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Everything posted by CELT

  1. Nike's SB website... http://www.nike.com/nikeskateboarding/v3/ Oh well , I like Eric Koston a lot , and he has certainly paid his dues to do or go wherever the fuck he wants . :cool:
  2. I love Black Label , but.....I only skate their Emergency line . I'm not too impressed with the current decks they have out . I actually have mixed feeling telling you whether or not to buy one . Go for it , you'll either love it or hate it , there's no middle ground . :lol:
  3. Koston on Nike ? http://www.thrashermagazine.com/index.php?%20option=com_content&task=view&id=2613&Itemid=77
  4. CELT


    Bump CROW for not bitching about how hard it is to hit up freights .
  5. Waiting for someone to change the AT&T 12oz ad to DAO on the cellphone.........:lol:
  6. Hope you heal up fast . :cool: Don't stop skating , start wearing a white college hat , rock a popped collar & start drinking light faggoty beer , and listen to Nickleback....yeah that shit happened to one of the gnarliest punk rock skate dudes in my area that had a sore hip & knee . Death before dishonor !!!! :lol:
  7. spitfire15 , CELT , DAO , stagnant water . :lol:
  8. I fucking hate Mike V. Asshole sucker punched Lee from Creature at last year's Van's Showdown . Fuck that hippie , jock , goon son of a bitch .
  9. I'm sure DAO will photoshop me with it...:lol: Just bought these fuckers yesterday .
  10. ^^^ Listen to this man , couldn't have said it better . :cool:
  11. I'm older & fatter too @ 32 years old...:lol: 8" is perfect , Indy 149mm trucks and depending on his preference a 54mm-58mm wheel is perfect , I skate bigger wheels ( * DAO groans ) , but that's just me . Shop decks are just as good if not better than most companies out there . If your local shop has decks made at Penn's Woods , or anywhere in the U.S.A. then the quality will be decent . And you're not a dumb bitch asking a bunch of skate dudes questions . I'd be honored if my Fiance came here and asked ?'s so she could buy me a new setup . :cool:
  12. Tom Penny Anthology Life In The Fast Lane Mixtape The Best Of Tom Penny Part I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V41iB_EHNQE
  13. co-signed . Tom Penny can skate anytime , anything , anywhere . I actually saw some video of him skating in the pouring rain in London . Motherfucker , if he didn't nail a 5 trick line . I'm sure it's on youtube , but I ain't looking . :lol:
  14. I fucking hate Baker as much as I do DGK....although the DGK shirts are hilarious . Baker will never be Anti Hero , Black Label , 151 or whatever company they're trying to be . They should end themselves .
  15. CELT


    :mexican: :cool: That shit is poppin' .
  16. I just might have one....along with the Girl " Jaws " shirt , I'm sure they got a cease order on . :lol:
  17. Vietnam Muppets 4TW !!! Mt. Rushmore is fucking hysterical . :lol::lol::lol:
  18. CELT


    Punctuation and grammar would be a great start .
  19. That's what makes him mso funny in my opinion . He doesn't give a fuck . :lol:
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