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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. Had to bump this to the next page... Oink in Action... Good hand too...
  2. ^^Beast. You went out and did it... and it worked! Thank you for making my day better. /nosarcasm.
  3. Bix brand is the only thing I know of... Good luck with that... I think I know what you are trying, but I have never tried it. Also... be wary, but try this Thread. AND READ THE FIRST 3 and the LAST 3 Pages before asking any questions. It's polite to do that before asking something that might already be on the first or last 3 pages.
  4. If you live in a city, look for a office supply store. British cities are not that different than major America cites. They have them. Go Manchester United!
  5. ^^this is all you had to say. Hell yeah!
  6. I would like to REQUEST your reason for this information? What the fuck do you NEED to know that you already don't. NOTHING IS UNBUFFABLE.
  7. ^^ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?? Do you expect the world to get served to you a golden platter? It's fucking Oink. He's a bro yes, but he is also a guy, not a kid, that is working super hard to make a quality product available and then basically hangs out and answers questions for free on how to better your own ink without buying from him. That's awesome and you are disappointed?? Don't be that person. The [actual]information in this thread alone is worth so much and you get it for free. Your comment sounds like some shit that SNutz would say to someone that hooked him up. If I had a red button to delete this thread and many others... I am already pushing the desk as though it was under my finger. So much good history and usable info and a lot of undeserving people. I am disappointed.
  8. Am I going to go directly to jail for looking at all this? Seriously... Double Bubble here looks a little young.
  9. You need to not tell people how to live their lives. Especially over the internerd.
  10. Well... The search is over my good man. All you need to do is find a crappy old arts and crafts store. I would like to think that every developed county has at least 2 of them. Go to said store and look for these: You can ask for "plastic squeeze bottles" or look for the fabric paint section. They sell these with the puffy paint. Thats 8oz, 4oz, and 2oz bottles. You can put... ANYTHING YOU WANT inside of these bottles. I suggest mixing your ink/paint recipes in these and then its mad easy to fill your markers. But, you can also put straight bucket paint in them and squeeze out your name on the ground, the wall, your friends while they are asleep... the list goes on. BUT... that small guy. The 2oz bottle. I got one in my pocket right now with plain bucket paint(acrylic outdoor house paint). I can do the same shit as the white out pen, only with thicker lines, drips if I want em, and the ground. I use the acrylic outdoor bucket paint because it will start to set in 15mins and dry in less than an hour in the sun. Plus... You made it your self. THESE THINGS ARE CHEAP! The 2oz bottles go for 65cents around my way. Good luck suckers! Love, -ASDF_VA! EDIT: The 2oz that I use have an actual screw on cap that goes over the nozzle tip. It looks just like the mini mops that I posted a while back from my stash. And mine might actually be 1oz. Also these are WAY harder to use correctly because you control the flow the whole time. So its easy to flood the line. Just gotta practice.
  11. So get one. Pull that shit out and try it. What if told you it didn't work, but really it was a dope ass mod? Some of this stuff should never get asked. You could ask... "Any of you incredibly tight dudes every pull out the metal shit to get fatter lines?" Nope. Instead you post... "I ain't got one, but seriously... can you pull that metal shit out to get fatter lines?" My answer is still Nope. But you only know that it doesn't work because I told you that you can't. So you really DON'T know. You just know what I told you. Do you want fatter lines, in the same application type??? I know the correct answer. I know what to do, and I do it all the time. I will fill you in later tomorrow. Right now... I just saw the most incredible episode of LOST and I am totally beat from living vicariously through fictional characters. Good night all.
  12. ^^he's got ya there. You are correct sir. The mop ideal is that you can put out a lot of ink/paint in your lines, thus the drips. Markers mark the surface. Mops... Mop the surface.
  13. Just try it out with a little of each and see how it works. "Hey guys... do you wipe your ass first and then shit...?" Just try it out. What if we told you NO, but it was the BEST combo ever! If you haven't bought them yet or don't have them... Why are you asking?
  14. ^^another satisfied customer!
  15. Good questions... I don't know the answer. But I do put all three into my Oink. I just tap some(idk like a half a teaspoon) of each into a empty mop, then I fill it with Oink and Black DED indoorsman and shake. Works amazing!
  16. Just keep what it has in it. Especially if it is "White Out" brand. That stuff holds up really well on the buff tip. But the tags you will be doing with this are going to be small. It's not easy to use, and doesn't cover a lot of area. You can also refill them with paint, yes.
  17. In response to Big Sperms first post... ^^totally. But like I said, it's apples and oranges.
  18. Don't get the BIC brand though... Totally pushed the ball point ball into the pen the other day. I was so bummed. The other brands I have used are all fine. This was the first time I had seen this happen, and the first time using the BIC brand pen.
  19. ^^I'm not really feeling it that much... But they say time heals all wounds right?
  20. Oh and since you posted it... Bump that Brooknam flick! EYE NEKST And that EMIT(one of the first people to really get that "maelstrom" effect perfect in the mid 90's)!
  21. ^^oh I know. I saw you dissing everything on that wall like it was troll wars under the bridge of despair. I've seen it. And like I said, blurry flick... Not really that great, but good attempt. Really. You almost had it, and thats a stupid hard fill to get right. Sometimes this thread can slow down to a halt for while, but it's ok. A lot of us would prefer to not have flicks from around the world and instead wait for some new or classic VA shit. There are plenty of threads on here with lot's of flicks. Keep at it, and chill out. Internet talk is just talk. ------ ALSO ------ Dyke... I saw a 3 color Dyke straight letter on a wall facing a busy street and it looked cleaner and more solid than his legal/bridge pieces. Actually it was cleaner, and more solid than a lot of shit around town. Stoked. /nosarcasm
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