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  1. LLLLLOOOOOOUUUUUUNNNNNNGGGGEEEEEE 3333337777777 DDDOOOOTTTTTT CCCCOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!! Haha jokes.. Ottawa is cool, Keepsix is cool, 12oz is cool, But You kids with screennames... a little less cool. Nobody takes you seriously.
  2. yea, what they said.. plus Coma and Tens, and nobody mentioned Tlok yet, i can appreciate that straightletter.
  3. so, people from any city could post tagged buses on this thread? once again sorry about the space taken by my text-only comments, ill let you guys get back to flicks after this one :p
  4. sorry to add another pointless post to this thread, but, what is muni? is it busses in general, or is this thread for a certain city's busses?
  5. HAHA yea, i was about to say you missed the point, but i guess i had it backwards.. The point is the same, just Left-To-Right instead of Right-To-Left, you caught me bro. This in fact is a really good idea for a thread.
  6. That Kwest on the first page is something to think about. dude totaly works Right-To-Left. TVC Tag is there, 3d Effects are there, after-fill shit's there, then once you get to the "S" shit just stops, obviously he doesnt have Attention Deficit Disorder like myself, fuck Right-To-Left, I'm all over the place when i paint!
  7. Esta613

    gold rush

    kwest causer house berzerker fester diar
  8. I wish everyone could spend three minutes at this spot, any time, day or night.. Count the cops that roll by.. This shit is on one of the three streets in Ottawa with major drug/prostitution problems. It has already been said that ottawa has alot of cops, but this is definately one of the streets where they concentrate. Not including rooftops, ive never done more than a hollow on Somerset, let alone something to this scale. Respect.
  9. cancer is the new troops. ladies and gentlemen, in the grey corner; House and Rove!!!!
  10. High Rollers. Fatso. Pestoe. Samo.
  11. Iceman Koler Isto Amen Enue Savior Some fucking goodies in this one.
  12. Afex AFEX! AAFFEEXX!! Dutch KwestKwest Boxstarz 27 Snafu jesus fucking christ. awesome post.
  13. i would be in the mid 500-Pounds-range if burgers were that cheap!
  14. so wait, i think i missed the point... was Nick Sitko gonna fight Jay Leno?
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