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Everything posted by CELT

  1. The girl has no meat on her bones...give me a chola girl who's ass I can smack without breaking it .
  2. CELT


    One of the best things I've seen all year . Good job .
  3. No , more like stand around posing all anorexic with that Giraffe neck . I say trick them both into the woods , tie them up and leave them for the hobo's and take their paint .
  4. Propped that shit pie comment had me laughing . :lol::cool:
  5. That outfit is fucking ridiculous , something Oprah probably wore back in 1989 . But she looks a bit better than the picture posted above .
  6. The one on the left looks old and beat like the Korean Grocer in " Do The Right Thing " . 20 C battery ? The middle one , look at that big-ass pumpkin head !!! Bleach-blonde tranny...and the one on the right , the one on the right has " Chinese Eyes " , like she just smoked some shitty joint while listening to a Taylor Swift song giving her false hope that she'll escape her awful life . Yeah TRASH them all .
  7. CELT


    3 times...really ?
  8. CELT


    JASF garbage pail kids inspired letters starting to grow on me . :cool:
  9. CELT


    And those are good ones .
  10. I was gonna post that yesterday , good looking out Earl . :cool:
  11. Chloroform and throw them all in....
  12. http://www.concretedisciples.com/skateparksdb/skateparks_display.php?id=3375 Looks fun , rip it up . :cool:
  13. Depends on the size , shape and texture . You never know what you're getting into . I actually prefer older , empty abandoned pools from the 70's & 80's . There's quite a few around where I live and are kept on a total " Double Secret Probation " . Last thing you want is a new gem of a spot to be blown out by asshole kids that aren't even skating it , and fucking it up for the people that took the time to clean it out and make it skateable . About 5-6 years ago we had the " Pirate Pool " , which was a left-hand kidney shaped pool that I swear to this day had the best pool tile to grind in my life . No one took pictures , no one told anyone about it , and it was skated for a solid 2 years . Then..someone squealed about it , we know who after a few years . And a few younger kids that never rode a pool a day in their lives tried to drop-in . One of the kids wrecked himself hard and had to be transported by Ambulance . The Police in that town asked to city to fill it in and we lost a great spot .
  14. CELT


    Taken at a BK in East Cleveland and posted to the Alan Cox Show fan page this morning...fucking hilarious .
  15. CELT


    :lol: Not me , I rock regular fit Hooligan Jeans , West Side Skates denim for life .
  16. Pool Talk...real talk . :cool: Wish I could skate it with you guys .
  17. SMASH short-hair chick with huge rack , standing in front of some retarded , Lurch-looking bastard . SMASH Redhead on far left for sure .
  18. SMASH...both their heads against the wall , and throw em' into the Van .
  19. CELT


    Good flics BIGTUNA1 . :cool:
  20. Pictures nigga pictures . :cool::lol:
  21. Not sure if I posted it or not , but here's the one that started it all back in 1985 , living in Minnesota . :cool:
  22. Smash with Gallagher's wooden mallet .
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