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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I remember thinking I was doing well, and super financially responsible when I was able to buy a monthly bus pass 2 months in a row. If you're young, broke, and reading this, just pay for your cell phone, and drink/fuck/paint as much as you can (trust me). Wasting your teens, or early 20's on some 72 hours a week @ minimum wage is for fucking herbs. You've got your entire life to make a lot of money, but you're only young once.
  2. Hilarious watching rich people breaking down what it's like to earn minimum wage on behalf of poor people. Entire apartment to yourself, and a car payment on minimum wage? Fuck out of here. More like mom & pop's house, or straight couch surfing trying to make the buss before your transfer expires. Having a small bachelor/bachelorette pad to yourself isn't minimum wage type shit.
  3. Taliban_have_fun_at_an_amusement_park_after_taking_over_Kabul-famousunimportantkilldeer.mp4
  4. If you're coming down I-80 through Wyoming (I-70 through Colorado is shut down) let me know when you're getting close to Laramie/Cheyenne and I'll try to come through. I'm picking up extra popcorn for this thread, can't wait to see the photos.
  5. I know for a fact the vast majority of these people don't appreciate our help, because we didn't help them. We invaded them, bombed them indiscriminately, and murdered just as much, or more than the Taliban. Afghanistan is no different from the rest of the world. Any government (not simply a "democratic" government) must have the support of the majority of it's subjects. This support need not be active enthusiasm for the Taliban; it may well be passive resignation as if to an inevitable force of nature. Much like the majority of people here who hate Tyranny but don't do anything to free themselves. The desires you express through speech, art, poetry, etc. are totally irrelevant. Simply expressing, or feeling a desire for freedom no matter how deep these feelings flow through you isn't sufficient. Your actions are what decide your freedom. Like me, I didn't like being broke anymore, so I saved up and invested hardbody. If I should make it, I deserve it. Some people in Afghanistan claim they don't want to be ruled by the Taliban, but their actions, or lack thereof express a clear indifference. You might even feel the same way yourself if given a choice between a brutal foreign regime that drones weddings, or these illiterate goat fucking religious zealots. Most of the time the only people worth actually helping, are those willing to help themselves.
  6. Do you imagine them not having the balls, or desire to fight for freedom for themselves, even after being equipped by a superpower, so some 19 year old from Kansas, or the Bronx loses a limb or life earning it for their ungrateful asses. Quite frankly fuck em. If you don't have my back, I don't have yours. If you don't even have your own back, I'd rather be aligned with your enemies. Not saying there aren't many very cool people over there despite their circumstances, but 20 years of trying to hold down a monopoly on violence there was not only wrong, it was a total waste and we all know this.
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