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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Shred 2 lbs zucchini, squeeze out all the water with a cheese cloth (really important to squeeze out most of the water). Shred 1.5 cups of shredded Gruyere cheese and mix with the zucchini Spread out a pre mixed Whole Foods pizza crust over baking tray with olive oil so it won’t stick. Sprinkle chili flakes and the bread crumbs on top and bake at 500 for 15.
  2. We did jalapeño peppers but planed the seedlings with the roots too close to separate once the roots intertwined. Stuck with a crowded 3 plant jalapeño bush that just started producing. I’ll probably do chili next year.
  3. She looks like a hotter version of the brunette actress on that 70’s show.
  4. About to hook up another zucchini dish, this zucchini probably outweighs the entire plant. I’ve been crunching numbers on the plants that save us money, only the herbs have paid off so far. Unfortunately when you have to pay for planters, bags of dirt (and sales tax) it’s just a hobby. We also expanded the balcony gardens this year pretty much guaranteeing a 2019 overall loss. Herbs by far are the best performers, and I could have just done that using an apartment window. Even this considerably productive zucchini plant (from a seed that cost pennies) is an overall loss, zucchini is cheap. As a city slicker I’ve never appreciated having actual dirt to plant in before, considering how most people just waste it on grass they mostly just look at. For now I’m stuck figuring out a tax free way to convert dirty money, into balcony dirt money and writing off the losses.
  5. Not a sorbet, it’s a home made attempt at Cherry Garcia. Didn’t explain making it in a proper step by step, but in the sequence you can see the cream first getting an orange egg yolk strained into it. The next shot is the blended cherries getting folded into that. We marinated the cherries with some sugar and threw into a pan before blending them. The shot of the cherries getting pitted/chopped was me making the cherry chunks, only regret. It was a mistake not also marinating the cherry chunks in some sugar, and maybe even a little salt because they were not crystallized, but a little too frozen the next day. The ice cream itself turned out the best I’ve ever tasted to be honest, if that attachment makes another 20 mixes it pays for itself, from then on pure high quality food profit minus some cheap ingredients. Not sure what flavor is next but it’s going down this weekend. Hot as fuck late July NYC.
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