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Everything posted by Butter_Milkshake

  1. Butter_Milkshake


    Anybody remember the game hyper blade? that shit was crazy also
  2. http://www.myspace.com/linnymarypimenta heres there myspace
  3. Looks cool, but what does it say? :confused: Action
  4. If you ever visit a friend/bitch at a college..take alot of toilet paper from the bathroom for your place. You can also get free cleaning supplies and shit like that. Alot of grocery stores get fresh bread delivered around 5 am. I'll leave it at that.
  5. If you are an alcoholic and need to drink every night... Be active Ride a bike Run Do pushups etc.. IF you cant sleep.... Buy some melatonin... Its great to wake up without a hang over.. Start the next day early and go from there and be productive.. This is the most efficient way to cut down on drinkin Also...talk to strangers and get the jist of what peopl are like..You can tell who's phon and who real.. Make eye contact with people when you speak to them, good for jobs. Dont buy coffee at starbucks, buy a thing of maxwell house or chockfull of nuts... Set two alarms in The morning, For instance one for 8:30 and one for 9:15....Wake up at 8:30 and lay in bed till 9:15. Dont eat shitty food, the expensive shit is worth it. stay away from fast food. If you are unemployed and cant find shit to do go outside and explore shit..GO places you have never been..it's better than wasting time inside and having that become a routine Be posiitive.. about everything..
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