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Stereotype V.0002

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Everything posted by Stereotype V.0002

  1. Bin Laden doesnt and didnt give a fuck that we nuked japanese infidels 60 years ago, the average jihadi has never heard of the various coups the cia was behind during the cold war or any other 30-60 year old action you can name that people here get a hard on for, nor would they care (if they didnt memorize a book they don't understand and actually got a real education). They dont give a shit that we "occupied muslim lands" pre 9/11 by keeping a small number of troops in saudi isolated from the population.... their actions have always been designed to provoke an American occupation of muslim countries so they can directly attack us whenever they want, that was the purpose behind 9/11. I doubt osama was angry that we are taking their oil, since our money is where bin laden ultimately got his cash and he would be dirt poor fucking donkeys if it wasn't for the insane amount of cash we have pumped into his country for oil. If al qaeda was actually concerned about our support for Israel (outside of their propaganda tapes), why have they never attacked any actual Israeli target? So, to answer your question, no I dont think Osama and company was reading howard zinn's book one day in sudan and got all angry and thats why they bombed the world trade center. They are extremely stupid and insane, and have a variety of insane reasons they think justifies their actions, most of which don't revolve around the infidels killing other infidels before they were born.
  2. And just to let you guys know I'm not trying to start an argument that teh govtz really didn't create AIDS, or that 9/11 wasn't really totally justified because our grandparents/great grandparents killed a quarter million people 60 years ago instead of killing an estimated 7 million with a ground invasion, since most 12ozers probably agree with these things.
  3. The quote my rotting liver posted is the clip the media played over and over, usually excluding the part where he says that 911 was really "the chickens coming home to roost." Various complete truths like this gem “The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color!” havent been getting as much air time, for some reason. OBAMA FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Other campaigns have ended for lesser things. He is publicly condemning the comments, right on, but then that raises the question of why he sat through this guy's sermons for 20 years if he so strongly disagrees. When this all first happened, obama made the rounds to the various cable news shows denying ever hearing anything like this before, in 20 years of listening to this guy's sermons. He either attended this church to score political browny points with the people of chicago (when they were important to his political career), or he agrees that ameriKKKa was behind the AIDS shenanigans and 911 was our just comeuppance. Pretending he didn't know it was going on, and didn't agree with it but stayed there anyway, doesn't make any sense...but luckily for him he has some smart people working for his campaign, and the media loves him, so he doesn't have to answer those questions now.
  5. Whatever speech writer he has that wrote this thing is a fucking genius too....this WAS a campaign ending catastrophe for him, that they managed to turn into a race issue, and then make him come out of it stronger than before. The fact that this guy officiated his marriage, baptized his kids, has a position in his campaign as an adviser, and spoke to him every week for 20 years....and then obama denied ever hearing any controversial remarks from him...is already forgotten. He deserves to be president now just based off of that maneuvering, he is putting the kennedys to shame. Even though my family came here in the 30s-40s, I am feeling pretty responsible for slavery and stuff right now after watching that speech.
  6. Its weird how wearing an American flag lapel is a cheap expression of patriotism, but when you are trying to explain why your pastor/"mentor" thinks AIDS is a govt conspiracy its cool to surround yourself with as many flags as you can possibly cram onto the stage.
  7. How about just making a responsible choice? It isn’t rocket science to realize what an unfixed interest rate is, that a loan is way out of your means to repay in this century, or that if you make 60k a year, a 500k house is too expensive. If I go to vegas for the weekend and blow a hundred grand, do you blame the casinos for encouraging me to gamble and not stopping me when I’ve lost too much? or do you blame me for being an stupid irresponsible jackass (who really thought he was going to win it all back in the next hand)? This is a rhetorical question because to me the obvious answer is that people are responsible for the decisions they make and nobody else. Also, I don’t really look at this as you are either with "people”, or you are with the CORPORATIONS, who are presumably a group of robots from the future bent on destroying mankind through their skynet.
