _basser_, Giml75, PhillipOntakos, gnashing..teeth, handsome carl, LittleWolf, Donnie_greco, evilpowers, masked monkey, motel, kronos, spaceskionerism, soulroach, BELTOLEUM, sizel67, neuf chatel*, sirlancealot, earo 35, fishtail dos, kortesoner, kompton kenny, Konvicted Felon, sinone*, hideo, 'M' the Big Nuisance, ase, aberiacap, teywue, N4TE, paperlabels, Soma TDT, SheenOne, ShortysVendetta, youlikeplanes, stupiddoodoodumb, Tony James, spanky_ham, og dbreezy, Rumple!Stiltz, spoooooonz, she's crafty, image228, strorac, PLEZO1SON*, sexcauldron, MDeyjack, allheadrs, Spike, JuanDoe, CHECKSNBALANCES, crabtabs, smokie, onlyontheoz, tokinwhitekid207, tow_trs, MOSCOW_ITW, SMOKECRACK, Black ink, TheCosbyFamily, EARNS!, umbra88, LostInSanPedro, FoxMulderUno, starvingpig, SL-GCGC, henry fishman, bien5, h4h8, hip0hopsa, mnopzz, HeadlessHeroes, Sancerous412, Honorable_Bobby_Seale, mOk*one.GMK*, flauntster, scubasteve911, ben dangel, Since 94, dumbnuts, sharkpunch, R-sak, igetfaded, ol' flap jack*, ALTERNATION, cesargilliam122, herschelstev24, Diamond Joe Quimby, nastyndot, Knok Knok, Cracksmoka*, mort_:D, Skeetrock, agnarchy, mosdef1, rise2006, tommy, gansones, resistoneMv, knowme, BostonGeorge, raycharles, Rasheedjohnson, esar, BagOfShit, HR Paperstacks, Earl Stevens*, Master Shake, MayorMeanBeans, chubbeONE, NotoriousCrimeTeam*, thesonofsam, PNOID76, Aeser, Abstract Rationality*, K15, . . .*, Uzzi_9mm*, mhundo, mayhem, h.a.m, poobutt*, earthworm, MG, thehomie, suicide bombin, fifty footer, RELAPSER, moshion8070, johnneh7, cheapclothessneaker, Johnny Sack*, Nicky Bones, jline, funky king, Jonesy, nekromantik, The Rad Vandal, k1lk, bacondog, spoe, teefonereefer, miahsix, MLOO, dr. molesto, blunt2daface, coltrane*, 20 Eyes, soccer9029, Whore-a Story, chillmatic, gnarwalker, Donnie'sElement, coconuts, clevelandkoc11, izww8888, snowblind, oddio1, LadysmithBlackMambazo, 878, Kish48, ebeurel33F516, u know*, sexTacesari, iloveburnerz, needtoknowbasis, ganelsalegc, yo.hoes*, The Nasty Chef!, MOMENTS, bantal-mobil-05, Steve ORwin, el menor, drisl_one, plan13, 1stRuler, UrbanArtsMagazineCom, jirv51, downtyme, SEMEROCK, wastedlives, gutterball, n30n b0n35, creepr5, im lost*, Mr. Ilovehaters, skribblekid, jent-one*, pasty pale*, FaskyRatts, Inte Förlåt!, KareAFU, spie_93, general mills, Cocksmosis, yaok*, i_saw_a_buffalo_once, agerbak-jah, DATO, told, yuke nation, Mellow*, DeSent, DR.J*, morbid tales*, enom ACF, ksharp, escoh, marcohallaberad, Turt, lil raskal*, Ruffntumble, pico2223, 1-2_step, AZTEKA, CrimeRateMultiply, KREATE718, rob man, micahhawaii, fakeleft, DEEN XMEN, kickfiend, Human Nature, JerseyViking, jloko702, BlackDosOnces*, theposse, raks, BLEN 167, STEADY DECLINE, 713INC ART/APPAREL, gr@ffitiongirls, JackNicholson, ManBearPig, CocaineAndLobster, flipstlv, demster0307, Rewind, ItsFlossy, THATSNOTMINES, bigtruckchase, Johnny