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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I think the wars, and corporate subsidies (tax cuts I'm all for) win you enough funding, and political clout that you don't need to win the hearts and minds of voters. Donors, and the party establishment (see Clinton) basically dictate who voters are allowed to vote for, the voters themselves have very little choice. The outliers like Trump, and AOC are exceptions to the rule, but even they become cogs in the machine or get ostracized into ineffectiveness by the rest of the establishment (see Carter).
  2. @KultsThat's like saying Hitler didn't loose WWI, or a boxer refusing to get back up off the canvas hasn't lost. Besides, Canada never won a war, the American forces were at first engaged by the Shawnee, then finally driven across the Detroit River by the British. It's in that link you provided.
  3. They won 100% by achieving their political objectives through the use of irregular warfare. Proof of why the 2A is so necessary. Rice farmers took on the most advanced military on the planet and won. It's much more costly for a government to fight an offensive war against an embedded population, than it is for an embedded population to defend itself. That's why a bunch of farmers United States defeated Britain, and the reason a bunch of rice farmers were able to drive an occupying force out of the jungle. That's the basis of the meme:
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