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  1. 8 minutes ago, LUGR said:

    You put ketchup on a beef cheesesteak too?


    that’s pretty unusual imo


    I got to look into this.

    Of course! Not doing so would be unusual.
    Philly ain't Chicago, we put ketchup on hot dogs too. 😆💯

  2. 1 hour ago, Mauler5150 said:

    Sounds like you are speaking in tongues with that lingo. 


    So you like onions but not cheeze wiz when you indulge in a cheesesteak if I am reading that correctly?

    When you go to the tourist traps "Pat's" and "Geno's", which are basically across the street from eachother, they use that as their lingo. "wiz with" means cheese wiz and onions. "Witout" means no onions. It's pretty much only those two tourist traps that uses that lingo.  If you go into a random corner pizza shop talking that nonsense they're probably gonna look at you like you're a noodle.

    • LOL! 1
  3. 14 hours ago, LUGR said:

    Talks mad shit when somebody goes wiz wit and then goes and skid marks his steaks with ketchup.

    Only tourists put cheese wiz on their cheesesteaks. That's why Pat's and Geno's pushes that shit, because they know they're tourist traps and they can get over and penny pinch yous by telling yous that "it's the real Philly way" . 🤣

    • Truth 1
  4. 15 hours ago, metronome said:

    I get tomato/pizza sauce with chicken, but ketchup? 

    That's fucking foul. You people don't know what a real cheesesteak even is, yall be eating them fake ass outatown shits. Probably put lettuce and guacamole on them shits too, huh?  🤣

    • LOL! 2
  5. 15 hours ago, LUGR said:

    back to this….


    I am a huge fan of ketchup….but ketchup on a cheesesteak?! Surprised the locals even allow that. Only on the chicken janks or you put ketchup on your beef too?

    WTF is you talking about? Who the fuck eats a cheesesteak without ketchup on it??? 🤣

  6. 16 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

    I won't debate the taste factor, but you're all tripping.  It's a cheesesteak not a cheesechicken.  I'd figure DAO would defend that to the death but maybe leaving Philly has taken his anger down a notch.


    Kind of funny to worry that your cheesesteak is going to give you ass cancer or whatever but you're on the side of the highway inhaling exhaust and paint fumes (which is totally worth it btw).

    It's a chicken cheesesteak. I'm from Philly. You're not. There's nothing to defend.
    Matter of fact, I ate them ocasionally when I lived there just to switch it up. Eating the same shit all the time gets old. You really think we all live on a diet of straight up cheesesteaks and nothing else? You probably think we actually put cheeze wiz on that shit too, huh?  😆

    • LOL! 1
  7. On 5/14/2024 at 9:12 PM, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

    You bite into a rock solid grinder, or a sammich, hoagie, whatever tf you want to call it, you gotta walk away one clean bite without a ton of random shit falling out everywhere. 

    It's called a hoagie. WTF is a grinder? Aint that like a homo Tinder or some shit? 😆

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  8. 2 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

    DAO and LUGR basically neighbors - 


    Took one for the team today, closest thing to a legit steak near me. Couple other decent spots but this one is pretty on par with my Philly experiences. 


    Pondered chicken but decided to go with my usual - steak, white american cheese and onion. 










    Whoever typed up that sign is sus. Some of it's on point, others not so much.
    I remember being impressed by how nice everyone was the first time I went to NYC. And that was in the 90's. I thought they were supposed to have a rep for being rude, they ain't have shit on Philly. 😆

    • LOL! 2
  9. 6 hours ago, ndv said:

    For the record she has a law degree so you might get an allowance to play with crypto investments.   Might wanna consider that. 



    • Truth 1
  10. 15 hours ago, LUGR said:

    I think we sometimes default to this 12oz collective image of DAO in our heads which is the red text wall argument warrior of the mid to late 2000’s. We forget that he is become a chill, forklift certified, level headed dude with an open mind.

       My man, the forklift days coincided with the wall of red text days. And don’t get it twisted, I’ll fuck up a regular cheesesteak too, especially depending on where I’m getting it from. But I gots to chill on that red meat, son. I got a phobia of cancer,  and it seems like everyone’s either ODing on drugs or getting cancer these days. And anyways, chicken cheesesteaks are good too . Ain’t nothing faggy about a chicken cheesesteak, and ain’t most you Cali niggas on that tofu vegan shit? Fuck outahere. 😆

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  11. On 3/26/2024 at 1:59 AM, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

    Have you considered it being lost to that so called "mandela effect?
    Where shit that all of us of a certain age clearly remember all of a sudden being scrubbed clean from existence?
    Like Ed McMahon supposedly was never the spokesman for Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes, etc?
    One theory is that it's google conducting a social experiment to see if they can change the perception of history by literally scrubbing all evidence of this shit clean from the records, and because the younger generation literally only believes what they can google, they can gaslight us all into looking stupid.
    Another theory is that the Haldron Colider put us into an alternate universe where shit is different. Do you remember that chick Symbols supposedly had something to do with that? I really want somebody to track her down and get her opinion about this.

    @misteraven Where's Symbols at? Tried @-ing her in here and nothing. Wasn't she one of your mods? We need her input on this matter! 😆

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  12. 14 hours ago, Mercer said:


    You could be grabbing them flippers and giving her the floating wheel barrel smash and you're worried about a little poop.


    She probably pulls down a pile of TP on the floor with her teeth then does the twist like Chubby Checker on top.



    Yeah, that's definitely not substantial to get the job done. I get grossed out if a bitch has a little piece of toilet paper ball on her ass, I ain't tryna smash no shitty ass. 😆

    • LOL! 2
  13. 14 hours ago, LUGR said:

    I seen it in the west coast shops before, but figured you would clown me if I ever mentioned it.

    Nah, I clown yall for calling for that cheese wiz shit. But chicken cheesesteaks are legit. 
    I don't know how legit your Cali ones are, but in Philly they're legit. 😆

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