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Everything posted by garden-hoe

  1. you could drive a big-rig.
  2. for my own benefit, i choose not to think of such things. being a vegetarian, i have become quite good at blocking out thougts that would otherwise make me gag. i suggest you try doing the same. not beng a vegetarian, that is, just blocking the thoughts...
  3. every guy i've known who has been addicted to sneakers was/is gay.
  4. well, no matter how hard i try, i can't seem to forget. goddamnit!
  5. being so permafried and all, what do you mow face on all the time?
  6. holy shit! i just noticed that i am no longer a rookie. hold your applause please. donations will be taken at the time and place specified on your invitations.
  7. ^^i make no assumptions...:huh:
  8. i think it is awesome. i mean seriously. 18,000 people showed up at 5:30 in the morning to get nekkit and hang out" for a few hours while dude took pictures. i mean now they can go and tell their friends about this one time when they went and got nekkit in public with thousands of other people just for the hell of it.
  9. Re: my new work pants no pants
  10. what else? you can't just say/write something like that and then not.
  11. green tea...it has the caffeine that you crave but instead of making you gain weight because of all that sugar, carbonation and sodium, it will make you lose weight because it burns fat naturally and increases metabolism...and it just tastes amazing. especially jasmine green tea...mmmm...
  12. seriously there is nothing strange about being addicted to dr. pepper. i would guess that 75% of the american population is also addicted to the caffeine that comes in such soda pops. so just wean yourself from it and you will be fine.
  13. you only say that because you're gay
  14. poor woman. i bet her husband doesn't even want to bang her...
  15. if you and your roommate get into it, it won't matter how big your apartment is because it will not be big enough. i say go for option 2. save yourself some money. fuck throwing parties. your house gets trashed, the cops will probably be called (especially since you are in texas), and you'll spend just as much money on booze as you would if you lived in a smaller apartment but you'll be paying twice as much for rent.
  16. I think the little girl made it, as opposed to breaking it...but who is Zooey Deschanel?
  17. did anyone at least take a gander at the short film in the link?
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