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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. MMA gym. It took me almost 8 months before I was sparring/kickboxing. Assuming there's a similar period of time we're supposed to just focus on technique/drilling before they get us rolling. Quite frankly, I think it would be useless, or at least may even lead to developing a bad technique if I was cut loose and rolling now. I still find myself using my strength occasionally, or giving up the back way too much. Also, our gym seems to attract a lot of people that are unsafe/unstable to spar with, and sometimes that's not easy to pick that up until it's too late. They let a "just making sure" period of time pass before students get invited into the more advanced courses to help protect the lower belts like myself.
  2. Been drilling (mostly guillotines) 3 or 4 times a week now, 1 hour sessions for the last 3 months. I haven't actually rolled yet, and from what I gather running drills with higher belts I would get folded like laundry pretty quickly. I can do all the warmup drills now without looking like I've got a neurological condition, so at least I've got that going for me which is nice.
  3. Shredded Zucchini mixed with Shredded Gruyere Cheese, bread crumbs, and chili flakes on a pizza crust.
  4. Bottom of the page flex and throwback to the Slavsquat Grill (R.I.P.) 2014
  5. Old school like NY fats, grandma's recipes, and grandpa's gardening science.
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