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Everything posted by CELT

  1. CELT


    Is that your real name in your blog address , just curious...you never know who's peepin' & infiltrating on here . :cool:
  2. CELT


    1997 , I was 21 and pumping every hot chick I could rap to . Hip Hop was infiltrated in 97'-98' by the corporate music moguls , leaving us shitty T.I. , Lil Wayne , Rick Ross , The Ying Yang Twins , pretty much 95% of anything on the radio these days . I went through at least 2-3 copies of " ATLiens " living in Columbus , skating , partying like a boss .
  3. Ohio , Illinois , Indiana , Pennsylvania people I want to do the same as these East Coast guys , maybe next Summer . Make it like a 2-3 day trip , where we go skate/camp at a predetermined set of Skate Parks / Spots . I can tell you Columbus , Ohio has some of the nicest outdoor concrete parks in the Midwest , starting with Grove City & Powell . :cool:
  4. CELT


    " What's with all this chocolate all over your face , motherfucker ? He looked confused...Chocolate , this is doo-doo baby , ahhhh " - David Chappelle
  5. Just got home from seeing Stay Gold..I thought it sucked . Hsu & Romero's parts were the only ones I thought were decent . It's a shame they waited forever to release it and the end product was sub par in my opinion . Oh well , looking forward to seeing the new full-length Krooked flic . :cool:
  6. CELT


    CROW is a Vet , and knowing personally the people as friends/writers he surrounds himself with only makes him that much better than the average asshole leaving thowies and weak-ass handstyle all over town I see from a lot of the younger guys . I have 5-6 more years and I'm 40 and " Old " like the Dirty Bird . Fame...having your pieces in Can Control Magazine back in 1993-1994 was legit fame , because someone took the time to snap them up , someone took a look at them and decided they were worthy of printing . Anyone can paint something and send the picture almost instantaneously to the internet in seconds without taking the time to think whether it's worthy of anyone's attention . I see more of CROW posting other's work than his own on here . Respect...I think anyone involved in something for a long time should garner respect . I mean CROW ain't telling any kids to " Kiss my Converse punk " like Sho-Nuff , I know for a fact older guys like LOST have tried to help younger guys out or give them advice only to be ignored because a younger head misunderstood what they were doing as a sign of disrespect or actin' " Holier Than Thou " . - Celt Rapes looking dope as hell . :cool:
  7. West Side Skates showing " Stay Gold " tonight at the shop , in the new & huge screening room / art gallery . I'll take some pics if I remember . I was thinking...I've only owned a single pair of Emerica shoes and they were total crap , oh well . I hope Heath Kirchart , Jerry Hsu & Andrew Reynolds parts are good . Bryan Herman is a beast , but for some reason I never liked Leo Romero or Braydon Szafranski .
  8. Fuck that clown...:lol: Skate Master Tate nigga !!!!
  9. Nice pics/spots , Baltimore is fun as fuck . I haven't been to Boston , NYC , or anywhere East Coast in a while now except for Baltimore . I wrecked myself one night about 4 years ago skating drunk as a skunk by the Aquarium , and I puked near the entrance of that ESPN Zone .
  10. Lucky fucker , hey check-out Pissed Off Pete's Bar in SF . I hCan't miave a friend from Ohio , Chris Collins , who was bartending there . http://www.pissedoffpetes.com/ Have fun . :cool:
  11. Smash Asian Chola until her eyes turn round...:haha:
  12. CELT


    Not with a skull that looks like it has Down Syndrome...:lol:
  13. CELT


    The past 3 pages have earned this CLICK --->
  14. CELT


    " burn you out of the water " .
  15. CELT


    And hot dogs....:lol:
  16. CELT


    westsidelorain... Nice old flics pepsi .
  17. Today is a kind of day . Danny Sargent's Trucks Skateboard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPQggmyeqC0 Little Big Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVXOAIOM_dg Johnny D Blatant Localism EP - Out Of School , Jodie Foster's Army , Do The Hannigan , Count , Beach Blanket Bongout , Cokes & Snickers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbiu5BbxHfs
  18. Hahahahahaha !!!! :lol: Headfirst was fucking crazy and had to be done .
  19. CELT


    For Me To Poop On !
  20. These are from Sunday's 3rd Annual Cleveland Big Wheel & Coffin Race . Little kids throwing water balloons was goddamn hilarious , one of them bullseyed me in the balls...hahaha . I couldn't stop taking the West Side Land Shark down headfirst , and if you look in my hands I was using empty water bottles as brakes . The thing was so rad I probably went down 10 times on it . I hit 25-30mph when I went through the tunnel with no helmet . We had music playing the whole time through a P.A. and it would go from a Yo Gabba Song to Venom or The Accused , Public Enemy or NWA . :lol:
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