  8. The days of the FBI being the attack dog of the executive branch ended when J Edgar Hoover put on his prettiest little red dress and walked out of the building. Greg Palast is a clown in general, but I cant tell if hes trying to blame all of this on bush because bush is a convenient universally hated bad guy.....or if he really thinks everything that happens in the world is a bush led conspiracy. The article tries to portray spitzer as some sort of hero standing up against the evil genius dubya, who just happened to like getting some high priced pussy on the side. Maybe the hooker was secretly working for bush! Spitzer got caught because he made large transactions (of campaign money, not his own as the article says) to a company that doesn’t understand how to launder money, which the financial crimes enforcement network is going to automatically pick up on. On top o that he thought he could get away with it in the public eye too.....all in all he is a total fucking moron......this type of personal shit for people in his position is exactly how foreign govts manipulate/blackmail people into working for them. This is the funniest part of the article, unless he was being sarcastic which I dont think he was. Its not their fault they bought a mcmansion costing 3-4 times their household income......then/or got an unfixed interest rate on a loan they couldn’t afford and didn’t realize/give a shit that “unfixed” means it could possibly increase payments. No more personal accountability these days. And fuck these people for this stupid trend they are buying into, getting a 10 billion sq ft particle board piece of shit monstrosity, built over some of the last remaining pockets of woods in some parts of the country, just for the sake of having a big house. It is a status symbol, these are the same douchebags that buy massive SUVs for the treacherous 10 minute odyssey to the supermarket and work everyday.
  9. For resolving the conflict I am not too optimistic for the near future, but I agree with most of this... Things I disagree on are the outside influence of various regimes on various terrorist groups, while they might be very strong when it comes to increasing hostilities especially when they are giving military aid, they might not have that much pull in moving hamas or any group towards a peaceful approach. The hezbollah iran relationship is different though. Even if hamas does renounce violence its not like there wont still be groups trying to blow themselves up in super markets. I don't think the prisoner swap is a good idea because unfortunately it seems unlikely the soldiers are still alive, so like what has happened in the past they will end up putting a collective of centuries of years of terrorist knowhow and experience back on the scene, in exchange for bodies. IMO the only way there can be a peaceful solution, which is probably a long ways off, is two states. It seems unlikely now but I would guess that many of the settlements in the westbank will end up abandoned and the golan heights MIGHT go back to syria, and there will be tall concrete walls topped with concertina wire separating both sides (like you can find in belfast) for many years. Palestinians have "the jews are evil" propaganda shoved down their throats from birth, they get it from their parents, in school, on tv, everywhere. I don't know if its even feasible to try to change their opinions, but a start would be putting an israeli face on the massive amount of aid it gives to the palestinian authority, and do the humanitarian stuff that has made hamas popular...like what the US mil calls "medcaps" (I think israel already does a lot of medical stuff for palestinians but I don't think its exclusive), giving loans to people trying to set up small businesses or take care of their farms and making a big show of it, that type of stuff. Add to this a big push to make "palestine" more prosperous, I am a fan of the theory that economic development destroys the popular support of terrorists....if their lives are greatly improved the terrorists' rhetoric will be exposed for the bullshit it is, and without the support of the public what is happening to al qaeda in iraq right now happens to them.
  10. ^ I was going to say...with all the emphasis of prisoners being beaten on their way to an israeli prison, assuming thats even factual that sure as fuck beats getting killed within the first 24 hours (if you're lucky), or getting a combination of torture and rape for months and years in some guys basement. Dawood, with the same mentality israelis can also write overly dramatic pieces of propaganda (although they will never come close to the power of the palestinian propaganda machine) justifying the military response to terrorist attacks, and it goes on and on. In case you don't know, the people launching rockets and blowing themselves up and shooting civilians aren't doing so because they want to make life better for palestinians..... they know they have no chance of eventually defeating israel using these tactics, and they know all they are doing is creating a continual state of war and shittiness for everyone. Thats the point. The purpose of people launching rockets from a densely populated area is to force the israelis to respond, which will result in palestinian civilians killed. The purpose of suicide bombings is forcing the Israelis to try and prevent them... which they can only do by trying to stop them from getting into israel, which means pretty draconian measures like separating the palestinian communities, checkpoints to try to intercept suicide bombers, not allowing some people into israel at all, killing the leaders of groups (who make a point of surrounding themselves with children for exactly this reason, not just in palestine but everywhere in the middle east), etc. So then they can point at the alienation of palestinians and say "here is proof that the jews are evil, so you should go kill them." If this is just racism or something from the evil jews, how do you explain the 20% or so of the Israeli population that are arabs and live there without problems?
