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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Having coached junior sport for the last ten years, I can almost guarantee that's the first time the parents have actually seen the kids row. I had a steamed up parent actually grip my shirt because I left his daughter off for the last three minutes of the game. He just started berating me (we weren't going to lose, the weaker kids got some court time) - after a minute or so I stopped him, introduced myself, and asked who he was. Coached his daughter for two seasons, and I meet him in the grand final of the second season. World's Best Dad Coffee Mug
  2. Quick tip, don't buy your kid something with EVIL written on the front and not expect it to be a bit fucked up http://youtu.be/POCngEpkOLI DAYTON PEOPLE
  3. Worth the click http://youtu.be/XDvMBPZ5Bik
  4. If you knew it was going to be heavy, why did you keep filling it up until you couldn't lift it? Have you been checked out?
  5. He looked like a Yugoslavian lesbian when he was younger, so I'm not surprised. Dude has to be pushing 50.
  6. Listening to Illmatic in eager anticipation of gripping tickets on Monday.
  7. I was typing that for so long I missed the update. Killer meds, I would demolish that right about nao.
  8. Update Meds. Kunzia Boxteri GROW
  9. A week will contain a year of seasons. Chaos.
  10. You not down with the fine young camel scene?
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