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  1. On 6/10/2024 at 3:20 PM, ndv said:


    The unibomber kinda messed it up for us and then everybody got soft on exploding packages because of it. 

    The unabomber was the real John Connor trying to save the world from the AI takeover that's going to destroy us all.
    RIP Ted Kaczinski. 💯


    • Truth 2
  2. Yall need to look up Project 25. This is a real conspiracy by the right to turn America into a white ruled, christian nationalist country. 
    And they want trump in as a dictator to help them overthrow everything.
    This shit is just part of their agenda, as is a national ban on abortion etc.


    • Like 1
  3. On 5/29/2024 at 9:31 PM, LUGR said:

    Pineapple on thigh! chili pepper on ass!


    all 3 sss


    yall sure you know how to play this thread?

    LOL were you rocking beer goggles when you typed that?
    All 3 are definitely questionable unless maybe it's last call at the bar. 😆

    • LOL! 1
  4. 6 hours ago, nicklesndimes said:


    This one looks fun. Can't figure out why she's in here, are you more into fatties or something?
    Or is it cause you can smell the cigarette breath through this picture? 😆


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    • LOL! 2
  5. 20 hours ago, SMdoubleXL said:

    So. I turned xx  yesterday. 
    just a usual day for me really. I get a call and a text from my kid and a late card with photos. (I told her no more flowers. It’s a waste of money and it’s never what you pay for or expect ) 

    Usual few texts from people. I don’t expect much but It does make a difference if your dude (so, chick, partner, wife, husband whatever) remembers. AT LEAST REMEMBERS. 

    Nothing all morning. All day. I get home from work and my kid’s bf insists on buying and having food sent to me once he found out it was my day ( He did at Christmas too) 

    I pick the usual Chic fila. 
    it gets delivered while dude’s in the shower (fresh home from work) 

    he sits next to me and we snack on some chic fila. 
    mind you. It’s one drink/one meal (we share a lot of snacks/food) 

    he doesn't even question how or when or why all of a sudden there is chic fila present


    i mention how brownies sound good and he should make some brownies.

    he jokes back and says I should make the brownies.

    I say again. YOU should make brownies

    he said no


    I said ‘even for my birthday’?
    he responded with ‘it’s not even your birthday’

    haha. Kinda awkwardly 

    and within minutes he said 

    ‘I didn’t even know it was your birthday until you just said it. I was wondering where the chic fila came from’ 

    got up. Made brownies and was half shitty the rest of the night because he knows he’s an ass and too proud to admit (any wrong doing) or apologize. 


    im still a little bitter. Even at near 50. 


    so I dug up  this thread to unbitter myself and see where the love is. 


    Happy birthday, yo!
    Don't know what to say about how your night went, a lot of dudes are bad with B-days and anniversaries and shit like that. Did he make it up to you today?

    • Like 2
  6. On 5/25/2024 at 8:08 PM, ndv said:


    Fuck it, hit it it now before she gets fat. Just make sure you don't plant one in her, cause she aint gonna look like that in a few years. Especially after popping out a kid. 😆


    • LOL! 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Mercer said:

    Yea, I was probably wrong on the timing looking back. I think 89/90 was the starter jacket era. 

    89/90 was definitely the Starter jackets era. And the 8-ball jackets. 😆

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

    89/90 we were still rocking the standard cut decks, flat noses and shit.


    I remember when this neighborhood kid rolled up on the Ray Barbee Hydrant deck, maybe 91. Shit blew our minds. 

    Even that Ray Barbee was more like 89/90. By 91 we had long noses and the wheels were working their way down in size. The fish tails were out, but the boards still had shapes and were wide as fuck.


  9. 9 hours ago, Mercer said:

    Outside of the few times I've been a fat fuck over my life, the most regrettable look/photos for me were 1989/90 rocking size 42 pants with a 28 waist and cutting the bottoms of the legs off during the big pants small wheels skate era. Outside of that it's cool looking back and remembering the different dumb shit we all did. Kinda regret not having more photos of it.

    That was definitely not 89/90. More like 92/93. 

    • Truth 1
  10. On 5/25/2024 at 6:34 PM, Mercer said:

    Yea, like I've said before, I'm a little bias, so I'm willing to hear the (facts based) defense of MJ and looked into confirming the points they made, comes from my own bias since he was probably one of the first people I was a fan of as a small kid.


    Funny story:


    When the Thriller became MTV's first music video on heavy rotation, my mom noticed I liked the "Beat it" video from that album so she wrongly assumed I was some sort of MJ super fan (back then breaking and other shit was way cooler). So my mom goes out and buys a red pleather "Beat it" MJ jacket with the zippers and stuff on it, and this was probably the first time in my life I remember pretending I liked one of her gifts. Ended up destroying it before I had to wear it to school, or around my friends.



    Dude, that jacket was the shit back in like 2nd grade. I remember the cool kids rocked that shit.
    I always thought it looked kinda ass myself, though.  😆

    And Beat It was my favorite song back then too. 😆


    • Like 2
  11. On 5/23/2024 at 11:32 AM, cancelculttourist said:

    Buttered biscuits.



    Hah! If you pause at 1:41, I have a fillin in the background. But it's so goddamned blurry/pixelated that you can't even make it out. 😆

    • Like 1
  12. On 5/25/2024 at 1:14 PM, ndv said:


    But far as I know.  I don't see photos floating around of MJ and Epstien together.  If there is, perhaps I may want to believe that was just epstien trying to use mj for street cred clout to help build his pedo empire. 

    Fun fact: Literally the only celebrity/politician ever actually accused of banging kids with his wingman Epstein is Donald Trump, who was accused in court of forcibly raping a 13 year old girl at one of Epstein's pedo parties in 1994. Long before any of yous ever even heard of Epstein or his pedo parties. Food for thought. 


  13. On 5/25/2024 at 1:14 PM, ndv said:

    I kinda leave MJ out of the pedo ring imo, i may poke fun from time to time but I felt guilty about it.  It may be true or not, we will never know.  


    I am sure I am not the only one that has heard people come to his defense explaining the missed childhood that we all had amd mj didn't is what he was making up for in his adulthood.  So yeah, weird sleepovers and what not may seem very sus.   Not saying it couldn't have happened, I am just saying I stand indifferent to it amd I am not sure why to be honest, I have nothing to gain from it.  


    But far as I know.  I don't see photos floating around of MJ and Epstien together.  If there is, perhaps I may want to believe that was just epstien trying to use mj for street cred clout to help build his pedo empire. 

    Literally entire generations missed out on childhood. The "greatest generation" missed out on childhood, as did every generation before them who were literally going to work in coal mines when they were old enough to drop out of 2nd grade. And literally nobody ended up anything anywhere near as weird as that, in fact the opposite.  Nah, FOH with that bullshit.


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