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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. lol, nobody even noticed those reverse/indented cheeks laying down to the right.
  2. It's almost like race is just a social construct.
  3. Antifa/Proud boys (and anyone else who acts out political violence) is retarded. I'm neither left, or right leaning, and def not even a smidge minarchist. So when two of my enemies are fighting one another, I let them. I do consider favoring one, or speculate which enemy views me more favorably because I know my enemies very well. Aside from each other, the freedom I enjoy has always been a the 2nd biggest threat to either one, and fulfilling their vision. Let them fight. This is why I don't vote. Seems like the only useful method for effecting political change is buying politicians, not voting for them. If either candidate promised to lower gov spending, stop going after non-criminal undocumented immigrants, end the drug war, or anything else I worth giving a fuck about I'd register to vote but we all know that shit isn't happening with either bullshit, anti freedom candidate.
  4. American: *Enjoy's a good old fashioned American pisswater beer, minds own business* German: *Microwave's glass of wine with cinnamon stick because it's cold outside* "Those Americans are so uncultured"
  5. My favorite part was "don't ever use the word smart with me" like Biden was a groveling cook and Trump was chef Ramsey.
  6. like Bush Cheney, he's not with it enough to be on top of shit kind of like Bush was. I mean this dude has to rest every other day during a presidential campaign. Imagine a pressing matter like war etc. Even if he doesn't die, he's clearly not capable of fulfilling the duties fully. Most people aren't saying this yet but Kamal is not to be slept on. How she got Tulsi canceled after calling her out, called Biden a racist, and still ended up his VP demonstrates tremendous political clout. This is scary as fuck. She's spent her entire life locking people up, and has no idea where the line between what the government should, and should not have the power to decide is. She probably knows what's legal, but also knows all about exploiting loopholes etc. to get the agenda through. I think much like Pence, She's a much worse alternative if Biden dies, which from the looks of it isn't too far off.
  7. Also, I'm rating this debate a minor upset win for Biden. That might just be me personally not being able to listen to Trump talk for very long. Even though Biden didn't nail anything, or even form many complete sentences he didn't stall out on stage like I thought he would, he looked better up there than Trump. The demeanor, looking directly into the camera, sticking to the "I'm the lesser of two evils" game plan. Trump got thrown off in the first 5 minutes by the moderator, who instead of objectively asking questions, kicked it off by making pointed, bias political statements up there with question marks at the end. Trump never recovered from that and was on the defensive for the rest of the debate.
  8. Biden had a lot of trouble forming complete sentences even though it looked like he rehearsed very specific answers. Trump wouldn't shut the fuck up (until he was asked to denounce racism) lol. No faith at all in this bullshit system. We should all stop paying taxes.
  9. The day everyone stops giving a fuck (it's coming) will be awesome. Already on it's way due to Hip Hop culture running generations deep now. I used to go to an almost all Asian bar downtown, lit on a Wednesdays Night with $2 beers and felt like everyone there either MC'd, Bboy'd, or wrote, everyone rocking N word passes. Think it was called Tropical's or something, pretty lit for billiards and bangin ass Asian chicks you could never afford to cuff. I've even seen somewhat racist type Guido Supremisist types in Staten Island drop the hard R when referring to each other much to mama mias dismay.
  10. Imagine her performance on top. She'd ride hard for hours, pussy strength suck a testicle out when you bust.
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