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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. We got the Pro 600, no ice cream attachment yet but looking it up now. lol
  2. Holy shit can't believe you're not familiar. Sowell is a genius, one of only two living authors on my top 5 of all time list. Captivating, his books sum up most of my own thoughts on race, and economic theory. Way ahead of his time, and still way ahead today.
  3. I only made the Kamala Harris, and 3D guns ones myself (with the QR code signature) the others were reposts from reddit/twitter.
  4. Font is Din, but you're right, getting way too wordy almost looking like a long ass wordy liberal meme. Hard to condense all that fuckery into a couple of sentences.
  5. This goes back to my IG "looks great, tastes like shit" comment. It's insane how much focus is put into pretentious shit like fried chicken made with white whine, sounds exactly like the hip wave of restaurants that latch go for all this fusion bullshit when the same recipe has been doing just fine for the last 100 or maybe 1000 years depending on the region the food is coming from. Like you wouldn't rock a thin euro mustache and french beret, with overalls and cowboys boots, how can they expect someone to take the food equivalent of that seriously. This right here is key. I think there was a ton of people in the boomer's generation that lost, devalued gardening, and cooking skills when compared to the generation before them, who survived/reversed great depression. You're lucky IMO to have that foundation of knowledge to work with because most people don't, myself included. My parents really didn't cook much, and when the did it was from a frozen box that made in a factory half the time. Some of the generation X/Y millennials are actively trying to re-learn these skills online, there's a bunch of great stuff on youtube. Most will just stay trapped in the American cliche of financial, and health issues. Me personally, I think it would suck to be alive during our time with virtually unlimited resources, and still miss out on an entire lifetime of eating good food.
  6. @One Man Bannednot yet, I can vouch for that vanilla though. We both acted like we'd eat half of it, and save the rest for later. 10 minutes later and everything was gone figs and all. Dog even helped and he usually doesn't like ice cream.
  7. Back to flexelence Rhubarb, is one of my favorites. We copped this rhubarb from the farmers market but if get one of these planted in your yard you're set for life. Kinda goes hand in hand with growing strawberries which also do well in moderate/cool climates.
  8. Honey is the only simple sugar I'll purposely ingest most of the time. Some recipes obviously need sugar, but I use honey in a tea if I feel a cold coming on, I think some it's antibiotic properties translate into the same even after it's digested. Also dig the immunity from introducing your body to the proteins in the local pollen, from locally sourced honey. If I get a small farm going one I'll for sure have hives of my own, find a neighbor with a frame centrifuge and work a deal.
  9. Sent the link to the recipe, said she knows the pioneer woman.
  10. @misteravenI'm going to show her this and see what she says. Wifey has two strains of sourdough she makes pancakes/bread/waffles from. We get our Maple syrup smuggled in by my homie Buddha, who's from the Mohawk reservation near Montreal so he knows his syrup. Makes them extra special. Been getting locally sourced honey (Queens) for years at the farmers market, they've got spicy jalapeno honey that's actually bangin plus locally sourced = greater immunity to local pollen. I'm kind of particular about butter (store bought) and cooking with the right butter, Just stopped typing to read your post out loud to my wife, I'll post flix next round, one of her recipes uses buttermilk. Flex something from the camera roll in here.
  11. Wifey cultivates her own home grown sourdough strains in house. I'm on some heavy usage of alfalfa sprouts myself, necessary when you're over 40 and constantly injuring joints/tendons. Cultivating about $20 worth of sprouts a week in my cabinet, years supply of seeds $10.
  12. I thank the universe every time I get to sit down with the fam, or the few people I'm lucky enough to share a meal with. Keeps my head straight. Used to drink free coffee at the warehouse I worked in, and dump extra sugar because I couldn't afford breakfast (or lunch) till the next check. Good food, with good people is key to good life. Don't post takeout, or restaurants, or that cool spot you found out about on instagram where the food looks amazing, but tases like shit. No processed shit either if possible. Bonus points if it's made from scratch, platinum membership if it's from your garden. High quality, low cost. Country Omelette Arroz con Bacalao & Salsa Romesco to dip bread in:
  13. Police shut down the entire block I was working on (5th & 43rd) because of this cab behind me. Everyone there thought it was terrorism at first, turns out the driver had heart attack.
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