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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. They call it the dickening http://www.dickening.com/
  2. Possible regulatory hurdles incoming
  3. Dave_Rubin_-_Have_a_nice_weekend_everyone-1340099167964688386.mp4
  4. No, I suggested people buy a Trezor, not a Ledger. They're both hardware wallets, and TBH you're better off with either compared to not having anything. Trezor: Ledger: Trezor gets the win IMO because of Exodus integration.
  5. Apparently this year's biggest shitcoin is USD, which lost 63% of it's value compared to bitcoin. I don't thin any of the major crypto's have performed that poorly.
  6. Same here, I bought the S & X combo pack. Thought it would work better with my extensive shitcoin collection, but it doesn’t even work well with non-shitcoins.
  7. @NightmareOnElmStreet I was considering doing a basics of cryptography thread since that's what most people have trouble understanding. Once you understand the function of private keys, public keys, and a nmonic passphrase it will make sense. For now I'll go over hardware wallets. Basically a hardware wallet is as safe as it gets for storing your private keys because they're never revealed, even to you. So if your computer/phone are hacked and you use it to send crypto, you're still safe. Trezor Original $59: Trezor Model T $164, fancy color touch screen, same basic security Not a lot of differences between the two. I don't recommend the fancy Model T one unless you're looking to waste some of those crypto profits on a nerd flex. What I do recommend is buying at least two, backing up the passphrase, and using the passphrase to load the exact same wallet on both. Making sure you're able to restore using your passphrase. These things come with their own easy to follow instructions on how to do that. Important, Make sure you've got those words written down, not screen shotted, not copy pasted, not typed into your password manager. Write them down by hand, and keep a copy of the passphrase "off site" meaning if your house burns down you won't lose them because you wrote them down inside page 420 of your mom's favorite bible without her even knowing. Also, you've got your family to think about should you die. I'd try to make sure they can access your funds also, as long as you trust them. After you've got the wallet set up, deposit a small amount, then confirm you can send it back to your exchange or even send your boy Mercer some funds to make sure it works. Point being, make sure you can send the funds using your Trezor first before depositing all your crypto on it just incase. https://www.exodus.io/ I'll explain this next part further when I've got more time, but the Trezor hardware wallet links up to Exodus, which is by far the easiest to use, best designed wallet out for years now. Once you've got all this set up it's actually very easy to send/receive funds etc. You can get started with Exodus wallet now, for free, but without a hardware wallet there's a chance you could get hacked and I wouldn't recommend it.
  8. I'm very much pro crypto, but with that said I have to warn you. This shit is as YOLO as it gets. It's sits someplace between semi illegal gambling, and tax evasion. I've seen people lose substantial amounts, and I've also seen people gain. Just don't put in anything more than you can survive losing and you'll be OK. I mean we're all relatively young and have decades of work left in us so losing it all isn't so bad. I'm not sure if you own property yet, or what your situation is with retirement planning, but 10's of thousands sounds like too much to gamble with unless you've got some net worth stored in real estate, stocks, or a 401K. Me personally, I've got about 70% net worth in crypto, but that's only because I'm on my second halvening bull cycle now, and exploited the shit out of the last crash. I actually invested more of my "hard earned" into a downpayment on my house, I'm just "lucky" crypto is way up from when I was scooping ETH and BTC. If you do choose to buy in, don't transfer more than 6k at a time from your bank to an exchange, and try to keep less than 10k worth of transactions per exchange account. I'de suggest opening a few bank accounts, and a few exchange accounts. If you transact more than 20k the exchange has to 1099 you. If you do a wire transfer more than 10k (or even close to 10K) the banks will report you. Also, don't buy it, and let it sit on an exchange, put it in a wallet. My suggested wallet is a Trezor x Exodus. A Trezor is a hardware wallet that prevents hacking even if your phone/PC is hacked, and Exodus is probably the most user friendly, easiest wallet to use. Emphasis on using either a ledger, or Trezor if you hold anything over $1000.00 IMO. The market crashing isn't the only way people loose funds in this game. PS, Trezor is the only hardware wallet that works with exodus and I'd never use exodus without a Trezor. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ledger+nano https://www.exodus.io/
  9. Not taking any profits myself until Q3 Q4 2021 as I've saif before in here. Same vibes were here late 2016/early 2017 and they'll keep going. Timing couldn't be better, mass inflation starting to kick in, people doubting the government. Also ETH is about to scale massively, and institutions finally have permission to start jumping in. There's really nothing else worth investing in during economic lockdowns IMO. Savings and investing is sort of a lifestyle choice, With Defi, and staking now there's a guaranteed on non manipulated interest rates around 15-20% APR. Nice little chunk hits your crypto debit every month, and you still HODL. Can't call the top, but the next absolute bottom after Q2 2020 for BTC should be well over 50k.
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