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Everything posted by CELT

  1. CELT


    Yeah I got warned . Whatever , the HOER's are nice but I think the rest are wack .
  2. CELT


    ^^^ I see at least one a day , if not a few .
  3. No old Hosoi for me...my friend Nicole was going to give it to me , but I couldn't take it from her when she's in a bit bit of financial trouble . I told her to put it on eBay and she's sure to get $150-$200 for it . Besides the old cool stickers on the bottom , the thing has very little wear . I feel better being a good friend than a douchebag that would covet the deck for my own use .
  4. CELT


    PBJ getting it done in the 2010 . :cool:
  5. CELT


    Them Desto's are so bright I can seem em' in my sleep .
  6. That just earned a huge what the fuck ? :lol:
  7. Surprisingly I don't like #2 at all...I'm all for a cradle but the flow is total bogus .
  8. Skatestoppers just hit Cleveland a few years ago , and Cleveland roads are fucking horrible . I don't street skate downtown much anymore CLE...it's pretty fucking boring now with a lot of pyramids , banks & hubbas demolished or removed .
  9. Yeah I hear you , we have a snake run in Columbus , Ohio - Dodge Skatepark , but it's overrun with weeds , cracks and pretty damn dangerous to skate . I like the cradle , but the rest of #2's flow is odd .
  10. Last night these were the 3 design proposals for the new Cleveland Skate Park from Grindline . #1 has my vote for sure , what do you guys think ? #1 " Mini Orcas " #2 " Double Cradle " #3 " Snake Run "
  11. This new park will be breaking ground in August , very close to where I live . This is also the park that should be named after Randy Stang . Randy Stang ( We need more citizens like him ) R.I.P. - http://bsbp.org/?page_id=521
  12. That sucks...I watched it a few times yesterday .
  13. I haven't had an original Hosoi Hammerhead 1985-1987 ( Before it was tweaked ) , since I was 10 years old . I have a re-issue , but having the real thing is something . I told her I'm keeping those stickers on , and maybe re-gripping it with a piece of Madrid flypaper I've been saving for something special . :cool:
  14. Nice fucking vid . :cool:
  15. This is being given to me for free from a mutual friend..I'm so stoked . :cool:
  16. Go Skateboarding Day is everyday for me when I can get on my board , but gonna drop my son off at his Mom's house and head downtown Cleveland with everybody else . Might hit up the " Batcave " and skate a nice 6ft. mini . Rip it up . :cool:
  17. CELT


    This page just blew me the fuck away . :cool:
  18. CELT


    I honestly anticipate what RILA's gonna do next . The Blueprint...The Paint-By-Numbers , all of it is straight retarded amazing . :cool:
  19. Joey has Mullen-esque board control , he's amazing . You guys should check out Cliche decks , they're damn good . I rode someone's Jeremy Daclin 8.1" and it was rad .
  20. CELT


    ^^^ I've known and seen Jeff's work for the past 15-17 years , the guy does amazing shit with neon . He was robbed & shot walking home after going to Pat's In The Flats . Jeff is the kind of guy that would give you anything you ever needed...fucking sucks . As of yesterday 14 people have been shot in 7 days in Cleveland .
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