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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Honestly, she looks like she'd suck the balls right out of your cock hole, then hit up the drive through later on her card. Not a bad date, maybe a little too thick for me, but I couldn't diss anyone for smashing.
  2. Mercer


    Just posting this video @Hua Guofangposted again incase that witter embed isn't working for other people (doesn't work for me). It's unbelievable how tone deaf they are, he really doesn't understand how much shine is coming off the badge. Everybody_s_trying_to_shame_us-w56rwny74y351.mp4
  3. Don't think so@whereI think he's just demonstrating that the key works, not trying to start the engine.
  4. Thats_just_pure_skill-d3souuv2hc351.mp4
  5. Mercer


    Societal cohesion can be achieved without a legal entity sanctioned to commit acts of aggression against it's own population. You don't need a group of people that are allowed to harm people with impunity, in much the same way you can raise a children without beating them. I've said it before, the fundamental problem is there are separate sets of rules governing police conduct, vs civilian conduct. No civilian would get away with blasting a an old homeless person in the face with a rubber bullet, or even standing guard as one of your homies snuffs another man's life out under his own knee. All acts of violence, or physical aggression should be avoided, any violence that is not in immediate self defense, or defense of life is wrong, period. Economically right leaning libertarians like myself still believe in a free market, but hate cops/government agents interfering in peoples lives. Right leaning authoritarians (not libertarians) might agree on a lot of free market principals, this confuses them into falsely self identifying as libertarians. They do not understand the concepts of innocent until proven guilty, the non aggression principal, or the basic philosophical concept of freedom. If you're on the side of the cops here, or just not that bothered more by the protesters, than you are by the continuous dead bodies piling up you're not libertarian. That's authoritarian right, think thin blue line across the flag, and boot leather breath. Sucks bad enough seeing confused Trump supporters call themselves "libertarians", even sucks when the lefties don't get it, and lump all of us in with the Nazis, AKA authoritarian right when you hate that shit. I'm getting a little too far off point but I cant stand the confusion about this shit. Back to my point, I've always "hated cops" as a group as long as I can remember, even now as an adult I still have my suspicions about them as individuals, and always will. Not that I don't think there shouldn't be any rules, or consequences for violating the rules. I just don't want a special class of people that are allowed to break the rules. Even though I couldn't explain it yet, I always knew they were pieces of shit even as a kid. My first interaction watching how cops acted when they stopped me, it's like they ignored in their own minds they were trying to ruin a kids life for nothing, just looking for some fucking weed or something in your pockets. Being dicks, asking dumb questions like bullies, then playing it cool amongst themselves pretending like "I'm not really an asshole 100% of the time" and joking around, or talk sports shit right there in front of you, as they're trying to ruin your life. To them, it was like I didn't even exist as a fellow human, sitting there scared, and suffering silently as they laughed at their stupid jokes. At one point, you have to really ask yourself if it's even possible to agree with every law, and if not, you're enforcing them anyway what does that make you? Think about every police rookies first victim, as they enforce their first "victimless crime" law, taking some father away from his kids or something. Wouldn't be surprised if the senior parasites make the rookie drink a cup of the victims blood, as a ritual after their first drug arrest. Seriously, just accepting "it's just part of the job" is just just a couple of small steps away from forgiving yourself, for indulging in that occasional use of force, that wasn't really necessary. Next thing you know you're shooting pepper spray at a group of protesters out of your pig windows. Imagine these people, many of them who have taken knees to their own neck having the audacity to protest against police brutality, and somehow the irony still hasn't hit you as your homie blasts a homeless man in a wheelchair, right in his fucking face. TLDR: Fuck these fucking cops.
  6. You’re going to have to fact check for yourself, I’m not siting everything I post and it’s pretty obvious what’s going on. If you’d like to look into the photo here’s a start for you.
  7. The takeaway is police were given a golden opportunity here because of the looting to get the general public on their side, by protecting the private property, and livelihoods of the general public. They failed miserably, and instead of cleaning up their image they’ve somehow made it look even worse. This concept is perfectly illustrated by this photo, a homeless man being shot in the face and not a damn thing being done about it by the other walking piles of human feces that witnessed this crime.
  8. All I can say is man I'm fucking disappointed in the cop love in here, it's fucking shameful.
  9. You know I’m right. The admission you’ve got nothing, followed by an ad hominem. Stop trying to make this an argument about 2A. This shit has nothing to do with 2A, yet, and if it was as I can only assume you’d be all too happy to be proven right, but large numbers of people would be lying dead in the street. You want to understand WTF is going on here just ask, you don’t have to be a pompous dick about it asking “where’s the militia now”? bullshit questions trying to stir up some shit. This shit is about America’s opposing views on race, technology (cameras in everyone’s pockets) outpacing law, legally protected violence imposed by state agents, an indifferent public. A shit ton of relevant topics to explore/debate, but it has absolutely nothing to do with 2A so please stop that bullshit.
  10. I'm not sure if this is just your average run of the mill Australian hating American's freedoms, or just a dumb question. Black people shouldn't go out with AR's and murder cops. Neither should white people and the militias. It's pretty clear the FBI and ATF backed off after Ruby ridge/Waco and the aftermath of the federal building being bombed. Is that what you want? People out on the streets murdering police, and government agents? Or would you prefer a helpless population at the mercy of their government overlords because they've given up their rights to defend themselves? My guess is the latter. Don't hide behind the "I don't have an opinion" cowardliness. Everyone here knows you hate the fact we have enough freedom left here to bear arms, at least stand up and admit it, and stop acting like Americans killing each other is the right thing to do here to prove your point. You're extremely confused by your dogmatic belief in absolute government power over their populace. You should be embarrassed by the lack of logic in the "argument" you're trolling with.
  11. Mercer


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