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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. One loves being pounded in the ass by raw dog totalitarian dicks, the other just asks for a pullout, it's not rocket science. Pretty simple stuff.
  2. That's the vehicle he was leaving the hospital in, only photoshop is the blm logo. Basically an armored vehicle with run flats etc. with probably over 500k minimum in modifications, designed to fit/look like the suburban platform. It probably weighs twice what a normal suburban weighs, and wouldn't perform the same if it was sitting on deep dish Daytons.
  3. Mercer


    English is a beautiful language for describing state violence in a ways that sound palatable for the voting public. "resisting during a struggle" can mean the same thing as "involuntary defensive flinches" while being brutally beaten. "Into a river" can mean "30 feet down into a few inches of water". Most of the critical words we use to describe the abstract have dual, or sometimes even more meanings depending on the context. It's very difficult to construct a statement that can't be purposely, or just automatically misconstrued by readers. Language itself is the majority of the struggle when describing new philosophical concepts to people. That's why legal code sounds so foreign when compared to conversational English, to be concise it's transformed into a foreign language. Even the words "shall not infringe" can be translated in very concise legal code, into an ATF agent measuring your big black barrel. English is just a poorly bastardized Germanic language. That's the beauty of reading someone like Ludwig von Mises. As soon as I started playing Human Action I had to stop, pause for a second, and rewind a few times just to admire the poetic arrangements of words. Sometimes he'll stop, explain a word German has that English doesn't and throw it into the mix like a G. Ultra concise terms like well written code and machine readable languages. Nothing he said could be intentionally taken out of context to argue, or construct a straw-man against between the first Capitol letter, and final punctuation of each sentence. Outside of It's actual content, the writing itself is like admiring a master craftsman's work on something built to last centuries. Sorry for the tangent, yea, fuck cops.
  4. Most beer was much lower in alcohol content back in the day, and originally more watery than American popular beers like Bud, Coors, Miller, Etc. Before they knew how germs work, the brewing process made beer drinkers less likely to die from a bad case of the shits. You could actually drink beer to stay hydrated, and healthy all day. Most beer now will dehydrate you, and isn't exactly refreshing. I prefer American style cheap piss beers, the fanciest I go is Stella. Columbians have drinking beer all day down to a science. There's this red soda that comes from Columbia, they pour a small can of it into a large pitcher filled with ice, then fill the pitcher up with beer. Then they divvy the pitcher up amongst the homies, and repeat the process all day long. Forget the name of it but the 12oz Homies that used to visit me in Queens and go to Seba Seba over in the Columbian part know what's up. Wonk Saggin. Those pitchers probably sound blasphemous to a long beard micro brew beer enthusiast, but were extra delicious to slam down. Swear to god that place was the best, every waitress had an ass juicier than the last one you noticed like that Seinfeld episode where all the waitresses had big tits. Good times. Got me thinking about trying to make a low alcohol beer concoction of my own for those long days of outdoor work but I forgot that red soda, and I'm not sure if I can find it here in Denver. Got off work early, and brought a swamp cooler back from the dead on the roof, and cleaned my gutters the other day. I smoke a lot of weed all day long not a problem. Had one fucking beer on my roof to enjoy the sunset, and gloat on saving money rebuilding the cooler myself and I had trouble climbing back down from the buzz (pussy). My ladder was a foot below the edge of the roof so finding that bitch with me feet, and trying not to rip the gutters down after a beer buzz wasn't my best moment and could have ended bad.
  5. She look kinda sus when I run the no makeup filter.
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