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Everything posted by CELT

  1. How flat...Pulaski Park in Washington D.C. flat ? :lol: J/K
  2. DAO getting busy with the skateboard thread....
  3. How about skating fast as hell through Mass on Sunday at a 150 year old Catholic Church in Cleveland ? I didn't do it , because my Grandmother would've bitch-slapped me from the clouds , but my friend Jimmy did . I think the funniest part was he ollied in , went down the middle of the church , did a pop shuv-it , rolled out back the way he came in , wearing an Iron Maiden Killers t-shirt . We were on the other side of the street pissing ourselves laughing .
  4. Skate , ride a motorcycle , drive my Jeep , the possibilities are endless . I guess going into any business but a skate shop would draw suspicion . :lol:
  5. I just scored this from West Side Skates an hour ago or so . Thank you NHS for finally shipping it on back order....and of course my son Evan likes wearing it . :lol:
  6. Don't get me wrong , I love vintage things....but some things like paying $40 for an old-ass Independent , OJII or Kryptonics patch is fucking retarded . One thing is certain , my son will have some awesome skate shirts to sport if he chooses to .
  7. LOL...Muska is a really nice guy in person , as he's another Ohio native like Chad Knight & Kristian Svitak . I saw Muska last year with his sister Lindsey , going out on a United flight at the airport . Yelling out " Muska " loudly in an airport is amusing . He's all about his DJ gig these days . I got him to admit Jereme Rogers is whack . :lol: As far as Circa goes , they suck donkey dick along with Osiris ( worst shoe company ever ) .
  8. We ride those motherfuckers in Cleveland . 60mm or bigger . Send them to me and I will ride them or give them to someone that will ride em' . :cool: As far as the 1990's World Industries big-pants , small wheels , chain wallet , shitty wigger culture that spawned . A lot of dudes wore what's now affectionately termed the " Cleveland Punk Vest " , usually a jean jacket w/ cutoff sleeves and some punk or skate t-shirt safety pinned or sewn onto the back . Mine had a JFA t-shirt w. leopard strips of fur in the front . hahahaha.....I turned my back on that shit and stuck to riding launch ramps , mini ramps and bowls & pools . Now in hindsight , I should've learned the tricks that were going down throughout the 1990's . It would've made an easier transition to today for me , but fuck it . I actually find myself more willing to skate street these days with my older dudes . We had 2 indoor spots throughout the late 1980's and 1990's to skate tranny . I consider us lucky , because most kids just had the streets .
  9. I had those bitches . :cool:
  10. I remember having a pair of Duff's " Cobnobblers " back in the day . :lol: They were ok .
  11. My friend Rita worked for them for years , and was let go earlier this year . I never owned a pair but always wanted to try them out .
  12. DVS = Sinking ship going down fast...you'll be lucky to see an ad for them in Thrasher next month .
  13. HAL , my problem with Nike is...where the hell were you in the 1980's & 1990's when skateboarding needed you ? While I like how some of the Nike shoes look , I've never found myself compelled to buy them . Granted people like Lance Mountain , Chet Childress I respect ...but I have no personal attachment to Nike at all like I do with Vans . Youtube is fun and all , but it seems any kid skating like a tech robot can get a sponsorship these days . If I owned a skateboard company , I wouldn't be cruising youtube looking for the next Chris Cole or Greg Lutzka...I would be looking for the next Sammy Baca , David Gravette or Chris Troy . But that's just me I guess .
  14. I would never be able to land something like that on purpose...I've done things on the ragged edge , hoping for a clean getaway usually with success , lol .
  15. Oh yeah speaking of Van's....check your local shops . Van's Shoes are touring local skates hops that sell their shoes via big-ass tour bus . Steve Van Doren & some pros are on the bus . I know the Van's bus is hitting up West Side Skates here , sometime next month . I'm going to be pissed if I'm working and miss it .
  16. Yes they are , but the first Rowley's made were even better . I even like the Yellow or Green Anti Hero TNT's . The padding around the ankle and sides of your foot are incredible , without being obnoxious . The DP's & Old School lows aren't the best in terms of long hours of skating . Supprisingly Vox are okay . I bought them because of the Creature design & color...:lol:
  17. LOL...my shoes I skate in . I rotate em' around , depending on what and where I'm skating . Hosoi Old School's...wearing them now Duane Peters " Monster " Vox " Vamp " Vans TnT 2 Mids Vans Old School Low
  18. Nice , mine is a 1966 440 American w/ 232 straight 6 . It's fun , and actually nice on gas with a 1bbl carb . Yeah man , I'm having fun learning 360 flips now . Back in 1993-1995 , a lot of my friends were learning the beginnings of what technical skating has become , and I turned my back to it . I skate fast and big . So instead of doing backside 180's on every gap , etc...it'll be nice to flick a 360 flip over something .
  19. CELT


    I blame Bojangles being Polish for the 12oz. snafu.......:lol:
  20. Celt recap from the past year due to lost pages : Car Accident Lost My Job Skated a lot in that time Helped a friend re-open his skate shop in a new location Got his 1966 Rambler wagon running right Still hates small boards under 8"..you 7.75" dudes are okay :lol: Learning flip tricks a lot of you learned 10+ years ago Still defends Creature , Black Label , Anti Hero & Real because I believe in them Still rides 60mm or bigger wheels , although I'm liking 58mm Spitfire F-1's lately Still hates DGK and any other worthless company that sports a shitty thug attitude Started a new job doing the same thing I've done for 9 years Trying to become more open-minded about things in skating...ongoing process Listens to JFA everyday before work or skating
  21. WTF happened here....thread looks different . :lol:
  22. No more hospital visits , out . Like an idiot I consumed enough Jameson last night to kill a Rhino . :lol: No blockage shown in any of the tests . I had seizures when I was 3 , and possibly could've had a seizure .
  23. Been in the hospital for a while now . Passed-out , hit my head on couch at home in front of Christy . Been through 2 CatScans so far . So far been told I have a possible brain hemorrhage . My luck it'll be Brain Cancer . :lol: J/K I miss my skateboard....:(
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