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Everything posted by Crashdummy

  1. Crashdummy


    Free post, still want to see a tag.
  2. Crashdummy


    Sorry, but nobody was that toy when they started, and if they were, they quit. Show us a tag! Oh, and add arrows, a halo, and a crown, it looks tight yo.
  3. Crashdummy


    Nah, I have a better site to upload pix from, here Mojo -> free6.com
  4. Biting is okay when you are starting out, but add your own flare to stuff. Besides, it isn't like what you make is going to be new, pretty much everything has been done by someone at some point.
  5. Friday - Write a term paper Saturday and Sunday - Chillin' at Tahoe
  6. Great, guy's coming to pick it up. Guess I'm not wind surfing for another couple of months.
  7. Great, luck finally comes on my side. A $750 wind surfing board washes up, and my mom brings it home. I've been trying to make money to get one, so I'm juiced. Then she sees a number written in Sharpie. Of course she calls, and leaves a message on the guys phone. Fuck, I think I'm going to lose a $750 board. Right decision on her part? Great, he's calling right now.
  8. Done, fucking three hours later. I got to a point to where I was hitting things in the room and then realized one of the answers. XD
  9. Pigment is just opaque, dye actually dyes stuff.
  10. Because atleast when we were toys, we paid attention, learned on our own, and didn't ask stupid assed questions like where to "practice" graffiti. Just fucking find a wall and go.
  11. Free post. Really though, either get some plywood or kill yourself, I don't care which.
  12. Mervyns, racking clothes on my lunch break.
  13. Weekdays I wake up at 4:45, get ready, and go to the pool to swimm for a couple hours before school. Yeah, sucks.
  14. Maybe I can make the cuts less obvious, so I can just bend my the cage enough to get my hand in and grab a few Montanas. Jeez, I feel like a monkey at the zoo, what I want is on the other side of my cage. XD
  15. I'm juiced. I just realized my local Beverlys carries Montana. The only problem is it is behind a cage with a thin plastic sheet behind it, like in a shower. How can I get it? I'm almost considering having some of my nut job friends making a scene and arguing with store clerks to get their attention while I cut the cage, but I don't want them upping security after I'm done. Suggestions?
  16. Hahaha, so true. But the chicks that work there are usually nutso old crazy cat ladies.
  17. I buy colorplace because it is dirt cheap, and rack the Rusto. Krylon is okay though.
  18. Big assed book bags are great, grab a couple cans, find an empty isle, dump em in, and walk slowly so it doesn't rattle. Keep hitting the visle until the book bag is full.
  19. If you have to, and I've never tried this, use silly string caps. Don't expect it to work well though.
  20. Of course the one half a mile away from me closed a few months ago, damn. None within walking distance.
  21. Rusto, can't afford the really expensive stuff, so I rack the best ones I can get.
  22. I want a hot pink unicorn.
  23. Mine doesn't, has a serious racking problem, never much Kiwi products there cuz of it either.
  24. ^^ Good question. I never see it, maybe it's all racked here by the time I get to the stores.
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