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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. *Insert picture of TPWF talking bout how his little sisters spandex pants "fit".
  2. Nigga talking bout his thin ass spandex is going to save his shins, but you aint affraid of racking your balls in them skintight girlpants though now are you? LMFAO!!!!!!!!
  3. It has nothing to do with your "size". But if you're rockin size 30 jeans, then you're a TPWF. I don't give a fuck how skinny you are. I havn't rocked size 30 pants since middleschool... and that was before baggy pants even hit. And I was scrawney as fuck up untill my mid 20's.
  5. And yet you go through the effort of trying to skate in your little sisters skintight jeans??? And you're trying to claim that it has nothing to do with fashion trends, it just "feels right"??? AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. More like cause I'm not a tight pants wearing faggot. I was rockin size 40's when I was skin and bones.
  7. This nigga must be rockin these jawns.
  8. Also, as for this pants-vs-shorts convo. I can remember as far back as like 1991 certain dudes I knew refusing to skate in shorts. Not just for the shinner factor, but like Hal said they just didn't feel confortable skating in shorts. As for me though , fuck all that. If it's hot as balls out, I'm rockin some size 40-42 cargo shorts.
  9. I been seeing mad dudes trying to rock the Huckleberry Fin look. Cutting off their tight pants into shorts. I'm not sure which is gayer... tightpants, or Huckleberry Fin tight cutoffs.
  10. Whitehall has usually always been crumbling. Every now and then somebody will fix something, or bring some new shit. Or like when the city dropped off those pre-fab quarter pipes. I usually only ever went there to skate the grindboxes anyways. Those $1.75 hoagies from that chinese store are what's up though. I seriously miss hoagies.
  11. If you have to ask the internet, you're probably better off not even touching etch in the first place. You might hurt yourself. Or somebody on the internet might think it's funny to tell you to do something that's going to cause you to hurt yourself. And even if you do get the answers you're looking for, mad idiots are going to see it and be etching everything in sight and bringing heat down on everybody else. Just get with some oldheads you know who knows. The old fashioned way.
  12. Cargo pants are dope to skate in. At least the real ones from the army/navy store.
  13. That's where the best Home Depot is at. They got Montana and Krink there.
  14. The fuck does that have to do with Philly?
  15. Lew Blum, I found some pics of that Pops Playground park on google image. Looks shitty. Just like you said, they crammed too much in a small space. I'd probably rather skate Whitehall. Is Whitehall still around?
  16. About the same is like a 1/2 size difference tops. You're still rockin skintight pants. That makes you a TPWF. And you seem alot more concerned with this than I am. I was just laughing at somebody else's post who first pointed it out.
  17. They been saying that for the past 10 years. I'll believe it when I see it. I think my boy was telling me about the Kenzo park like a month ago. Doesn't sound like my flavor, but I guess it's better than nothing. I'll google it.
  18. Looks about the same to me. You're in denial.
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