  11. I meant that the force ratio isn't so simple as the Israelis having more conventional power = they have the upper hand, I wasn't referring to the actions and motivations of either side as simple which I also don't think is simple. I'm not sure if the israelis would be using suicide bombings specifically, but they bloodied the brits when they were the insurgents fighting for their country. But I really would doubt there would be any israelis left alive in the first place to fight an insurgency if hamas had israel's military capabilities, maybe your opinion differs. I am probably misunderstanding you, I was responding to you saying that "most pro israelis refuse to acknowledge" the lack of symmetry.... I am sure the majority do. Israel is definitely the one with the overwhelming conventional military power, more bombs, planes, infantry, better training, arty, etc etc. A lack of symmetry is part of a terrorist/insurgent group attacking a country/govt/army or whatever, thats why they call it asymmetric warfare. My point is in any sort of counter insurgency a massive conventional military is more of a hindrance than an advantage. A large slow target that has few (if any) opportunities to go after the enemy....by its nature they are always responding to something, while the other side is smaller and much more flexible, agile, and able to do what they want. Israel can kill more people than hamas can and often do when provoked into fighting them, but that is to hamas' benefit more than israel's, christo's post summed it up. In that sense (unless they want to adopt the soviet "kill everyone and send the rest to siberia" counterinsurgency tactics) they are at a disadvantage in the long run. If you want an example of this, look at how long the Israelis have been unable to put down the insurgency despite their overwhelming military power.
  12. I dont mean hes intentionally trivializing their deaths by posting the numbers like they are the score of a game, but thats exactly what it does. He is detached from reality because he doesn't get that, and apparently he doesnt get that they are more than numbers you can use to win an interweb argument. It is probably a minority who thinks that, Israel clearly has military superiority in a conventional sense. It isn't a conventional war so it isnt that simple, the Israelis don't have a large monolithic entity they can attack at their leisure and then disappear back into the populace. I'm not blindly defending israel because they arent free from blame in all of this, but if the military roles were reversed and hamas was in control of the airpower and nuclear weapons, do you think there would be any israelis left alive? Compared to the other side who's first automatic reaction is to downplay or deny all israeli casualties. You are right, douchebaggery abounds.
  13. Second senior Farc rebel 'killed' Senior Farc commander Raul Reyes, file picture Raul Reyes was killed in combat on Saturday The Colombian security forces say they have killed another senior member of the Farc rebel group. The reported death of Ivan Rios is the second blow to the left-wing guerrilla group in less than a week. Last Saturday another top commander, Raul Reyes, was killed by troops in a raid just inside Ecuador. He was the first member of the Farc's ruling secretariat to die in combat. The killing triggered a diplomatic row, with Ecuador denouncing the incursion. Mr Rios was killed in a mountainous area of the western province of Caldas, military sources say. The death came as Latin American leaders exchanged accusations at a regional summit over Saturday's cross-border raid. Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa attacked Colombian "aggression". His Colombian counterpart, Alvaro Uribe, defended the operation, saying he had not informed the Ecuadoreans in advance because they had not co-operated in the past in the fight against the Farc. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7284222.stm
  14. If he gets extradited he will probably do 15 years or so in pelican bay or adx florence. Thats a big IF though. I imagine he has his finances in order where he won't lose much more than he already has.
  15. Maybe its just me but whenever someone posts up the tally of the dead like it is the score of a game, I immediately think "DOUCHEBAG". It trivializes the deaths on both sides, and shows how detached from reality you are. What is your point, that if one side has less dead people that number is less important or not significant? When you basically show you dont give a fuck about the dead civilians on one side, your moral outrage for the deaths on the other side seems very ridiculous. I guess admitting its a fucked up situation all around, for everyone, is just too far of a leap for some folks.
