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Everything posted by vanfullofretards

  1. Faster reps or slower reps? I get more zoned if they're faster reps, especially with the bench
  2. Re: a tranny gave me a blowjob last night wait wait wait You just said your friend calls the guys he gives blowjobs to "straight dudes". Then you call yourself a "straight dude".
  3. This thread hasn't even been up for 24 hours and its already at 20 pages? fuck. And yeah, i'm pretty creeped out with this discussion.
  4. I agree, or any marsupial for that matter
  5. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Quit tagging your room! I'm just testin my paint bitch!
  6. Action/adventure I guess? I dont care.. I'll look into whatever is suggested. Thanks!
  7. I'd agree with that, but I've never had my lats get sore... so i dont know... Also... should I work my shoulders on my chest/tri's day or back/biceps day? Mad boring questions B. Saw some guy bench 580 at the gym... but he only went half way while another person put a block of wood between him and the bar.
  8. I've fell off on my reading habits, but I want to get back in.. So what's a good fiction novel I can get hooked on and can read within a week or two?
  9. Is it alright to workout my legs if they're still sore from a couple days ago?? Aaaand.. are you still getting anything out of a particular exercise if your muscles aren't sore the next day?
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Anyone got the link to the whole vid of chick punch? Epic amount of props for it.......................................................................................................................................................^8000th
  11. I was told if you do squats on the smith machine you're suppose to have your heels where your toes would be if your standing straight up. In other words, have your feet more forward than anything else, once you have the weight unlatched, so you're kind of leaning back against the bar. Everything else you do the same.
  12. AOD.. whats your opinion of squats on the smith machine?
  13. That all looks good too me, I'd do 5 sets of each, but that's just me. And don't stop at 10 if its not a struggle. Your last set should be 15-20 reps of lower weight, but your second-to-last set should be your heaviest weight of around 6 reps. But like I said, that's just how I do it. You'll hear a million different things. Go to Vitamin world or GNC or even walmart and get some whey protein and fish oil. Get in the habit of drinking two scoops of whey right after you work out, one scoop when you wake up and one before you go to bed. Start eating more meat. Switch to whole grain breads and pasta (NOT wheat). And get some multivitamins. Switch out your leg press to squats, you'll hate them at first but you'll get a lot more out of them and you'll have to lower your weight when you switch. Look up Rippetoe squats on youtube for good form. Don't rely so much on machines.
  14. How many sets, reps do you do? What exercises?
  15. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Christina Model. And that cowbell girl is blind.
  16. Take a shower right before your shave your junk, or anything really. And if you're using an electric trimmer, make sure you have extra batteries.
  17. New dumbbells at the gym seem heavier. BTW - Thanks AOD... really appreciate it. Honestly. I just don't see myself jumping into all brand new exercises though.. I like to ease into a new exercise one at a time :D hahah.. I guess I was just looking for a way to reorganize what I was already doing.
  18. I think I need to break up my workouts differently... but I dont know how Right now I work out my back (DL's, pull-ups/lat pulldown, shrugs) then day 2 (hack squat or just squats, standing calf raise, quad extension) then day 3 (bench, dumbell/barbell curl, tricep pressdown, arnold shoulder press) So its pretty much Back, legs, then chest/arms. Which works fine but I've been told when I do pullups i should do curls the same day too and I feel the deadlifts work my legs more than my back. SO... any suggestions?
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