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Everything posted by CELT

  1. CELT


    Most of this page is complete garbage .
  2. Bring back the Hurricane . :lol:
  3. ^^^ Big spin to nose blunt ? I always loved the Big Spin .
  4. If you had a video part , where would you skate , and which songs would you skate too ? Say you have 10-15 minutes . Mine : Burnside Skatepark Portland , Oregon " Follow The Leader " - Eric B. & Rakim Black Pearl Skatepark Cayman Islands " Caught By The Fuzz " - Supergrass
  5. Is Fully Flared as good as the first Plan B movie ? Does it have that " Holy Shit Factor " ? Now I'm interested to see it .
  6. " Expose Yourself To Kids " - GG Allin " I'm Gonna Punch You In The Face " - The Child Molesters "Slash Your Face " - The Dogs :lol: J/K
  7. This is going on my left elbow as a tattoo to show my allegience .
  8. ^^^ I'm trying . The complaints from the GF about the skate stuff are starting to dwindle . :lol:
  9. Oh yeah , I have way too much Pretty Things , Ugly Ducklings stuff . Anyone interested in either group ?
  10. My vinyl collection pushed me into a bigger house . The only other thing I collect is anything skateboard related . Last count I had close to 2000 LP's , 175 or so 78's ( mostly Blue Note ) & 1200 or so 45's . Just picked up another copy of the Pagan's Pink Album . Anyone have $250 they want to spend . :lol: I've always been leery of posting anything involving my home , car , etc..you never know what retard might see it online and try and rob your ass . I'll try and take some pics of the vinyl I love most . Anyone looking for something PM me , I might be able to help you out or at least point you in the direction to find it . :cool: Anyone know of a newer , decent vinyl forum ? I've hated the majority of ones based in the U.S . Thanks .
  11. CELT


    Perfect weather for some of you tonight . :cool:
  12. Full-on Blizzard in Cleveland...no skating outside . :(
  13. Cleveland , Ohio , home of the pothole . We have awful roads , streets , you name it . Somehow we do have incredible sets of stairs in every size & configuration known to man . :lol:
  14. I totally agree . When I skated San Francisco , I was skating a 8.5" board , but 55mm wheels . Boston's wondeful brick everything , IIRC probably 53mm , the lowest I go . When I skate Street I do a lot of wallrides , bean-plants , etc...and need some " meat " underneath my bigger board . I don't ride anything bigger than 63mm , and that's usually skating vert / bowls .
  15. CELT


    That last one is terrible .
  16. Skating on tic-tac wheels is gay . 50 !!! Hahahahaha . I mean 54mm is perfect for the street . 50mm is hilarious . :lol:
  17. I love that crazy beardo . :lol:
  18. Frankie Hill , fuck yeah the " Bulldog " . :cool:
  19. I just saw on the cover of Transworld Skateboarding Magazine , " History Repeats : Big Pants , Small Wheels " . I thought it was a joke until I saw them review " skate jeans " , as well as 50mm & 49mm wheels . I understand people skating 53mm or 55mm for the street particularly brick banks , planters etc...but whop the fuck wants 49mm ? Fucking lame .
  20. Sammy Baptista , there's a name from left field .
  21. Exactly . That's why I refuse to go to any park , indoor or outdoor with bikes . Most outdoor ones around me banned bikes . :lol:
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