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Posts posted by Tails0nE

  1. Also, interesting development with the glizzy juice..


    So I gave that Chicago Dog rye to a friend of mine who works in the super high end bar on the floor I work.. she thought it was cool and was surprisingly impressed how I came about it.. she's been messing with it here and there and made this drink using the infused rye, mezcal, demerara, gum syrup, I think lemon or grapefruit juice and it was surprisingly decent.. but THEN, she added like half an ounce of this rum which was wild on its own.. it basically gave it that charred taste like it was fresh off rhe gril.. Definitely interesting indeed..


    Talking with her and another coworker I'm gonna hit the drawing board again but this time actually measure out the ingredients instead of eyeballing everything.. maybe no onions or very light onions, more glizzy, also my other coworker gave me a great idea of making a tincture with the sports peppers.. she thought the spiciness of the sports peppers took over everything else but making it into a tincture you could basically use it like bitters and add as much or as little as you'd like.. also was given the idea to use the infused booze to make an old fashioned instead of a whiskey sour and use the sports pepper tincture as the bitters part..


    So yeah... might fuck around and find out again.. 🤷🏽‍♂️






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  2. @SMdoubleXL happy birthday!!! I know I'm late af about it I've been stressing with this god damn move.. but I hope you had a good one and your s.o at least made it up to you some how.. if not, the oontz always has your back.. to many more rotations around the sun, this one's for you 🙏🏼🍻 





    This is green chartreuse by the way, not hot dog water I promise..

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  3. Picked up an opening shift last second yesterday so its yet another 13 hour day today.. just finished my garnishes, now time to chill and collect this coin..




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  4. Really gotta start giving myself alot more credit for what I've done instead of downing myself so much..


    Bought my own car barely a month ago, cashed out no payments no nothing.. just deposited a move in fee for my own apartment this morning, move in June 1st...


    Life ends up working itself out after all... 🙏🏼

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  5. 4 minutes ago, LUGR said:


    I bet all the chicks you talk to want to fuck after hearing that buttery ass voice of yours.


    Lol it has worked in my favor before I'll admit.. but nah I can't get into all that messy shit.. shorty that smashed the coworkers just smashed some dude a couple weeks ago who has a girl, she found out, and broke up with dude so now everyone especially my ex is labeling her as a homewrecker.. granted this broad "hates me" but I am not trying to get involved with any of that fucking mess at all and make her hate me even more..


    Besides I have an apartment lined up I'm trying to deposit this move in fee for so fuck all that noise.. gotta focus...

  6. Totally think this dish pit lady wants to fuck.. Ecuadorian chick, nice ass but straight butterface.. my other coworker definitely wants to fuck but she's already smashed like 4 people here.. especially with my ex still working here, even tho she says she hates me yet is always the first one to view my stories on ig, I am NOT trying to deal with the mess that comes with that especially with shorty who's already been ran through let alone be another notch on her belt.. temptation is a mother fucker..


    Focus my man, focus... you got this my dude.. 

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  7. @mr.yuck hope you feel better my dude.. that was me yesterday after eating at hooters with a buddy of mine.. fucking awful...



    Im sitting here in the basement at work for a minute because ive legit been the only one on the floor taking orders for both regular service and a 40 person party.. even my manager told me to slow down on orders cause these other nerds need to do their part so i said fuck it ill do you one better, ill be back in a minute.. 🤷🏽‍♂️

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  8. @LUGR actually yeah I talked about it with my coworkers and they all had a similar reaction, intrigued yet grossed out lol the other bartenders were curious how it would work out then a lil disgusted when i talked about the process.. the one chef was getting real in depth with me about it and how to make it better.. I showed my one homie the video and he had some friends at the bar who were curious and intrigued about it so we talked about it for a bit..


    Overall everyone who wasn't a bartender was completely disgusted, the rest were intrigued and curious just not as grossed out.. chef tho on the other hand was super down to fuck around and find out lol

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  9. Much appreciated everyone.. twas a fun yet disgusting experiment to say the least.. I'm glad it was just as entertaining for yall as it was for me to make and drink this wild ass cocktail.. ironically enough it really didn't take much to throw these videos together.. who knows "fuck around and find out" might return for a second season 🤷🏽‍♂️


    Also shout out Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass for the sick background music..

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  10. 2 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

    @Tails0nEthe 1st infusion was drawing all the glizzy ingredients through the whiskey to infuse their flavors.  The 2nd infusion is nitro to chill it, but they claim the nitro also brings out notes of the glizzy and associated ingredients.  Since you're not using nitro better to just leave it in the fridge and not freeze/thaw it.



    Yeah something about the extreme cold from the nitro brings out alot of flavor for some reason.. I don't have nearly any of the resources let alone patience to deal with all that tho lol so I figured meh freezer would work best I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️ talking with the chef at work he said with it freezing the way it did once it thaws there would be more flavor coming through cause of some molecules breaking down or something...? Idk.. but speaking of which..





    Letting it strain as we speak..

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  11. @LUGR i froze it mainly because buddy said he used liquid nitrogen to infuse the flavors.. I guess there's something with the extreme cold pulling more flavors out than just letting it sit and do it's thing normally so I figured, "hmm.. not buying that shit.. my freezer is cold tho.. 🤷🏽‍♂️" i guess he had everything strain through all the ingridients like 5 or 6 times over the course of a few hours so im sure me letting it sit isnt the same thing.. didn't expect all the water from the tomatoes and what not to freeze over but hey, trial and error..


    Now letting it sit in the fridge I'm sure it'll do it's thing by the time I get home tonight.. definitely coming out alot more janky than I thought to be honest lol but it's for science and for teh 00ntz so fuck it..

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  12. @LUGR to be honest not too sure.. part of me wants it to marinade a bit more, part of me is anxious and really wants to try it already lol I just came back from the store and got some lemon juice so I might possibly fuck around after closing the bar tonight just to see what's going on.. it'll be late, but with my #sleepproblemz I'm sure I'll be wide awake by the time I make it home..


    Also just checked on it, it's now more so frozen as fuck lol so I'm gonna let it sit in the fridge for the day, take it out when I get home and strain it through a couple coffee filters to catch the poppy seeds and what not..

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  13. 13 hours ago, LUGR said:

    man, that looks a bit sketch for a cocktail. as a soup it looks okay. how many glizzies are soaking in that?



    Yeah definitely missed the color accuracy on this one.. but I only put two cooked glizzies in there along with everything else I just chopped up and tossed in.. also dudes recipe had mustard powder instead of regular mustard so I thought maybe half a tablespoon would work.. curious if that's what's giving it that murkiness, then again I'm sure everything is contributing to this putrid green color.. still doesn't smell bad tho 🤷🏽‍♂️

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  14. @LUGR so, I made that video and did the thing on friday.. so i guess that makes this day two of sitting in the freezer..? Either way it doesnt have the "neon green" color it said in the article but more so this, idk, gross green look.. the onions and everything are frozen but the booze is still moving around so since I just got home like 10 minutes ago I put it in the fridge for the condiments to thaw a bit more then back in the freezer overnight.. I'll get some lemon juice and stuff one of these days before work to make this whiskey sour soon and see how good or gross this might turn out.. 🤷🏽‍♂️



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