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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Apparently you are the one getting butthurt over the internet. At first you were laughing, then you thought about it and went back and edited trying to explain yourself. :biglaugh:
  2. You could be a Canuck who changed up your whole M.O. to act like a racist, country music listening redneck the minute you moved to Texas.
  3. Nobody has to prove shit. I was there and seen it, as were more than a handfull of other people. People didn't call up filmers and wait till the cameras showed up to do shit back then, they just did the shit to do it.
  4. Treefort had some dope boards. I had one back in the day and that shit had some serious pop.
  5. I knew you were talking about Vinny Ponte at that contest in 93, but I seen a local cat ollie that shit in like 91. It just wasn't filmed or nothin. Vinny Ponte was the first documented/filmed or whatever, but he wasn't the actual first. I'm not trying to knock your boy or start an arguement, I'm just sayin.
  6. Your boy wasn't really the first to ollie the fountain gap.
  7. Theo, I was actually gonna make a Fresh Prince jawn, but I'm glad you beat me to it cause you slayed it with those lyrics.
  8. How was he shitting on me? I thought that shit was funny.
  9. "<www.12ozprophet.com> You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TheoHuxtable.. again."
  10. Fuckit... I might as well get in on the fun too. [ATTACH]110058.vB[/ATTACH]
  11. "You kickflip it, good for you... Frank Gerwer's over there. You kickflip backside grab it, Matt Hensley was 25 years ago". ^That's fucked up how he dissed the shit out of Danny Gonzalez like that.
  12. It takes more time to take out your wallet and convince the dude to not piss on your board than it does to just snatch it back from him and use it to crack his skull.
  13. Skaters are such pussies these days. I'm seriously embarrassed for you kids.
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