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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. True. Had nice letters as well. TPBM thinks that's the shit that gets you to sleep at night when you're white picket fenced.
  2. Trying to find some old USB sticks and blast brickslayers. Might wait 'till mornin' when it's smarter.
  3. False. But, tell me more. TPBM thinks VFOR is on a bender.
  4. Dear Red, Thankyou for pointing out who is driving the van. Cheers, tP Dear laminating machine, I do not understand your cold function, is it magnets? Because magnets work. You don't. I think cold lamination might be a conspiracy. Please confirm. Cheers, protestOner
  5. I'm not much of a revenge guy, but there's plenty of crafty minds on here that have done things to shared house occupants.
  6. Or shit in her bed, it ain't chips to P.
  7. 21 is a fair compromise. If she gets extra snippy, just let her know you will need to split the electricity bill unevenly to account for the extra usage. The difference of three degrees would be needing a lot more power to maintain, especially if it's hot outside.
  8. Dear dear _____ thread, Please take nonsense to PM, and allow this thread to be as it were intended. Cheers, teePea Dear EmployeeA, I'm sure you're going to have some amazingly fanciful stories about me when I sack you this morning, I just hope, for your sake, I don't have to bring out the camera footage of you stealing from me. I'm not even going to bring it up, unless you try to have a go at me. Cheers, YourBoss
  9. False. If I want to see boobs on the internet, apparently it's pretty easy. TPBM just ran out of ink.
  10. True. It's nearly 8 degrees and it's not even 7am. TPBM know's HOW to do it, they just don't WANT to do it.
  11. It's starting to appear that way. TPBM uses yellow envelopes.
  12. http://garfieldminusgarfield.net/
  13. Snitch banned, seriously people, if you see shit like that let one of us know - we're not ignoring, just didn't see it 'till now.
  14. Dear fridgey, You promised you'd be here every day since Friday. It's now Tuesday, nearly 3pm. I'm starting to get pissed. I spent $124K with you in the last FY. I think I deserve a down tools response. Cheers, thepro
  15. Kind of watched Bob's Burgers at lunch. Ep where they hang anus paintings around the store. S'ok I guess? Zone out material. Didn't hate Daria, that's going back some years. Late nineties st
  16. @NG: There's only a handful of crew on here that I wouldn't be worried about them turning to prescription treatment. Red is one of them.
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