Lode*, 3MoneyAndSex5, Fresh Hieroglyphics, russell jones, DocBrown88MPH, nuem one, oTyroneGrossx, UbSkReWd, crazydoggg, Lunar1, the raper, k.rock*, Trill_Cosby, the spoiler, BZEU, badbrains, tyroneBIGGUMS, DavevaryKer, steezy_fool, snotballs, tha.bay41510, boner9000, The Original, EKORISM, Hot Paste, twistedmetal7, Das Beard 2.0, fuckyou215, mrbertone, portlandpaintjunkie, btquickness, Dr. Kevorkian, ntfhdub*, frucelitnams11, FuzZy*, geak831, vellar, bobby knight*, ICKY*1134*TA*GFL*T2B*ELC*, flashlighttag, AggroBatics, lokotistyle, RustyJames, QUAG3030, KnowTheEdge, IronCyborg, aeroplane, quepasa?, wincmedion, 730, MEANE, whosthisguy, TAKE3*, SaYoH, slopargerse, EarlSwagShirt, MadManMoses, TheDesertDweler, Katzen, spoulos, jakethasnakewunner, MrManiks, blindleadingtheblind, bareth, Moukreat, galaxy defender, ximike211, RonBurgundy, Protagonista, imported_joewelcome, cocaineblues, louisvilleky123, Cool Water, zymerker, TueSick, 50million, K05-0564, mzk, WallWatcher, junkheadhope, gravyinawetsock, 401awake415, the real larry david, bluejay, AloeVera, mangle, showin_naked_ass, xoma, socksandspoons, kotak-tissue02, cat eyes*, PurpleKushy, Archie Bunker*, asony8, carechocolate, nom de whom, Bam one, KEP-ONE, spangechange, germs281*, laughnow, wewillconquer., Frickin Picasso*, elmundohamuerto, EMER ATU, CreativeDestruction, metrik1, Emily25Lowes, Chubbs, inorganic, Yours_Truly, thegoon44, iheartspraypaint, Lesbian Fisting, MaxTheHooker, liesarinwa, Slovak, roben-carrages, honeylethmocha, polky, onheres, theDMISE, leasefunders, BruceBruce, Sheffieldjxx, mowzo2012, hypeBEAST, Radfordpoes, biglethal, Walalala, hallwaysoftheallways, PANCHO VILLA!!!!, goxikal, vwxy132, SUMKID, opqr914, CYCLOPS, efgh951, ARMDnHAMRD, 0519368, MortiOTW, I did it first, abcd180, Dkae Once, creepz, toothdk, pqrs894, pqrs541, jsen, jklm188, FeoCeasAll, GoPaintAlone1, alaincaron, Freezerburn, claroscuro, christopher robyn, TheFormer'06, efgh142, Distorted_Reality, ghij413, Konglort, DR!PPYMOPBOMB$, ghij046, seguro, bcde911, cdef288, cdef896, dems333, PLEASE NO, Jimmy Conway, CPN, carlosp, mamamela, fkshare, YourbetteroffDEAD!, Syracuse99, JZk, FETIS_stalker, EnvyThis
  12. Wow, what happened to him? Trolling sure can be a tough business sometimes.
  13. Ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha
  14. Bump these, I remember that Prism and the Sesk from back in the day
  15. I opened my minds eye, it showed a future illuminated with the brilliance of shitty cell phone photos of toy pieces. After taking it all in, I felt like a god.
  16. Can anyone who knows this kid teach him how to post a photo on here. Dude is at least trying and not running his mouth, but he keeps fucking up my favorite thread. Stolen from the NYC thread:
  17. Can anyone see the photos posted by Bloomfield ur Awesome?
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