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  1. 2 hours ago, El Jefe Uno said:

    Like many of you, I was hyped to cop the first tee in the 12-12-12 series. I excitedly awaited its arrival, since I don’t get cool things in the mail anymore. The day came. I got the notification while I was at work that the package had been delivered. Fuck yeah.


    I check the mail after work. I notice my mailbox is open a little bit. Weird but maybe it was the wind. 




    Let’s rewind. I live in the middle of nowhere these days. I don’t have many neighbors. There’s a vacant house down the street that some tweakers moved into a few months ago. They piss me with their loud shitty music and trash piling up but they don’t fuck with me so I don’t fuck with them.

    But now they’ve gone too far. These mother fuckers have crossed a line. And that’s where I need your help, Ch. 0 🙏

    For various reasons, I’m not the type to get the law involved. But I need a path of recourse. My first thought was to get a cheap GPS tracker, set it up and put it back in the package to see if they steal it. But apparently you need to pay a monthly service because everything is rent-seeking trash these days and I ain’t fucking doing it. Also I already know it’s them because who else would the fuck else would it be. God damn tweakers. 


    My second thought was to fill an old Amazon envelope with dog shit, seal it back up, and get them to steal it. But I’m worried my mailman might think something is off if I put a bag of dog shit in my own mailbox. 

    So, what do I do Ch. 0? How do I get my petty revenge? 

    Burn down the bando they're squatting in.

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  2. On 6/23/2024 at 2:26 PM, One Man Banned said:


    You rose to efame as an angry, tight pants bulge inspector.  Seems gay.  You're from the city of brotherly love, sounds kinda gay.  You moved to the land of steers and queers, and you aint got no horns.  Sounds kinda gay too.  I heard that on FB you only type in walls of magenta text.  Happy Pride Month to ya, you still got about a week left.

     I ain't inspecting shit, I just clowned on you for rocking your little sister's jeans on some gay  shit. The "City of Brotherly Love" is a oxymoron. That term was invented out of sarcastic irony. Philly is literally hate town USA. But we do have a "Gayborhood", which you'd know if you every been to Philly, because that's definitely where you'd spend most of your time.  My horn is for the ladies, so you'd definitely never see it. Especially since I don't rock my little sister's skinny jeans, like some gay nigga. Walls of text is stricktly reserved for you gay niggas on 12oz, and WTF is a magenta? Gay. Also, I'd have no idea it was your people's month if you didn't just tell me. Happy gay month, gay nigga. 😆

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  3. 12 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

    I'm really not into spitting, hope this doesn't bring in a new crop of spit porn.

    Nigga you gay.

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  4. 20 hours ago, ndv said:


    So this guy is totally book smart but a complete disaster at his hobbies. 


    I don't know about this Gray thing... lol.  I mean what he is describing is far worse for humanity.  Humanity would collapse in no time.   What's his answer to Chinese Communist Party for global domination.


    Honestly, I think we already see his visons playing out,  look at Boeing self governing themselves and the current state that gotten to.


    His fantasies are an interesting Netflix series to say the least.   Brace yourselves San Fran!

    What he's pushing is literally fascism.

  5. 7 hours ago, Mercer said:


    Is that a car lighter burn on her arm? I ain't seen one of them since the 80's/early 90's. 
    Oh she FREAKY freaky, huh? 😆

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  6. 16 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

    Who would have predicted that in 2024 DAO no longer uses bold to type his responses


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  7. 23 hours ago, T4M* said:


    It's one of those "parallel universe " type scenarios , and there is a team of Smash people out there :




    Don't know if there is anyone in here that shares the same fantasy of parrarel universes.













    Not me.

    I ain't smashing no broad who reminds me of a dude. 😆

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  8. 6 hours ago, ndv said:


    I had come across an article outlining this ID thing years ago. Basically what I recall is the article published was explaining how 3 letter agencies didn't really care about under age "are you 18 years or older" clicks, but more so, these 3 letter agencies do not know who is exactly looking at what as there is typically multiple people in a household.  The other issue the article had concerns with, is that these same 3 letter agencies have psychologists (profilers) to help with your online profile.  As these so called experts go as far as to catoroize specific types of porn may exhibit tendencies, fantasies or physical actions exhibited in sociopaths such as serial rapists or killers.  They categorized stuff such as BDSM as a potential identifier and 18yr porn could potentially a early on pedo.  


    It was an interesting read to say the least, but the main concern is that not only are these profiles being done with adult content but also specific commerce sites such as chemical and or e-commerce outlets selling components that are not directly used for explosives but could be.  


    Government tracks everything, Zero Day is in every thing these days. Or I would always approach life with this in mind. 

    Them 3 letter faggots have no business sticking their noses in people's personal private lives. Much less profiling people on what kind of porn they watch. 

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  9. On 6/9/2024 at 2:04 PM, nicklesndimes said:


    I take that back, this is the most definite smash on this page! She still has one hand, she can definitely wipe that ass. 😆


  10. On 6/9/2024 at 8:56 AM, ndv said:

    That second pic looks like a trap for hours of feminist talk.

    Can't talk with a dick in her mouth. Real shit, T4M's lesbian lookin ass broad is the only one on this page who can get it on the low.  Yall talking  bout smashing those cereal broads got this whole game fucked up. Yall missing the whole point. Yall motherfuckers probably the getting gummers from crack whores. 😆

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  11. 14 hours ago, ndv said:


    I've heard about something like this in Russia/eastern Europe.  They call the drug Crocodile.  

    I remember reading about that Crocodile shit in Russia back in the 90's and was wondering if it was the same shit.
    I mean, it did hit while Putin's puppet was in the whitehouse.
    Somebody told me it's not the same shit, but I don't know that he even knows.


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