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Everything posted by CELT

  1. So you're saying Benji Galloway , Jimmy The Greek , Brian Patch , or anyone that skated in the 2007 Van's Pro-Tech Pool Party this year was trendy ? That's gay . You & I might've started at the same time , and it's not a pissing contest , but we're both from 2 different schools of skating . That's cool .
  2. Besides , I'm all about educating the newer generation of skaters , not shitting on them . The reason I hated the 90's was everything I learned and was taught in the 80's , was easily dismissed because it wasn't " popular " . That goes from dropping-in on a mini-ramp to carving a bowl or pool . ;) I realize things progress and should...but not to a point that 1 style of skating is the end all be all of skating .
  3. What ? How so ? I can't help it I started skating vert at a young age and stuck with it . 1976 , shit you and I are both 31 , because I was born in October of 76' . :lol: Fronting...please . Not my fault people like you got all caught up in the trappings & fads of the 90's . :lol: BTW , Eric Dressen influenced my street skating back in the day .
  4. Oh yeah , fuck you warm weather people . The " Storm Of Death " is approaching Ohio as I type . :eek:
  5. The only " craze " I fell into was rails on my board . It was more function than fashion . Finding rails in the 90's was almost non-existant . :lol:
  6. I've stuck what worked for me . Who said skateboarding didn't blow up until the 90's ? The Street skating scene sure did with great results . The 90's for me suffered from the lack of concrete . Now there's a park everywhere which I think fucking rules . No complaints from me . :cool:
  7. Quote of the thread award . :lol:
  8. I remember being lucky enough to hit up some middle school spots the last time I was in California . Those picnic tables were meant for skateboarding , or dwarves . :lol:
  9. http://www.concretedisciples.com/skateparksdb/display_state.php?state=CA-S The fact that SoCal has this many parks is mindblowing . I usually stay in Hunnington Beach with Johnny Witmer from The Stitches when I go to California , which has been a few years .
  10. I've pretty much wore every variant of this shoe through 20 years of skateboarding .
  11. I honestly hated World Industries with a passion , not the skaters that rode for any of the companies under World . When World spread their virus , wheels got to the size of tic-tacs & style was thrown down the drain . Fuck World .
  12. ^^^ I hear you . I meant when Mike V. was skating for Powell . Hell the re-issue boards can be a pain to find unless you're buying 1 online .
  13. I'd be willing to bet the amount of Lance Mountain or Mike Vallely boards sold , outweighs anyone from the 90's and up . I won't even use Tony Hawk because I never liked him , but marvel at the self-marketing genius he became .
  14. " There's a Code that you better know and there's one style & its to skate . We skate in packs our flag is Jaks theres always time to race . Only a fool has a pool and keeps it full only a trader dont drain his pools " - " Jaks " / U.S. Bombs
  15. I couldn't tell you 1 person that rides for Baker .
  16. Happy Thanksgiving you knuckleheads . :cool: Fuck it , I'm going to buy this , just to spite you all . :lol:
  17. DAO ponys up and pulls a backside 180 from a 8ft. quarter to 6ft. mini/spine and says , " Fuck you bitches ! " . :lol: e-skate has no rules make up a trick or situation for someone . Yeah I'm that bored . :lol:
  18. * twinky the kid drops a switch 360 flip down a long 6-stair...but breaks his deck at the nose after hitting it .
  19. Oh yeah back to the game of e-skate......... Celt pulls a layback grind touching the coping of the Kona . Yeah right , I'd shit my pants if I actually were to drop in , that sucker is no joke. :lol:
  20. I've never liked the way Rocco did business , or lackof to help skaters on any of his rosters . But I'd be foolish not to believe he didn't impact skateboarding through the 90's to Present . I'd be interested in seeing it .
  21. I look at Adidas the same way I do Van's , in regard to skating . I actually respect everyone on the Adidas Team . Anyone that says they don't like The Gonz is either lying or not a skateboarder at all .
  22. My E-Skate Team : xrebelheartsx , NerdUnit , thebumpmaker , Dog Chapman & Myself vs. yours... :lol:
  23. I challenge you to a game of skate . Celt's first trick - Frontside Air over the Deathbox of the Whale Pool in Fresno , California .
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