  16. And according the reuters hamas has claimed responsibility now. http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSL0528436620080307?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews
  17. I dont have to tell you the various never heard of before or after terrorist groups, created by aleady established groups, that take responsibility for some attacks...that is where my money is. Hamas has carried out suicide shooting type attacks before as well. Also, this guy apparently was disguised as a student, and either knew the security precautions well enough to smuggle an AK and pistol through, or had one planted there ahead of time. That doesn't jive with the lone gunmen theory which would probably be more of a spur of the moment thing, but I don't know in any case thats just speculation.
  18. Viktor Bout attempts to sell weapons to FARC, fails. http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2008/03/07/003.html
  19. I posted this link already. There is literally nothing there except the same wishy washy rhetoric that says nothing. And his promise to "secure all loose nuclear material in the world in 4 years" shows how clueless he is. Again, I also posted this. This is what I was talking about when I said he wants to put "more pressure" on iran when he is angling for votes from the jewish community, and back when he is in front of his target audience he wants to "stop george bush's illegal aggression against iran." Assad goes further than simply managing the infil of sunni terrorists into iraq. Bush's "saber rattling" didnt accomplish much I would agree, but what do you think "peaceful negotiation" will accomplish? For that matter, what does that even mean? Does that mean we completely take the military option off the table and allow them to continue to kill Americans? Are we going to offer lebanon to them? Does he think he is going to solve all of our problems with Syria because he has an upbeat message and is more friendly than bush? I cant tell if you are dismissing what i say because thats easier than answering the questions, but if you actually believe these are "smaller diplomatic issues" that explains why they dont really matter to you. Anyway all of the candidates have the same vague rhetoric....clinton isnt all that much better than obama but she has a real voting record I can look at, as does mccain, and even mccain's policy page on his website offers a few specifics. I think ron paul's policies are pretty clear too. Really dude? Give me any issue and I'll explain how it will piss off muslims in general or the saudis specifically (while he claims he will bring back the good reputation of america with the muslim world.) Anything the US does in the middle east offends muslims first of all, and any action we take against sudan to stop them from massacring people will also really piss off muslims world wide. So obama can choose between his promise to bring back america's good reputation and reach out to muslims, or stop genocide. Any measures we take to get on Iran's good side, any diplomatic olive branches we offer, any allowances of Iran to further establish themselves in iraq, and we are pissing off the saudis. Iran is a major threat to them and they dont like Iran's growing power and influence, as do many of the gulf states, and they really dont like the prospect of bordering them in a few years and watching their sunni bretheren in iraq get exterminated. Vaguely saying "diplomacy will resolve these concerns" says nothing to me... but I would say that stopping genocide clearly outweighs the repercussions of angering the perpetually angry, and since the Iranians will never be receptive to becoming our friends and stop supporting their terrorist groups maybe we can just tell them to go fuck themselves, and really go after the people who are killing or have been killing americans. And believe it or not I am not intentionally trying to be a douchebag to you and just argue with you, this is interesting to me because I know so many people who support obama and when I bring up any of this stuff they dont know what the fuck Im talking about. jinqui!
  20. How recent? If you are talking about the one a few years ago, they were su30s vs f16s right? The f35 is on its way to replacing the f16s, so we may still have the jump on them. We have some f22s as well.
  21. It is awesome that you guys really think I am some russian-style secret internet agent. I would be all over that shit, I bet they would give me a makarov PB and let me drive an opel around. I am getting hard thinking about it!
  22. Yes I was being sarcastic. To be specific in case some of us are still confused, the videos from “Islamic Empire” on youtube are NOT factual or reliable or objective, they are (mostly chechen) jihadi propaganda vids. DAO, you will get your sarcasm decoder ring in the mail.
  23. It just showed images and text from "islamic empire", that was complete bs. The actual circumstances of the photos were discussed a few pages back in this thread.
  24. Enough to live pretty comfortably, I would get into specifics but I dont want to embarrass you. How much over minimum do they pay for working the cash register, stacking shelves, carrying drywall?
  25. A sidenote : any video from "Islamic Empire" on youtube is reliable, objective stuff.
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