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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. ^There's nothing and nobody in there. Lies!!!
  2. I for one would like to know more about this Padawan chick. Pics of dildo in ass/backstory of snitchery?
  3. I don't get you at all. There was nothing anoying about the music in that video part, yet every other video part you post I can't even sit through more than 5 seconds of it before the music makes me want to put my head through a wall and I lose all interest and click off. You Seatle dudes are fucking weirdos.
  4. It's fucking 2009. Unless you're in your 40's, 92 is OG.
  5. What's a sambo? And why is dude a faggot for getting shot? The fuck are you talking about?
  6. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that you're assuming he's a younger cat. Daniel Castillo's around my age and has been in the mags and video's since at least the early 90's. Dude just looks mad young for some reason. Dude's OG.
  7. A onefoot and a ollie north are the same trick. I find it hilarious that people call onefoots "ollie north" nowadays. Back in the day "ollie north" was a regional name that people in the suburbs outside of Philly called onefoots. Nobody from anywhere else called onefoots a "ollie north" back in the day.
  8. Daniel Castillo is OG. You're a faggot in tight pants.
  9. I spent my entire late teens and early 20's having sex with highschool girls. I definitely banged more highschool smuts during that time frame than bitches my own age. Life would have sucked back then without highschool smuts.
  10. What do you mean? That kid's seriously good. I just hope they don't turn him into another Sheckler.
  11. I just found out JR Neves died like a month or so ago. Dude was the homie. RIP. I'm pissed that youtube is lacking in his footage. Found this on google video. http://hazelskateboard.blogspot.com/2009/05/jr-neves.html
  12. Your link didn't show anything to do with wet in Texas. Infact, I have no idea WTF your link is talking about.
  13. Do they even have dust in AZ? I know they don't have that shit in Texas.
  14. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I need to give props to Raven for that.
  15. WTF did I miss out on??? What did ASL try to pull with Raven?
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