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Everything posted by first_down

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/Dash-Snow-Sacer-Irak-Original-Signed-Photo-pink-gun_W0QQitemZ250466345605QQcmdZViewItemQQptZArt_Photo_Images?hash=item3a50f52285&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1205|293%3A1|294%3A50 Cheeky cunts.
  2. duh duh, duh duh duh, duh duh duh duh ENGLAND!
  3. I thought I lost my testicles one night, when I got home I realised they were still in my bag! I was stoked.
  4. Re: ive been kind of obsessed with the idea of mountaineering lately.... When I read 'Rock Gym' I instantly thought of people on jogging machines playing electric guitars. *thumbs up*
  5. Re: ive been kind of obsessed with the idea of mountaineering lately.... You should try and get sponsored or something (if you really want to do it). Good shit.
  6. My pop's has been a mechanic for 30 years. Trust me, you've had a lucky escape. Take 5, you deserve it.
  7. I've always sort of wanted to live out my days on farm y'know. Eating food that I'd grown, raised and slaughtered. Working hard and getting out of the competition that's part of city living. I could brew my own beer make my own crack, shit would be sweet.
  8. There was a story over here last year where one of these trials went wrong. One kid lost all his fingers and toes and I think someone died. Statisticly that very unlikely though. *edit http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4808836.stm
  9. So if we're too nice we get the sack. If we hit them we get the sack. So what if I combo two kicks to the kidneys and then finish off with a kiss on the neck? - this gonna see me straight OR in the middle of the street with my ripped up clothes flying out the window like chunky multi-coloured snow flakes that smell of b.o?
  10. I did a shit that was green a while back. Seriously.
  11. You seriously need to grow some balls dude. Unless the dude's rollin like Stephen Hawking he's seriously going to cut your dick off and stuff it up your nose. To be honest, I'd say you deserve it.
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