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Everything posted by idontcareandimnotsorry

  1. Oh god, is that what that is? i've passed by the flick a few times already and couldn't tell what it was. Really gross, but kinda cool at the same time.
  2. http://www.hotchickswithdouchebags.com/ This website is really amusing. Some guy goes off on rants about douchebags with hot chicks. It's kinda similar to http://www.cameltoe.org but not quite. The archives are better than the recent posts.
  3. you come home from work fiending for an 8ball?
  4. i think "douche" is french for the word "wash"
  5. :lol: Mero's internet fan base <3
  6. "Whatever gets you through the night, it's alright."
  7. this thread looks like a mexican restaurant with all those Tacoes!
  8. hasta cuando?! :lol: espero que la navidad te dejo frio y solo.
  9. Damn, that's Ashy Larry's little sister.
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